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import math
import functools
from .exceptions import NotInDomainError

__all__ = [

def _pre_range(fun):  # for making sure that first argument gets parsed as a Interval
    def inner(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(arg, Interval):
            arg = Interval(arg)
        return fun(self, arg, *args, **kwargs)

    return inner

class Interval(object):
    Interval of real numbers. Immutable.
    __slots__ = ('start', 'stop', 'left_inc', 'right_inc')

    def extend_to_point(self, p):
        Return a minimally extended interval required to grab point p
        :param p: a point, float
        :return: new Interval
        if p in self:
            return self
        elif self.is_empty():
            return Interval(p, p)
            if p <= self.start:
                return Interval(p, self.stop, not math.isinf(p), self.right_inc)
            elif p >= self.stop:
                return Interval(self.start, p, self.left_inc, not math.isinf(p))
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot happen!')

    def __add__(self, other):
        if self.start > other.start:
            return other.__add__(self)

        assert not (self.start > other.start)

        if (self.stop == other.start) and (self.right_inc or other.left_inc):
            return Interval(self.start, other.stop, self.right_inc, other.left_inc)

    def translate(self, x):
        if x == 0:
            return self
            return Interval(self.start + x, self.stop + x, self.left_inc,

    def __fromslice(self, rs):
        start = float('-inf') if rs.start is None else rs.start
        stop = float('+inf') if rs.stop is None else rs.stop
        return start, stop, not math.isinf(start), not math.isinf(stop)

    def __fromrange(self, rs):
        return rs.start, rs.stop, rs.left_inc, rs.right_inc

    def __fromstr(self, rs):
        if rs[0] not in '<(': raise ValueError(
            'Must start with ( or <')
        if rs[-1] not in '>)': raise ValueError('Must end with ) or >')
        if ';' not in rs: raise ValueError('Separator ; required')

        start, stop = rs[1:-1].split(';')
        return float(start), float(stop), rs[0] == '<', rs[-1] == '>'

    def __getargs(self, args):
        if len(args) == 1:
            rs, = args
            if isinstance(rs, Interval):
                args = self.__fromrange(rs)
            elif isinstance(rs, slice):
                args = self.__fromslice(rs)
                args = self.__fromstr(rs)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            a, b = args
            args = a, b, not math.isinf(a), not math.isinf(b)

        return args

    def __init__(self, *args):
        Create like:

        * Interval('<a;b>')
        * Interval(a, b, is_left_closed_, is_right_closed)
        * Interval(a, b) - will have both sides closed, unless one is inf
        * Interval(slice(a, b)) - will have both sides closed, unless one is None

        :param args:
        args = self.__getargs(args)

        def q(a, b, args):
            return args[a] and math.isinf(args[b])

        if q(2, 0, args) or q(3, 1, args):
            raise ValueError('Set with sharp closing but infinity set')

        self.start, self.stop, self.left_inc, self.right_inc = args

    def _contains_point(self, x):
        if x == self.start:
            return self.left_inc

        if x == self.stop:
            return self.right_inc

        return self.start < x < self.stop

    def _contains_interval(self, x):
        if ((x.start == self.start) and (x.left_inc ^ self.left_inc)) \
                or ((x.stop == self.stop) and (x.right_inc ^ self.right_inc)):
            return False

        return (x.start >= self.start) and (x.stop <= self.stop)

    def __contains__(self, x):
        :type x: index or a Interval
        if isinstance(x, str) or isinstance(x, Interval):
            return self._contains_interval(x)
            return self._contains_point(x)

    def is_empty(self):
        return (self.start == self.stop) and not (
            self.left_inc or self.right_inc)

    def length(self):
        return self.stop - self.start

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Interval(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (
            repr(self.start), repr(self.stop), repr(self.left_inc),

    def contains_or_fail(self, p):
        If p is not in this interval, NotInDomainError will be thrown
        :param p: float
        if p not in self:
            raise NotInDomainError(p, self)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if not isinstance(item, slice):
            raise TypeError('must be a slice')

        return self.intersection(Interval(item))

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s%s;%s%s' % (
            '<' if self.left_inc else '(',
            '>' if self.right_inc else ')',

    def intersection(self, y):
        if self.start > y.start:
            return y.intersection(self)

        assert self.start <= y.start

        if ((self.stop < y.start) or (y.stop < y.start)) or (
                self.stop == y.start and not (self.right_inc and y.left_inc)):
            return EMPTY_SET

        # Set up range start
        if self.start == y.start:
            start = self.start
            left_inc = self.left_inc and y.left_inc
            start = y.start
            left_inc = y.left_inc

        # Set up range end
        if self.stop == y.stop:
            stop = self.stop
            right_inc = self.right_inc and y.right_inc
            p, q = (self, y) if self.stop < y.stop else (y, self)
            stop = p.stop
            right_inc = p.right_inc and (stop in q)

        return Interval(start, stop, left_inc, right_inc)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if self.is_empty() and other.is_empty():
            return True

        return self.start == other.start and self.stop == other.stop and self.left_inc == other.left_inc and self.right_inc == other.right_inc

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.start) ^ hash(self.stop)

EMPTY_SET = Interval(0, 0, False, False)
REAL_SET = Interval(float('-inf'), float('+inf'), False, False)