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Test Coverage
# <%= gemCapitalName %>

Small Ruby program generated using

## Setup and install

This is a Ruby program and uses Bundler to ensure dependencies consistency. On your machine navigate to the project root and run:

# If not already installed:
gem install bundler

bundle install

This code is packaged as a Ruby gem, and it should be built and installed running these commands:

gem build <%= gemName %>.gemspec
gem install <%= gemName %>

## Usage

If you followed the above instruction and the gem is installed on the system, you should have the binary file ready to run from your command line.

<%= gemName %> input.txt
<%= gemName %> < input.txt

If you wish to execute without installing, you can by launching this command from the project root directory:

ruby -Ilib bin/<%= gemName %> < input.txt

## Testing

This code is covered with both unit tests and feature tests, using Rspec (testing library classes) and Cucumber/Aruba (testing the actual command line program).

You can launch the test suite by running:

bundle exec rake spec
bundle exec rake features
#launch both:
bundle exec rake

For unit tests, a simple code coverage tool is provided, and you can see the results by opening the generated `coverage` folder.