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Test Coverage
# Explanation of the API:
(mostly a planning document at the moment; see the code for a likely more up-to-date and accurate understanding of the API.)

## Resources:
* Data
    - Allows submission of one or more datapoints via the POST method
    - Only POST and OPTIONS are allowed here; you can't update or retrieve previous data.
* Status
    - Current Date/time
    - Game info
        - Game start datetime
        - Current points
    - Allowed methods: HEAD, GET, OPTIONS

## Authorization Scheme:
Pre-shared strings:
* Team Name
    - The team name, exactly as it appears on the leaderboard, will be used to identify the team whose device is making the request.
* Team secret
    - The hexedecimal key generated by the server upon team registration; This will be used by the API client to sign any requests from the devices for authenticity
    - This will then be used by the server to sign the responses

## Headers:
The "Signature" HTTP header will contain a signature of the request body in requests, and the same header will contain a signature of the response body in responses as described above.