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{% extends "base.html.jinja2" %}
{% block title %}Beacon Schedule{% endblock %}

{% block header %}
    <h4>Beacon Messages</h4>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{{ url_for('admin.beacon_csv') }}">
        Upload CSV<br>
        <a href="" download>CSV Template</a><br>
        <input type="file" name="file" class="btn">
        <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn btn-submit btn-danger">
        <h4>Beacon Message Status Steps:</h4>
            <li><b>Queued</b> - Message is entered to the database</li>
            <li><b>Scheduled</b> - Database entry is read by the beaconserver and a task to transmit the message is scheduled</li>
            <li><b>Missed</b> - Message could not be transmitted and the grace window passed</li>
            <li><b>Transmitting...</b> - Message is <i>presently</i> being transmitted</li>
            <li><b>Transmitted</b> - Message <i>was</i> transmitted by the beacon</li>
        <i>Note that beacon messages cannot be de-commissioned or unscheduled without shutting down the server.</i>
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
{{ super() }}
    <div class="justify-content-md-center container container-fluid text-center">
    {{macros.startbox("Beacon Message Database", "col")}}
    <h4>Scheduled Transmissions</h4>
        (as of {{current_time}})
    <div class="col">
        {{ beacon_table }}

    <div class="col">
    {{macros.startbox("Live Schedule", "col")}}
            Schedule a message now:
        <form method="POST" action="beaconnow" class="form">
            {{ beacon_form.hidden_tag() }}
            {{ wtf.form_errors(beacon_form, hiddens="only") }}

            <i>Leave time as is and use adequate misfire grace period in order to transmit immediately</i>
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.instant) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.message) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.division) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.destination) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.msg_format) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.intensity) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.misfire_grace) }}
            {{ wtf.form_field(beacon_form.submit) }}
{% endblock %}

{% block scripts %}
{{ super() }}
    <script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/js/admin.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}