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{% extends "base.html.jinja2" %}
{% block title %}Client Configuration{% endblock %}

{% block header %}
    <h3>Configuring your code</h4>
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <h4>Please choose one of the following options-</h5>
        <i>Click on an option to download the required file(s)</i>
    <h5>Pre-packaged libraries:</h5>
        This is the <b>recommended option</b>. Just download the library and everything will be preconfigured to let you send data to the server.
    {% if "team_name" not in session %}
        <div class="alert alert-danger">
            <h3>Your team info has expired from your browsing session!</h3>
                <b>These plug-'n-play options will not work for you out of the box.</b>
                Please contact an administrator to delete your records and try registering your team again.
    {% endif %}
        No need to worry about "team secrets" and all of that. This option just works.

            <a href={{ url_for('config.package_circuitpython_lib') }}?nocache={{rand}} download><h6>CircuitPython .ZIP Library</h6></a>
                Choose this option if you are programming with CircuitPython.
                Extract the contents of this file onto the CIRCUITPY drive to get started.
                For more info, see the file in the ZIP file.


    <h5>Constants files:</h5>
    <p><i>(For more advanced users)</i></p>
        This is a file with a few constants specified that allow your code to make your microcontroller communicate with the server properly.
        You would use these constants manually in your code when initializing the API wrapper library you are using (for which you would use a regular release).
        Better instructions are coming soon (maybe)!

            <a href={{ url_for('config.py_file') }}?nocache={{rand}} download=""><h6>Python Constants File</h6></a>
                Choose this option if you are programming in Python (CircuitPython, Micropython, or regular Python).
{% endblock %}