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"""Defines custom column types for flask-table"""

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Any
from flask import render_template_string, url_for
from flask_table import Col, html
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import SelectField, HiddenField, SubmitField, StringField
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from cubeserver_common.models.datapoint import DataClass

__all__ = ["EnumCol", "DropDownEnumCol", "OptionsCol", "ManualScoring"]

def _render_form(
    form: FlaskForm,
    action: str = "table_endpoint",
    form_id: Optional[str] = None,
    form_attributes: List[Tuple[str]] = None,
    auto_submit: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> str:
    """Renders a form into HTML.
    If there is no submit field in the form, any field changes will
    auto-submit the form unless otherwise specified.
    If any weird custom attributes are needed on specific fields, it
    may be easiest to add them client-side with JQuery.
    (see static/js/common.js or add a script to the applicable template)
    # Decide whether or not to auto-submit:
    field_attributes: Mapping[str, str] = {}
    if auto_submit or (  # If not explicitly given, check the form for SubmitFields:
        auto_submit is None
        and not any(isinstance(field, SubmitField) for field in form)
        field_attributes["onchange"] = "this.form.submit()"
    # List of (name, value) HTML attributes for the form:
    attributes = (form_attributes if form_attributes else []) + [
        ("action", action),
        ("method", "POST"),
    if form_id:
        attributes.append(("id", form_id))
    attributes_string = " ".join([f'{key}="{val}"' for key, val in attributes])
    html = f"<form {attributes_string}>"
    html += "\n".join(["\t" + field(**field_attributes) for field in form])
    html += "</form>"
    return html

class EnumCol(Col):
    """A Column for Enums, hence the name, EnumCol.

    def td_format(self, content: Enum):
        if content:
            return content.value
        return ""

class FloatCol(Col):
    """A column for rendering floats"""

    def td_format(self, content):
        return f"{content:.2f}"

class TeamNameCol(Col):
    """A column for team names"""

    def td_format(self, content):
        return f"<b><a href='{url_for('home.team_info', team_name=content)}'>{content}</a></b>"

class AdminTeamNameCol(Col):
    """A column for team names"""

    def td_format(self, content):
        return f"<b><a href='{url_for('admin.team_info', team_name=content)}'>{content}</a></b>"

class HTMLCol(Col):
    """A Column with custom HTML"""

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        """An abstract method for generating a cell's HTML

            content (Any): The Python object represented by the cell
            identifier (str): If exists, the string value of for use in pymongo document-modifying forms
            attr_list (List[str]): attr_list from Col.__init__

            str: HTML for this cell

    def generate_attrs(self, content: Any) -> Mapping[str, str]:
        """Generate any attributes to the td element

            content (Any): the python object from which the cell contents are derived

            Mapping[str, str]
        return {"data-search": str(content), "data-order": str(content)}

    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        """Specify the column name"""
        super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.constructor_kwargs = kwargs

    def custom_td_format(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]):
        """A custom version of td_format, renamed to avoid
        PyLint from getting upset from the different parameter list
        This creates a form for each cell."""
        return self.generate_html(content, identifier, attr_list)

    def td_contents(self, item, attr_list):
        return self.custom_td_format(
            self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr_list),
            str( if else None,

    def td(self, item, attr):
        content = self.td_contents(item, self.get_attr_list(attr))
        item: Any = self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr)
        td_attrs = self.generate_attrs(item)
        return html.element(
            attrs=td_attrs | self.td_html_attrs,

class DateTimeCol(HTMLCol):
    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        """An abstract method for generating a cell's HTML

            content (Any): The Python object represented by the cell
            identifier (str): If exists, the string value of for use in pymongo document-modifying forms
            attr_list (List[str]): attr_list from Col.__init__

            str: HTML for this cell
        return f"<span class='datetime'>{content}</span>"

    def generate_attrs(self, content: Any) -> Mapping[str, str]:
        """Generate any attributes to the td element

            content (Any): the python object from which the cell contents are derived

            Mapping[str, str]
        return {
            "data-search": str(content.isoformat()),
            "data-order": str(content.timestamp()),

class DropDownEnumCol(Col):
    """A Column with a drop-down box to select an option from an Enum"""

    # TODO: Neaten this constructor:
    def __init__(
        model_type: str = "Team",
        """Specify the column name and the class of the Enum"""
        super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.model_type = model_type
        self.enum_class = enum_class
        options = [(option.value, option.value) for option in enum_class]
        if exclude_option is not None:
            options.remove((exclude_option.value, exclude_option.value))

        class ColDropDownForm(FlaskForm):
            """A custom form for just this column"""

            item = SelectField(choices=options)
            parameter = HiddenField()
            identifier = HiddenField()

        self.form = ColDropDownForm

    def custom_td_format(self, content: Enum, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]):
        """A custom version of td_format, renamed to avoid
        PyLint from getting upset from the different parameter list
        This creates a form for each cell."""
        form_instance = self.form() = content.value
        attr_name = attr_list[0]
        return _render_form(

    def td_contents(self, item, attr_list):
        return self.custom_td_format(
            self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr_list), str(, attr_list

    def td(self, item, attr):
        content = self.td_contents(item, self.get_attr_list(attr))
        item: Enum = self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr)
        td_attrs = {"data-search": item.value, "data-order": item.value}
        return html.element(
            attrs=td_attrs | self.td_html_attrs,

# TODO: Eliminate repetitive code from DropDownEnumCol
class TextEditCol(Col):
    """A Column with a text box to edit a string"""

    # TODO: Neaten this constructor:
    def __init__(self, name, *args, model_type: str = "Team", **kwargs):
        """Specify the column name and the class of the Enum"""
        super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.model_type = model_type

        class ColTextBoxForm(FlaskForm):
            """A custom form for just this column"""

            item = StringField()
            parameter = HiddenField()
            identifier = HiddenField()

        self.form = ColTextBoxForm

    def custom_td_format(self, content: str, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]):
        """A custom version of td_format, renamed to avoid
        PyLint from getting upset from the different parameter list
        This creates a form for each cell."""
        form_instance = self.form() = content
        attr_name = attr_list[0]
        return _render_form(

    def td_contents(self, item, attr_list):
        return self.custom_td_format(
            self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr_list), str(, attr_list

    def td(self, item, attr):
        content = self.td_contents(item, self.get_attr_list(attr))
        item: Enum = self.from_attr_list(item, attr_list=attr)
        td_attrs = {"data-search": item, "data-order": item}
        return html.element(
            attrs=td_attrs | self.td_html_attrs,

# TODO: Add more options? Perhaps the ability to make custom BSON modifications
class OptionsCol(HTMLCol):
    """A Column with a menu of options
    Requires the inclusion of static/js/admin.js to communcate with the api"""

    def __init__(self, *args, model_type: str = "Team", **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.model_type = model_type

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        return render_template_string(
                    '<button title="delete" '
                    f"onclick=\"deleteItem('{self.model_type}', '{{{{id}}}}')\" "
                    'class="btn btn-danger">&#10060;</button>\n'
                    + (
                            '<button title="Adjust Score" '
                            f"onclick=\"adjustScore('{self.model_type}', '{{{{id}}}}')\" "
                            'class="btn btn-info">&#x2696;</button>\n'
                        if self.model_type == "Team"
                        else ""
                    + (
                            '<button title="Force-verify their email" '
                            f"onclick=\"verify('{self.model_type}', '{{{{id}}}}')\" "
                            'class="btn btn-info">Force Verify</button>\n'
                        if self.model_type == "User"
                        else ""
                    + (
                            '<button title="Force-recompute the score value" '
                            f"onclick=\"recompute_score('{self.model_type}', '{{{{id}}}}')\" "
                            'class="btn btn-warning">Rescore</button>\n'
                        if self.model_type == "DataPoint"
                        else ""
                + "</div>\n"

class ManualScoring(HTMLCol):
    """A Column for manually scoring"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        return render_template_string(
                            '<button title="add datapoint" '
                            f"onclick=\"add_datapoint('{{{{id}}}}', '{dataclass.value}', {str(dataclass.datatype == bool).lower()})\" "
                            f'class="btn btn-info">{dataclass.value}</button>\n'
                        for dataclass in DataClass.manual

class ScoreDeltaCol(HTMLCol):
    """A Column that has class text-success if content is positive, otherwise text-danger"""

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        number = int(content)
        text_class = "text-warning"
        if number > 0:
            text_class = "text-success"
        elif number < 0:
            text_class = "text-danger"
        prefix = "+" if number >= 0 else "-"
        return (
            f'<span class="{text_class}">\n',
            f"{prefix} {abs(content):.2f}\n",

class PreCol(HTMLCol):
    """A Column that displays its contents between <pre /> tags"""

    def __init__(self, name, pre_classes="", *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.pre_classes = pre_classes

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        return (f'<pre class="{self.pre_classes}">\n', f"{content}\n", "</pre>\n")

# TODO: Finish BoolCol implementation with pretty coloring!
# class BoolCol(HTMLCol):
#    """A Column for displaying boolean values"""
#    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
#        return ""

# class EmergencyDeleteCol(OptionsCol):
#    """A column for the database repair tool that allows deleting bad documents
#    The content would otherwise be the objectid"""
#    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
#        super().__init__(name, *args, model_type="Any", **kwargs)

class CustomLinkCol(HTMLCol):
    """A column for links :)"""

    def __init__(
        link_text: Optional[str] = None,
        a_classes: str = "",
        super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
        self.link_name = link_text
        self.a_classes = a_classes

    def generate_html(self, content: Any, identifier: str, attr_list: List[str]) -> str:
        return (
            f'<a class="{self.a_classes}" href="{content}">'
            f"{content if self.link_name is None else self.link_name}"