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"""Models users, teams, and privilege data"""

from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Optional, cast
from secrets import token_urlsafe
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode
from bcrypt import hashpw, gensalt, checkpw
from flask_login import UserMixin
from secrets import token_urlsafe

from cubeserver_common.models.utils import PyMongoModel
from cubeserver_common.models.mail import Message
from cubeserver_common.models.config.conf import Conf
from cubeserver_common import config
from cubeserver_common import gensecret

__all__ = ["UserLevel", "User"]

recent_bad_login_attempts = {}

def clear_bad_attempts():
    global recent_bad_login_attempts

class UserLevel(Enum):
    """Enumerates site-wide permission levels"""

    SUSPENDED = "Suspended"
    SPECTATOR = "Spectator"
    PARTICIPANT = "Participant"
    ADMIN = "Admin"

class UserActivation(Enum):
    """Enumerates options for user activation/deactivation"""

    ACTIVATED = "Activated"
    DEACTIVATED = "Deactivated"

class User(PyMongoModel, UserMixin):
    """Models a user"""

    def __init__(
        name: str = "",
        level: UserLevel = UserLevel.SUSPENDED,
        email: Optional[str] = None,
        pwd: bytes = b"",
        """Creates a User object.

        The email is optional.
        If no password hash is provided in pwd,
        then the user will not be able to log in.

        super().__init__() = name = email
        if email is None:
   = ""
        # If an email is provided, they will need to verify it:
        self.verified = is None
        self._verification_token_raw = token_urlsafe(16)
        self.pwd = pwd
        self.level = level
        self.activated = UserActivation.DEACTIVATED

    def invite(cls, level: UserLevel, email: str = "") -> tuple:
        """Creates a blank user to serve as an invitation to create a login

        returns a tuple of the User object created alongside a string of
        the key stored as their default password."""

        key = token_urlsafe(16)
        user = User(token_urlsafe(8), level, email=email, pwd=User._hashpwd(key))
        return user, key

    def _hashpwd(pwd: str) -> bytes:
        """Runs the bcrypt hash algorithm on the given string."""
        return hashpw(pwd.encode("utf-8"), gensalt())
        # return HMAC(gensecret.check_secrets().encode(config.ENCODING),
        #    msg=pwd.encode(config.ENCODING), digestmod=config.CRYPTO_HASH_ALGORITHM).digest()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return + (f" ({})" if else "")

    def is_active(self):
        return (
            self.activated == UserActivation.ACTIVATED
            and self.level != UserLevel.SUSPENDED

    def activate(self, name: str, email: str, password: str):
        """Activates this user account for login""" = name = email
        self.pwd = User._hashpwd(password)
        self.activated = UserActivation.ACTIVATED

    def verify_pwd(self, pwd) -> bool:
        """Checks the supplied password against the stored hash"""
        result = checkpw(pwd.encode("utf-8"), self.pwd)
        if not result:
            if not in recent_bad_login_attempts:
                recent_bad_login_attempts[] = 0
            recent_bad_login_attempts[] += 1
        if (
   in recent_bad_login_attempts
            and recent_bad_login_attempts[] > 100
            return False
        return result
        # return compare_digest(self._hashpwd(pwd), self.pwd)

    def verification_token(self) -> str:
        """A bcrypt token for email verification"""
        # Why use bcrypt for a one-time token?
        # return urlsafe_b64encode(
        #    User._hashpwd(self._verification_token_raw)
        # )
        return self._verification_token_raw

    def verify(self, token: str) -> bool:
        """Verifies this user's email, returning True on success"""
        # Why use bcrypt for a one-time token?
        # if checkpw(
        #    urlsafe_b64decode(token),
        #    self._verification_token_raw.encode('utf-8')
        # ):
        if token == self._verification_token_raw:
            self.verified = True
        return self.verified

    def find_by_username(cls, name):
        """Returns the first known user with that username"""
        return cast(User, super().find_one({"name": name}))

    def find_by_email(cls, email):
        """Returns the first known user with that email"""
        if len(email) < 1:
            return None
        return cast(User, super().find_one({"email": email}))