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[Home](./ &gt; [@snowplow/node-tracker](./ &gt; [CorePlugin](./

## CorePlugin interface

Interface which defines Core Plugins


interface CorePlugin 

## Properties

|  Property | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  [activateCorePlugin?](./ | (core: TrackerCore) =&gt; void | <i>(Optional)</i> Called when the plugin is initialised during the trackerCore construction |
|  [afterTrack?](./ | (payload: Payload) =&gt; void | <i>(Optional)</i> Called just after the trackerCore callback fires |
|  [beforeTrack?](./ | (payloadBuilder: PayloadBuilder) =&gt; void | <i>(Optional)</i> Called just before the trackerCore callback fires |
|  [contexts?](./ | () =&gt; SelfDescribingJson\[\] | <i>(Optional)</i> Called when constructing the context for each event Useful for adding additional context to events |
|  [logger?](./ | (logger: Logger) =&gt; void | <i>(Optional)</i> Passed a logger instance which can be used to send log information to the active logger |