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[Home](./ &gt; [@snowplow/node-tracker](./ &gt; [FormFocusOrChangeEvent](./

## FormFocusOrChangeEvent interface

Represents either a Form Focus or Form Change event When a user focuses on a form element or when a user makes a change to a form element.


interface FormFocusOrChangeEvent 

## Properties

|  Property | Type | Description |
|  --- | --- | --- |
|  [elementClasses?](./ | Array&lt;string&gt; \| null | <i>(Optional)</i> The class names on the element |
|  [elementId](./ | string | The element ID which the user is interacting with |
|  [formId](./ | string | The ID of the form which the element belongs to |
|  [nodeName](./ | string | The name of the node ("INPUT", "TEXTAREA", "SELECT") |
|  [schema](./ | "change\_form" \| "focus\_form" | The schema which will be used for the event |
|  [type?](./ | string \| null | <i>(Optional)</i> The type of element (e.g. "datetime", "text", "radio", etc.) |
|  [value](./ | string \| null | The value of the element at the time of the event firing |