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## node-tracker package

## Enumerations

|  Enumeration | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [HttpMethod](./ |  |
|  [HttpProtocol](./ |  |

## Functions

|  Function | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [buildAdClick(event)](./ | Build a Ad Click Event Used to track an advertisement click |
|  [buildAdConversion(event)](./ | Build a Ad Conversion Event Used to track an advertisement click |
|  [buildAddToCart(event)](./ | Build a Add To Cart Event For tracking users adding items from a cart on an ecommerce site. |
|  [buildAdImpression(event)](./ | Build a Ad Impression Event Used to track an advertisement impression |
|  [buildConsentGranted(event)](./ | Build a Consent Granted Event Used for tracking when a user grants their consent |
|  [buildConsentWithdrawn(event)](./ | Build a Consent Withdrawn Event Used for tracking when a user withdraws their consent |
|  [buildEcommerceTransaction(event)](./ | Build an Ecommerce Transaction Event Allows for tracking common ecommerce events, this event is usually used when a consumer completes a transaction. |
|  [buildEcommerceTransactionItem(event)](./ | Build an Ecommerce Transaction Item Event Related to the [buildEcommerceTransaction()](./ Each Ecommerce Transaction may contain one or more EcommerceTransactionItem events |
|  [buildFormFocusOrChange(event)](./ | Build a Form Focus or Change Form Event based on schema property When a user focuses on a form element or when a user makes a change to a form element. |
|  [buildFormSubmission(event)](./ | Build a Form Submission Event Used to track when a user submits a form |
|  [buildLinkClick(event)](./ | Build a Link Click Event Used when a user clicks on a link on a webpage, typically an anchor tag <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> |
|  [buildPagePing(event)](./ | Build a Page Ping Event Fires when activity tracking is enabled in the browser. Tracks same information as the last tracked Page View and includes scroll information from the current page view |
|  [buildPageView(event)](./ | Build a Page View Event Represents a Page View, which is typically fired as soon as possible when a web page is loaded within the users browser. Often also fired on "virtual page views" within Single Page Applications (SPA). |
|  [buildRemoveFromCart(event)](./ | Build a Remove From Cart Event For tracking users removing items from a cart on an ecommerce site. |
|  [buildScreenView(event)](./ | Build a Scren View Event Similar to a Page View but less focused on typical web properties Often used for mobile applications as the user is presented with new views as they performance navigation events |
|  [buildSelfDescribingEvent(event)](./ | Build a self-describing event A custom event type, allowing for an event to be tracked using your own custom schema and a data object which conforms to the supplied schema |
|  [buildSiteSearch(event)](./ | Build a Site Search Event Used when a user performs a search action on a page |
|  [buildSocialInteraction(event)](./ | Build a Social Interaction Event Social tracking will be used to track the way users interact with Facebook, Twitter and Google + widgets e.g. to capture “like this” or “tweet this” events. |
|  [buildStructEvent(event)](./ | Build a Structured Event A classic style of event tracking, allows for easier movement between analytics systems. A loosely typed event, creating a Self Describing event is preferred, but useful for interoperability. |
|  [gotEmitter(endpoint, protocol, port, method, bufferSize, retry, cookieJar, callback, agents, serverAnonymization)](./ | Create an emitter object, which uses the <code>got</code> library, that will send events to a collector |
|  [tracker(emitters, namespace, appId, encodeBase64)](./ | Snowplow Node.js Tracker |

## Interfaces

|  Interface | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [AdClickEvent](./ | An Ad Click Event Used to track an advertisement click |
|  [AdConversionEvent](./ | An Ad Conversion Event Used to track an advertisement click |
|  [AddToCartEvent](./ | An Add To Cart Event For tracking users adding items from a cart on an ecommerce site. |
|  [AdImpressionEvent](./ | An Ad Impression Event Used to track an advertisement impression |
|  [ConsentGrantedEvent](./ | A Consent Granted Event Used for tracking when a user grants their consent |
|  [ConsentWithdrawnEvent](./ | A Consent Withdrawn Event Used for tracking when a user withdraws their consent |
|  [ContextEvent](./ | Argument for [ContextGenerator](./ and [ContextFilter](./ callback |
|  [CoreConfiguration](./ | The configuration object for the tracker core library |
|  [CorePlugin](./ | Interface which defines Core Plugins |
|  [EcommerceTransactionEvent](./ | An Ecommerce Transaction Event Allows for tracking common ecommerce events, this event is usually used when a customer completes a transaction. |
|  [EcommerceTransactionItemEvent](./ | An Ecommerce Transaction Item Related to the [EcommerceTransactionEvent](./ Each Ecommerce Transaction may contain one or more EcommerceTransactionItem events |
|  [Emitter](./ |  |
|  [FormFocusOrChangeEvent](./ | Represents either a Form Focus or Form Change event When a user focuses on a form element or when a user makes a change to a form element. |
|  [FormSubmissionEvent](./ | A Form Submission Event Used to track when a user submits a form |
|  [LinkClickEvent](./ | A Link Click Event Used when a user clicks on a link on a webpage, typically an anchor tag <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> |
|  [PagePingEvent](./ | A Page Ping Event Fires when activity tracking is enabled in the browser. Tracks same information as the last tracked Page View and includes scroll information from the current page view |
|  [PageViewEvent](./ | A Page View Event Represents a Page View, which is typically fired as soon as possible when a web page is loaded within the users browser. Often also fired on "virtual page views" within Single Page Applications (SPA). |
|  [PayloadBuilder](./ | Interface for mutable object encapsulating tracker payload |
|  [RemoveFromCartEvent](./ | An Remove To Cart Event For tracking users removing items from a cart on an ecommerce site. |
|  [ScreenViewEvent](./ | A Screen View Event Similar to a Page View but less focused on typical web properties Often used for mobile applications as the user is presented with new views as they performance navigation events |
|  [SelfDescribingEvent](./ | A Self Describing Event A custom event type, allowing for an event to be tracked using your own custom schema and a data object which conforms to the supplied schema |
|  [SiteSearchEvent](./ | A Site Search Event Used when a user performs a search action on a page |
|  [SocialInteractionEvent](./ | A Social Interaction Event Social tracking will be used to track the way users interact with Facebook, Twitter and Google + widgets e.g. to capture “like this” or “tweet this” events. |
|  [StructuredEvent](./ | A Structured Event A classic style of event tracking, allows for easier movement between analytics systems. A loosely typed event, creating a Self Describing event is preferred, but useful for interoperability. |
|  [Tracker](./ |  |

## Variables

|  Variable | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [version](./ |  |

## Type Aliases

|  Type Alias | Description |
|  --- | --- |
|  [ContextFilter](./ | A context filter is a user-supplied callback that is evaluated for each event to determine if the context associated with the filter should be attached to the event |
|  [ContextGenerator](./ | A context generator is a user-supplied callback that is evaluated for each event to allow an additional context to be dynamically attached to the event |
|  [Payload](./ | Type for a Payload dictionary |
|  [SelfDescribingJson](./ | Export interface for any Self-Describing JSON such as context or Self Describing events |
|  [Timestamp](./ | Algebraic datatype representing possible timestamp type choice |