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# Snowplow Web Vitals Tracking

[![npm version][npm-image]][npm-url]

Browser Plugin to be used with `@snowplow/browser-tracker`.

The plugin adds the capability to track web performance metrics categorized as [Web Vitals]( These metrics are tracked with an event based on the [web_vitals schema](

## Maintainer quick start

Part of the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker monorepo.  
Build with [Node.js]( (14 or 16) and [Rush](

### Setup repository

npm install -g @microsoft/rush 
git clone
rush update

## Package Installation

With npm:

npm install @snowplow/browser-plugin-web-vitals

## Usage

Initialize your tracker with the `WebVitalsPlugin`:

import { newTracker } from '@snowplow/browser-tracker';
import { WebVitalsPlugin } from '@snowplow/browser-plugin-web-vitals';

newTracker('sp1', '{{collector}}', { plugins: [ WebVitalsPlugin(/* pluginOptions */) ] });

 * Available plugin options `WebVitalsPluginOptions`:
 * {
 *  loadWebVitalsScript: Should the plugin immediately load the Core Web Vitals measurement script from UNPKG CDN.
 *  webVitalsSource: The URL endpoint the Web Vitals script should be loaded from. Defaults to the UNPKG CDN.
 *  context: Array of entity objects or entity-generating functions (the web_vitals payload is passed as a parameter) to attach to the web_vitals event.
 * }

### Choosing a Web Vitals measurement source

The default Web Vitals measurement script is loaded from the [UNPKG]( CDN. This choice is chosen as a default but you should consider your own setup when choosing the script source. Selecting a script source from a CDN which might already be used in your website might save you from yet another connection startup time (_Queueing_,_DNS lookup_,_TCP_, _SSL_).

Another reasonable choice could be [jsDelivr](

## Copyright and license

Licensed and distributed under the [BSD 3-Clause License](LICENSE) ([An OSI Approved License][osi]).

Copyright (c) 2023 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.

All rights reserved.
