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It can be used on any virtual file system, and stream supports. Inspired by [vinyl][vinyl].
Try to keep compatibility with [vinyl][vinyl].


+ abstract file information class
* abstract [property-manager]( to manage the file attributes.
+ abstract file operation ability
  + abstract load supports
    * load read:true, buffer:true
    * load stat
    * load content
* abstract folder/directory supports: It's the array of file object and [read-dir-stream](
* abstract fs: It should apply via `AbstractFile.fs = fs`
  * abstract cwd: It should apply via `fs.cwd = process.cwd`
  * abstract [path.js]( It should apply via `fs.path = require('path.js')`

## Usage

the File and Folder implementation are in the [custom-file]( package.

## API

### Properties

* `path` *(File|String)*: the file path. it will be internally stored as absolute path always.
  * It will get path string from the object's `path` attribute if it's an file object.
* `cwd` *(String)*: the current working directroy.
* `base` *(String)*: the base directory. used to calc the relative path.
  the default is `cwd` if it's empty.
* `history` *(ArrayOf String)*: the history of the path changes.
* `stat` *(Stat)*: the file stats object. the `isDirectory()` method be used.
* `contents` *(String|Buffer|ArrayOf(File)|Stream)*: the contents of the file.
  * It's the array of `File` object or a [read-dir-stream]( if the file is a folder.
* `skipSize` *(Integer)*: the skipped length from beginning of contents. used by `getContent()`.
  only for buffer.
* `relative` *(String)*: readonly. the relative path from `path` to `base`.
* `dirname` *(String)*: readonly. the dirname of the `path`.
* `basename` *(String)*: readonly. the basename of the `path`.
* `extname` *(String)*: readonly. the extname of the `path`.

### Methods

* `constructor([aPath, ]aOptions[, done])`
  * `aPath` *(String)*: the file path. it will be stored as absolute path always.
  * `aOptions` *(Object)*:
    * `path` *(String)*: the same as the `aPath` argument.
    * `cwd` *(String)*: the current working directroy.
    * `base` *(String)*: the base directory. used to calc the relative path.
      the default is `cwd` if it's empty.
    * `load` *(Boolean)*: whether load file data(stat and contents). defaults to false
    * `read` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents. defaults to false. only for `load` is true.
    * `buffer` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as buffer or stream, defaults to true.
       only available for `load` and `read` both are true.
    * `text` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as text, defaults to false.
       only available for `load`, `read` and `buffer` both are true.
  * `done` *(Function)*: the callback function only available for `load` is true.
    * the `loadSync` will be used if no `done` function.
* `load(aOptions, done)`: Asynchronous load file stat and content.
    * `read` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents. defaults to false.
    * `buffer` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as buffer or stream, defaults to true.
       only available for `read` is true.
    * `text` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as text, defaults to false.
       only available for `read` and `buffer` both are true.
  * `done` *Function(err, content)*: the callback function. the `content` only available when `read` is true
* `loadSync(aOptions)`: Synchronous load file stat and content.
    * `read` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents. defaults to false.
    * `buffer` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as buffer or stream, defaults to true.
       only available for `read` is true.
    * `text` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as text, defaults to false.
       only available for `read` and `buffer` both are true.
    * return contents only available when `read` is true
* `loadContent(aOptions, done)`: Asynchronous load file contents.
    * `buffer` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as buffer or stream, defaults to true.
    * `reload` *(Boolean)*: whether force to reload the contents from the file. defaults to false.
    * `overwrite` *(Boolean)*: whether assign to this.contents after loading the contents from the file. defaults to true.
  * `done` *Function(err, content)*: the callback function.
* `loadContentSync(aOptions)`: Synchronous load file contents.
    * `buffer` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as buffer or stream, defaults to true.
    * `reload` *(Boolean)*: whether force to reload the contents from the file. defaults to false.
    * `overwrite` *(Boolean)*: whether assign to this.contents after loading the contents from the file. defaults to true.
    * return contents
* `getContent(aOptions, done)`: Asynchronous get the file contents buffer, skipSize used.
  only available for File(not for folder)
  * `text` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as text, defaults to false.
  * `done` *Function(err, content)*: the callback function.
* `getContentSync(aOptions)`: Synchronous get the file contents buffer, skipSize used.
  only available for File(not for folder)
  * `text` *(Boolean)*: whether load file contents as text, defaults to false.
* `loadStat(aOptions, done)`: Asynchronous load file stats.
  * `done` *Function(err, stat)*: the callback function.
* `loadStatSync(aOptions)`: Synchronous load file stats.
    * return stat
* `pipe(stream[, options])`: pipe it to the stream.
  * `stream` *(Writable Stream)*: The destination stream for writing data.
  * `options` *(Object)*: Pipe options
    * `end` *(Boolean)*: End the writer when the reader ends. Default = true
* `validate(aFile, raiseError=true)`: the aFile object whether is valid.
* `isDirectory()`: whether is directory.
* `isBuffer()`: whether contents is buffer.
* `isStream()`: whether contents is stream.
* `toString()`: return the path.
* `replaceExt(extname)`: return the replaced extname's path string.

these methods should be overrides:

* _validate(aFile): the aFile object whether is valid.
* _loadContentSync(aFile)
* _loadStatSync(aFile)
* _loadContent(aFile, done): optional
* _loadStat(aFile, done): optional
* _inspect()

## Changes

### v0.5

* the dirname attribute should pass the path directly if the file is a folder.

    if @isDirectory()
      path.dirname @path

### v0.4

+ with new property-manager v0.10.0
+ base object(prototypeOf) supports
* add overwrite option to getContent/getContentSync
* [bug] getContent should get loaded content as the buffer when text is false.
  + `encoding` *(String)* attribute if the contents is a text.
  + `_contents` *(Buffer|Stream)* internal attribute
  * change the `contents` attribute to a dynamic attirbute.
* **broken** the loadContent return the `_contents`(Buffer|Stream) now.

### v0.3

* **broken** the default value of the `buffer` option is `true` now.
+ add the `reload`,`overwrite` option to loadContent/loadContentSync
* assign the `skipSize` from options after loading.
+ add `extName` readonly property
+ add `replaceExt` method to get the replaced extname's path string.

## License