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Test Coverage
var inheritsDirectly  = require('./inheritsDirectly');
var isInheritedFrom   = require('./isInheritedFrom');
var isMixinedFrom     = require('./isMixinedFrom');
var defineProperty    = require('./defineProperty');
var setPrototypeOf    = require('./setPrototypeOf');
var getPrototypeOf    = require('./getPrototypeOf');
var _clone            = require('./_clone')
var getSuperCtor      = require('./getSuperCtor');

 * Enum for filter type
 * @readonly
 * @enum {number}
var filterOpts = {
   * Include all members from the superCtor
  'all': 0,
   * Throw error if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
  'errSuper': 1,
   * Skip the method if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
  'skipSuper': 2

 *  A11 -> A1 -> A -> Root
 *  B11 -> B1 -> B -> Root
 *  C11 -> C1 -> C -> Root
 *  mixin B11, C1 : inject C to B11.
 * TODO: Another Implement:
 *   B11 -> B1 -> B -> Root -> mixinCtor_ -> C1_Clone -> C -> Root?
 *  mixin B11, A : inject A to B11.
 *   B11 -> B1 -> B -> Root -> mixinCtor_ -> A_Clone -> C1_Clone -> C -> Root?

 *  Mixin multi classes to ctor.
 *  mixin(Class, ParentClass1, ParentClass2, ...)
 *  + mixinCtors_ array to keep the mixined super ctors
 *  + mixinCtor_ inject to the super_ inheritance chain.
 *  inject into methods to implement inherit.
 *  A11 -> A1 -> A -> Root
 *  B11 -> B1 -> B -> Root
 *  C11 -> C1 -> C -> Root
 *  mixin B11, C : inject C to B11.
 *  clone C.prototype to mixinCtor_.prototype
 *    * all mixined methods/properties are in `mixinCtor_`
 *  for k,method of C.prototype
 *    originalMethod = mixinCtor_.prototype[k]
 *    if isFunction(originalMethod) and originalMethod.__mixin_super__
 *      #B11.__super__ is mixinCtor_.prototype
 *      method  = ->
 *        B11.__super__ = originalMethod.__mixin_super__
 *        method.apply this, arguments
 *        B11.__super__ = mixinCtor_
 *      method.__mixin_super__ = C.prototype
 *  B11 -> mixinCtor_ -> B1 -> B -> Root
mixin the exists method: the new mixin method will overwrite the old one.


class Root {
  m() {
    console.log 'root'
    console.log '----'
class C extends Root {
  m() {
class B extends Root {
  m() {

class B11 extends B {
  m() {

let b = new B11
mixin(B11, C)
b = new B11
// The console results:
// b11
// b
// root
// ----
// b11
// c
// root
// ----


 *  check the function body whether call the super
function isSuperInFunction(aMethod) {
  var vStr = aMethod.toString();
  return vStr.indexOf('.__super__') >= 0 || /(\s+|^|[;(\[])super[(]|super[.]\S+[(]/.test(vStr);
// function isSuperInFunction(aMethod) {
//   return aMethod.toString().indexOf('__super__') >= 0;
// }

// function isES6SuperInFunction(aMethod) {
//   return /(\s+|^|[;(\[])super[(]|super[.]\S+[(]/.test(aMethod.toString());
// }

//TODO: cant use async function. MUST make chain too.
function _mixinGenMethod(aMixinSuper, aMethod, src) {
  // var oldSuper = src.__super__;
  return function() {
    // src.__super__ = aMixinSuper;
    console.error('mx', aMixinSuper, 'src', src, 'aMethod', aMethod);
    // var oldvar = getPrototypeOf(this);
    // setPrototypeOf(this, aMixinSuper);
    var result = aMethod.apply(this, arguments);
    // setPrototypeOf(this, oldvar);
    // src.__super__ = oldSuper;
    return result;

function _mixinGenMethodES6(aMixinSuper, aMethod, src) {
  var oldSuper = getPrototypeOf(src.prototype);
  return function() {
    setPrototypeOf(src.prototype, aMixinSuper);
    var result = aMethod.apply(this, arguments);
    setPrototypeOf(src.prototype, oldSuper);
    return result;

function _getFilterFunc(filter){
  if (!filter) {
    filter = function all(name, value){return value};
  } else if (filter === 1) {
    filter = function raiseErrorOnSuper(name, value) {
      if (typeof value === 'function' && isSuperInFunction(value)) {
        throw new Error(name + ' method: should not use super');
      return value;
  } else if (filter === 2) {
    filter = function skipOnSuper(name, value) {
      if (typeof value !== 'function' || !isSuperInFunction(value)) {
        return value;
  } else if (Array.isArray(filter) && filter.length) {
    var inFilter = filter;
    filter = function allowedInFilter(name, value) {
      if (inFilter.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
        return value;
  } else if (typeof filter !== 'function') {
    throw new Error('filter option value error:' + filter);
  return filter;
function _clone(dest, src, ctor, filter) {
  // filter = _getFilterFunc(filter);

  var names = getOwnPropertyNames(src);

  for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
    var k = names[i];
    // if (k === 'Class' || k === 'constructor') continue;
    var value = filter(k, src[k]);
    if (value !== undefined) dest[k] = value;

function cloneCtor(dest, src, filter) {
  var filterFn = function (name, value) {
    for (var n of [ 'length', 'name', 'arguments', 'caller', 'prototype' ]) {
      if (n === name) {
        value = undefined;
      if (value !== undefined) value = filter(name, value);
    return value;
  _clone(dest, src, filterFn);

//clone src(superCtor) to dest(MixinCtor)
function clonePrototype(dest, src, filter) {
  // filter = _getFilterFunc(filter);
  var filterFn = function (name, value) {
    for (var n of [ 'Class', 'constructor' ]) {
      if (n === name) {
        value = undefined;
      if (value !== undefined) value = filter(name, value);
    return value;

  var sp = src.prototype;
  var dp = dest.prototype;
  _clone(dp, sp, filterFn);
  var names = getOwnPropertyNames(sp);

  for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
    var k = names[i];
    if (k === 'Class' || k === 'constructor') continue;
    var value = filter(k, sp[k]);
    // console.log(k, value)
    if (value !== undefined) dp[k] = value;
    // continue;

    // var method = sp[k];
    // var mixinedMethod = dp[k]; // the method is already clone into mixinCtor_

    // just override the property simply.
    // if (mixinedMethod !== undefined && typeof mixinedMethod !== 'function') {
    //  // Already be defined as property in the mixin ctor
    //   continue;
    // }

    // if (typeof method === 'function') {
    //   console.log(src, k, getProtoChain(dest.chain))
    //   if (mixinedMethod && mixinedMethod.__mixin_super__) continue;
    //   if (isSuperInFunction(method)) {
    //     console.log('mixined', method)
    //     method = _mixinGenMethod(dest.chain.__super__, method, src);
    //     method.__mixin_super__ = true;
    //   }
    //   dp[k] = method;
    //   continue;

      // if (mixinedMethod && mixinedMethod.__mixin_super__){
      //   if (isSuperInFunction(method)) {
      //     // pass the last mixin super to control the super's parent.
      //     // 但是这将导致代码不会在单一类中流转,不过似乎函数复制过来本来就没有继承关系了。
      //     // A1->A  B1->B C1->C假设 Mixin(B1, [A1,C1]),那么 C1上的方法,本来如果super应该是C
      //     // 但是应为上次方法复制过来的时候指定了 __mixin_super__ 为 A1,就跳到A1上了。
      //     // 不过这个__mixin_super__应该在闭包中,否则会断链。
      //     // 又想到了一招,直接构造新的prototype: 形成双根chain,仅当mixin时用这个chain,
      //     // mixinCtor.chain -> A1CloneCtor -> A1
      //     // mixinCtor.chain -> C1CloneCtor -> A1CloneCtor -> A1
      //     //method = _mixinGenMethod(mixinedMethod.__mixin_super__, method, src);
      //     method = _mixinGenMethod(dest.chain, method, src);

      //   }
      //   else if (isES6SuperInFunction(method)) {
      //     method = _mixinGenMethodES6(mixinedMethod.__mixin_super__, method, src);
      //   }
      // }

      //last mixin_super of this mixined method.
      // method.__mixin_super__ = sp;
    // }
    // dp[k] = method;

// function shadowCloneCtor(ctor) {
//   var result = createCtor('Clone__' +, '');
//   inheritsDirectly(result, ctor);
//   return result;
// }

// function findLastClonedCtor(ctor) {
//   var result;
//   while (ctor &&'Clone__') === 0) {
//     result = ctor;
//     ctor = ctor.super_;
//   }
//   return result;
// }

var objectSuperCtor = getPrototypeOf(Object);

 * @callback FilterFn
 * @param {string} name
 * @param {any} value
 * @returns {any} include it return value directly or return undefined

 * @param {Function} ctor the class that needs to mixin from the `superCtor` class.
 * @param {Function} superCtor The super class that the `ctor` needs to inherit from.
 * @param {FilterFn|string[]|filterOpts=} options.filter (optional) A filter that specifies which members to include
 *   from the superCtor.
 *   * This can be a function that takes a `name` and `value` parameter and returns a value to include or `undefined`
 *   * an array of strings that represent member names to include
 *   * or the filter options (`filterOpts`) available (`all`, `errSuper`, or `skipSuper`)
 *     * `all`: include all members from the superCtor without check whether the method used the `super()`.
 *     * `errSuper`: Throw error if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
 *     * `skipSuper`: skip the method if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
 * @returns return true if successful
function mixin(ctor, superCtor, options) {
  var v  = getSuperCtor(ctor); // original superCtor
  var result = false;
  // Check if the two classes are already related in some way to avoid circular or duplicate inheritance
  if (!isMixinedFrom(ctor, superCtor) && !isInheritedFrom(ctor, superCtor) && !isInheritedFrom(superCtor, ctor)) {
    // Create a mixin constructor function for the child class if one doesn't already exist
    var mixinCtor = ctor.mixinCtor_;
    var mixinCtors = ctor.mixinCtors_;
    if (!mixinCtor) {
      mixinCtor = function MixinCtor_(){};
      defineProperty(ctor, 'mixinCtor_', mixinCtor);
      if (v && v !== Object) inheritsDirectly(mixinCtor, v);
      // defineProperty(mixinCtor, 'chain', shadowCloneCtor(superCtor));
      // inheritsDirectly(mixinCtor.chain, shadowCloneCtor(superCtor));
    // } else {
    //   var lastChainCtor = findLastClonedCtor(mixinCtor.chain);
    //   inheritsDirectly(lastChainCtor, shadowCloneCtor(superCtor));
    if (!mixinCtors) {
      mixinCtors = [];
      defineProperty(ctor, 'mixinCtors_', mixinCtors);
    mixinCtors.push(superCtor);//quickly check in isMixinedFrom.
    var filterFn = _getFilterFunc(options && options.filter);
    cloneCtor(mixinCtor, superCtor, filterFn);
    clonePrototype(mixinCtor, superCtor, filterFn);
    inheritsDirectly(ctor, mixinCtor);
    result = true;
  return result;

 * Mixes the methods and properties from one or more classes to the target class.
 * By default, all properties and methods from the `superCtors` will be cloned into the internal `mixinCtor_`
 * constructor of the target class(`ctor`). This can be customized by providing the `options.filter` parameter.
 * If the target class does not already have a `mixinCtor_` constructor it'll create the new constructor
 * `mixinCtor_` which is then inherited by the `ctor`(target class). The `mixinCtor_` is also set as a property of the
 * `ctor`.
 * **Note**:
 * 1. If a property or method exists with the same name in both `superCtors` and `ctor`'s `mixinCtor_`, the property
 *    or method in the `superCtor` takes precedence. The last one will overwrite the previous one.
 * 2. the `mixin` does not create a prototype chain between "`superCtors`"(just copy the members from `superCtors`), so
 *    you cannot clone these methods of `superCtor` which use the `super()`. If you need to use `super()` in these
 *    methods, you should use `inherits` instead of `mixin`.
 * @param {Function} ctor the target class that needs to mixin from the `superCtors` class.
 * @param {Function|Function[]} superCtors The class(es) to be used as sources of properties and methods.
 * @param {FilterFn|string[]|filterOpts=} options.filter (optional) A filter that specifies which members to include
 *   from the `superCtor`. If no filter is specified, all properties and methods from `superCtor` will be mixed in.
 *   * It could be a function that takes a `name` and `value` parameter and returns a value to include or `undefined`
 *   * Or an array of strings that represent member names to include
 *   * Or the filter options (`filterOpts`) available (`all`, `errSuper`, or `skipSuper`)
 *     * `all`: include all members from the superCtor without check whether the method used the `super()`.
 *     * `errSuper`: Throw error if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
 *     * `skipSuper`: skip the method if the method of superCtor using the `super()`
 * @returns return true if successful
 * @example
 * class MixinA {
 *   methodA() {
 *     console.log('Method A called');
 *   }
 * }
 * class MixinB {
 *   methodB() {
 *     console.log('Method B called');
 *   }
 * }
 * class MyClass {
 *   constructor() {
 *   }
 * }
 * // mixin both MixinA and MixinB
 * mixins(MyClass, [MixinA, MixinB]); // == mixins(MyClass, MixinA); mixins(MyClass, MixinB);
 * const myObj = new MyClass();
 * myObj.methodA(); // logs 'Method A called'
 * myObj.methodB(); // logs 'Method B called'
function mixins(ctor, superCtors, options) {
  if (typeof superCtors === 'function') return mixin(ctor, superCtors, options);
  for (var i = 0; i < superCtors.length; i++) {
    var superCtor = superCtors[i];
    if (!mixin(ctor, superCtor, options)) return false;
  return true;

mixins.filterOpts = filterOpts;

module.exports = mixins