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titleCase         = require 'title-case'
fileNameSensitive = require 'fs-file-name-sensitive'
CustomFile        = require 'custom-file'
File              = require 'custom-file/lib/advance'
inherits          = require 'inherits-ex/lib/inherits'
getPrototypeOf    = require 'inherits-ex/lib/getPrototypeOf'
setPrototypeOf    = require 'inherits-ex/lib/setPrototypeOf'
matter            = require 'front-matter-markdown/lib/'
loadCfgFile       = require 'load-config-file'
loadCfgFolder     = require 'load-config-folder'
extend            = require 'util-ex/lib/_extend'
isObject          = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/object'
isString          = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/string'
isArray           = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/array'
isNumber          = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/number'
isFunction        = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/function'
isDate            = require 'util-ex/lib/is/type/date'
defineProperty    = require 'util-ex/lib/defineProperty'
Promise           = require 'bluebird'
createFileObject  = require './create-file-object'
setImmediate  = setImmediate || process.nextTick
Promise.promisifyAll File, filter:(name,fn)->name in ['load']

# Convert a string to a title string.
toTitleStr        = (aString) ->
  if isString aString
    i = aString.indexOf('.') # remove the extname if exists and it's not the first char.
    aString = aString.slice(0, i-aString.length) if i > 0
    aString = titleCase aString

markdownExts = [
  '.md', '.mdown', '.markdown', '.mkd','.mkdn'
  '.mdwn', '.mdtext','.mdtxt'

module.exports = class Resource
  inherits Resource, File
  @setFileSystem: (value)->

  # filled by _updateFS:
  fs = null
  path = null

  constructor: (aPath, aOptions, done)->
    if !aOptions or !aOptions.hasOwnProperty 'load'
      aOptions = {} unless aOptions
      aOptions.load = true
    return new Resource(aPath, aOptions, done) unless @ instanceof Resource

  @defineProperties: File.defineProperties

  matter.setOptionAlias 'toc', ['isDir', 'isDirectory']
  matter.setOptionAlias 'heading', ['dirHeading', 'dirHeadings']
  matter.setOptionAlias 'headingsAsToc', 'headingsAsToc'
  File.defineProperties Resource, extend
      type: 'String'
      alias: ['Title']
      type: 'Boolean'
      alias: ['isDirectory']
      type: 'Date'
      alias: ['Date', 'UpdatedDate', 'updatedDate', 'modifiedDate', 'ModifiedDate']
      assigned: '_date' # smart assign with the internal attribute(non-enum).
      assign: (value)->
        value = new Date(value) unless isDate(value)
      type: 'String'
  , File::$attributes

  defineProperty @::, 'parent', undefined,
    get: ->
      result = getPrototypeOf @
      result = null if result is Object::

  createFileObject: (aOptions, aFilter)->
    aOptions.cwd = @cwd # for ReadDirStream
    aOptions.base = @base
    # aFilter ?= @filter #if !aFilter and @hasOwnProperty 'filter'
    # if !isFunction(aFilter) or, aOptions)
    result = createFileObject @, aOptions

  _assign: (aOptions, aExclude)->
    vAttrs = @getProperties()
    for k,v of aOptions
      continue if k in ['load', 'read', 'buffer', 'text']
      continue if vAttrs[k]? or k in aExclude
      if (isObject(v) and v['<']?) # inherits from parent
        v = v['<']
        vParentValue = @[k]
        if isString(vParentValue) or isNumber(vParentValue)
          v = vParentValue + v if isString(v) or isNumber(vParentValue)
        else if isArray vParentValue
          if isArray v
            v = v.concat vParentValue
            v = @[k].concat v
        else if isObject vParentValue
          v = extend {}, vParentValue, v
      @[k] = v # assign the user's customized attributes

  _updateFS: (aFS)-> #TODO: remove the ugly _updateFS.
    super aFS
    fs = @fs if fs != @fs or !fs
    if fs
      loadCfgFolder.setFileSystem fs
      path = fs.path unless path

  # TODO: howto validate a virtual file?
  # fake a stat object.
  # currently has only virtual folder object. (no virtual file yet)
  #_validate: (file)-> file.hasOwnProperty('contents') and file.contents?
  inspect: ->
    name = 'File'
    name = 'Folder' if @isDirectory()
    name += '?' unless @loaded()
    '<'+ name + ' ' + @_inspect() + '>'

  isDirectory: ->
    if @hasOwnProperty('isDir') and @isDir isnt undefined
      result = @isDir
      result = super()

  toObject: (options, aExclude)->
    if isString aExclude
      aExclude = [aExclude]
    else if !isArray aExclude
      aExclude = []
    aExclude.push 'contents' unless @hasOwnProperty('contents')
    aExclude.push 'stat' unless @hasOwnProperty('stat')
    @exportTo(options, aExclude)

  getContentSync: (aOptions)->
    aOptions = {} unless isObject aOptions
    aOptions.overwrite = true unless aOptions.overwrite? or @loaded()
    super aOptions

  getContent: (aOptions, done)->
    if isFunction aOptions
      done = aOptions
    aOptions = {} unless isObject aOptions
    aOptions.overwrite = true unless aOptions.overwrite? or @loaded()
    super aOptions, done

  # frontMatter('---\ntitle: 1\n---\nbody')
  # return {title:1, skipSize: 17, content: 'body', $compiled:[...]}
  frontMatter: (aText, aOptions)->
    if @extname in markdownExts
      result = matter(aText.toString(), aOptions)
      # TODO:whether export the non-enumerable $compiled attribute?

  setContents: (aContents)->
    vCfg = @frontMatter(aContents)
    #TODO: update virtual folders too.
    @assign vCfg, 'contents' if vCfg

  convertVirtualFolder: (aContents)->
    for k in aContents
      if k.path?
        if @stat.isDirectory()
          k.base = @path
          k.base = path.dirname @path
        k.path = path.resolve k.base, k.path
        setPrototypeOf k, @

  # get the latest modified date of the file from Stat.
  getDate: (aStat)->aStat.mtime
  setFileAttrs: (aOptions, aStat)->
    @date = @getDate aStat unless @hasOwnProperty('date') and isDate @date
    @title = toTitleStr path.basename(aOptions.path) unless @hasOwnProperty('title') and @title
  _loadStat: (aOptions, done)->
    super aOptions, (err, result)=>
      @setFileAttrs aOptions, result
      done(err, result)
  _loadStatSync: (aOptions)->
    result = super aOptions
    @setFileAttrs aOptions, result
  loadConfig: (aOptions, aContents, done)->
    that = @
    processCfg = (err, aConfig)->
      return done(err) if err
      if aConfig
        that.assign aConfig, 'contents'
        that.$cfgPath = aConfig.$cfgPath if aConfig.$cfgPath
        # aConfig.content: the markdown string removing the config.
        that.summary = aConfig.content if aConfig.content and !aConfig.summary
        if vDir = that.isDirectory()
          if aConfig.contents #virtual folder
            aContents = aConfig.contents
      vDir ?= that.isDirectory()
      if vDir and aOptions.recursive
        aContents.forEach (f)->
          # TODO: work around here.
          f.loadSync aOptions if (f instanceof Resource) and f.isDirectory()
        # aContents = aContents.filter (f)->(f instanceof Resource) and f.isDirectory()
        # # can not work!!: I should use reduce.
        # aContents, (f)->
        #   f.load aOptions
        # .nodeify (err, result)->
        #   console.log 'end', err, result
        #   done(err, aConfig)
        # console.log that.relative
        # return
      done(err, aConfig)

    if !aOptions.stat.isDirectory()
      vFrontConf = @frontMatter(aContents, aOptions)
      vOptions = exclude: aOptions.path #avoid load twice.
      vOptions.configurators = aOptions.configurators if aOptions.configurators
      loadCfgFile aOptions.path, vOptions, (err, result)->
        return done(err) if err
        if vFrontConf and vFrontConf.skipSize
          result = {} unless isObject result
          result = extend result, vFrontConf
          #aOptions.skipSize = vFrontConf.skipSize
          if result.contents
            # do not enable the skipSize, but remember the position.
            aOptions.skipSize = -vFrontConf.skipSize
            #result.contents = vFrontConf.content
            aOptions.skipSize = vFrontConf.skipSize
        processCfg(err, result)
      loadCfgFolder aOptions.path, aOptions, processCfg

  loadConfigSync: (aOptions, aContents)->
    if !aOptions.stat.isDirectory()
      vFrontConf = @frontMatter(aContents.toString(), aOptions)
      vOptions = exclude: aOptions.path #avoid load twice.
      vOptions.configurators = aOptions.configurators if aOptions.configurators
      result = loadCfgFile aOptions.path, vOptions
      result = {} unless isObject result
      if vFrontConf and vFrontConf.skipSize
        result = extend result, vFrontConf
        if result.contents
          aOptions.skipSize = -vFrontConf.skipSize
          #result.contents = vFrontConf.content
          aOptions.skipSize = vFrontConf.skipSize
      result = loadCfgFolder aOptions.path, aOptions
    if result # has a config
      @assign result, 'contents' #assign the config to itself except the 'contents'
      @$cfgPath = result.$cfgPath if result.$cfgPath
      if vIsDir = @isDirectory()
        @summary = result.content if result.content and !result.summary
        if result.contents #virtual folder
          aContents = result.contents
    vIsDir ?= @isDirectory()
    if vIsDir and aOptions.recursive
      # TODO: it must be loaded first if the file treat as virtual folder.
      aContents.forEach (f)->
        if (f instanceof Resource) and f.isDirectory()
          f.loadSync aOptions

  _getBufferSync: (aFile)->
    result = super(aFile)
    conf = @loadConfigSync aFile, result
    if conf
      result = conf.contents if conf.contents
      if conf.$cfgPath
        vIsFileNameInsensitive = !fileNameSensitive @cwd
        vCfgPath = conf.$cfgPath
        vCfgPath = vCfgPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
        if @isDirectory()
          result = result.filter (f)->
            vPath = f.path
            vPath = vPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
            vPath isnt vCfgPath
        else if (vDir = @parent) # there is a configuration file for this file.
          vDir.contents = vDir.contents.filter (f)->
            vPath = f.path
            vPath = vPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
            vPath isnt vCfgPath
    vFilter = aFile.filter
    if isFunction(vFilter) and @isDirectory()
      that = this
      result = result.filter (f)->, f)

  _getBuffer: (aFile, done)->
    that = @
    vIsFileNameInsensitive = !fileNameSensitive that.cwd
    super aFile, (err, result)->
      return done(err) if err
      that.loadConfig aFile, result, (err, conf)->
        return done(err) if err
        if conf
          #extend that, conf
          result = conf.contents if conf.contents
          if conf.$cfgPath
            vCfgPath = conf.$cfgPath
            vCfgPath = vCfgPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
            if that.isDirectory()
              # TODO: whether hide the folder configuration file?
              # maybe need to process this file for folder.
              result = result.filter (f)->
                vPath = f.path
                vPath = vPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
                vPath isnt vCfgPath
            else if (vDir = that.parent)
              vDir.contents = vDir.contents.filter (f)->
                vPath = f.path
                vPath = vPath.toLowerCase() if vIsFileNameInsensitive
                vPath isnt vCfgPath
        vFilter = aFile.filter
        if isFunction(vFilter) and that.isDirectory()
          result = result.filter (f)->, f)
        done(err, result)