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# Socket.IO Chat with nginx & redis

A simple chat demo for

## How to use

Install [Docker Compose](, then:

$ docker-compose up -d

And then point your browser to `http://localhost:3000`.

This will start four Socket.IO nodes, behind a nginx proxy which will loadbalance the requests (using the IP of the client, see [ip_hash](

Each node connects to the redis backend, which will enable to broadcast to every client, no matter which node it is currently connected to.

# you can kill a given node, the client should reconnect to another node
$ docker-compose stop server-george

A `client` container is included in the `docker-compose.yml` file, in order to test the routing.

You can create additional `client` containers with:

$ docker-compose up -d --scale=client=10 client
# and then
$ docker-compose logs client

## Features

- Multiple users can join a chat room by each entering a unique username
on website load.
- Users can type chat messages to the chat room.
- A notification is sent to all users when a user joins or leaves
the chatroom.