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Test Coverage
<a name="0.4.5"></a>
## [0.4.5]( (2015-10-17)

### Features

* **bundler:** multi source require of custom bundlers ([4b344a4](
* **gulp:** ss.tasks.use(gulp) API for gulpfile integration ([319b6a1](
* **test:** added a task for testing transporters 'test-socketstream' ([9ee6721](

<a name="0.4.4"></a>
## [0.4.4]( (2015-09-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **logging:** no warnings by Uglify ([2fd3fbd](
* **pack:** identify previous assets ([a11f584](
* **paths:** relative paths outside client ([64aa4ce](
* **start:** transport started when HTTP server started ([159e8d5](
* **tests:** pack tests disabled for now ([6070de8](
* **tests:** quick-test doesn't rely on git ([47d1be4](
* **uglify:** stick with uglify-js which is the one that stays updated ([05c369e](
* **windows:** handling * in asset definitions better ([23a9a0d](
* **windows:** proper windows separator replacement ([08bea73](

### Features

* **orchestration:** internal draft for load-time assets building tasks ([1e62af3](
* **orchestrator:** tasks are used internally to start and run ([147b276](
* **tasks:** Alternate way to start socketstream without passing server ([62d0dc1](
* **tasks:** Task orchestrator is the runtime engine ([c967cb3](
* **tasks:** default start-server task ([6ee5c34](

<a name="0.4.3"></a>
### 0.4.3 (2015-06-14)

#### Bug Fixes

* **bundler:** only include asset type in bundle ([5ef3ed02](
* **cli:** Ensures that new apps point to SS 0.4 ([ecd7be27](
* **templates:** Generate templates with the same IDs as before, and in sub-directories if configured.
* **tests:**
  * Misspelt a path to a file, not caught due to OS X handling mixed case filenames  ([01718001](
  * More tests added, and some unexpected functionality found ([a9c7b54a](
  * Added some tests for the cli, ported from ss-generator ([83b11e8f](

<a name="0.4.2"></a>
### 0.4.2 (2015-04-27)

#### Bug Fixes

* **templates:** bug with old template engines getting passed root rather than socketstream api ([19510e35](

#### Features

* **bundler:** clarify system module entries loader, libs, start ([4146ec28](
* **pre-commit:** jshint must pass to commit ([34017ff2](

<a name="0.4.1"></a>
## 0.4.1 (2015-04-21)

#### Bug Fixes

* **dev:** bundler can supply Buffer rather than string for module content ([15e6af75](
* **docs:** prepend and connect3 re #527 ([61b40825](
* **merge:** fixed merge mistake ([e3826ed5](

#### Features

* **bundler:**
  * ss.bundler.systemModules() returns all ([a1114433](
  * revised constructor and define calls of custom bundlers ([1caf28a5](

<a name="0.4.0"></a>
### 0.4.0 (2015-04-12)

#### Bug Fixes

* **browserify:** essential test coverage, and require working for directories ([2a41ea95](
* **bundler:**
  * assets URL, client ref ([3101bce0](
  * packing initCode ([ecfe64f2](
  * fix _serveDev typo ([694aa221](
* **client:** http require provides the serveClient API ([1dde4e09](
* **cookie:** cookie configuration in http strategy ([72d6c631](
* **dev:** get entry for /code/.. not code/.. ([33fba3b9](
* **docs:** engine generate ([3482973e](
* **error:** Better error ([60883a42](
* **lint:** trying to fix hound comments ([34b5e774](
* **packed:** Pack 0 assets ([e0d01833](
* **serve:** serve system module ([91ddaa4d](
* **tests:**
  * using common abcClient test util ([38154fb6](
  * conflicting file names ([6565a9c0](
  * mock ss.publish in tests ([64247faa](
  * wrong paths ([9a1acd10](
  * forgot updates for startInBundle ([080abcaa](
  * system assets ([79544853](
  * send modules ([588cf84c](
  * system assets ([148369b6](
* **unload:** unloading functions ([17356a3b](
* **view:** correct formatter used for view ([5bc2a05d](
* **worker:** fixed serving worker files ([1a5c91f4](
* **wrap:** support system library subdirectories ([669f000a](

#### Features

* **assets:**
  * missing file ([0e82774f](
  * URL scheme for assets ([fc93d394](
* **entry:** entry point is added to startCode rather than sent with system assets ([aaea0d95](
* **browserify:** browserify in default bundler loader ([fb162bd3](
* **bundler:**
  * bundle vs extension vs assetType ([498d9c86](
  * simple api, module, asset ([cfa3f65e](
  * entries have extension ([55bbe799](
  * better systemModule ([ee1dd954](
  * pass system.assets to entries ([4999e767](
  * system modules are named without JS extensions ([7fd3833c](
  * view with tags ([510fb53e](
  * Pack & System Assets serving in bundler ([9b7cb47e](
  * Dropping global-require ([6f0b391b](
  * Improved bundler api ([4c4313e6](
  * ss.bundler.asset.launch ([e6cb07b9](
  * client.includes needed for now ([94b86e7b](
  * tmpl: '*' ([8788aeec](
  * Assets relative to /client ([06433771](
  * Alternate bundler ([f99eb5fe](
  * Manage saved asset files ([ca55b5da](
  * Bundlers have common implementation methods ([aea18d25](
  * Use default bundler in the client ([cf7641c4](
* **client:** unload and forget calls ([d1beae04](
* **constants:** constants set by bundler ([851dabe0](
* **dev:** dev serve /assets ([a22d5fc6](
* **entry:** first client module with entry.* ([f5dd8799](
* **formatter:** builtin formatters ([ae962a6f](
* **id:** unique client id can be used to look up bundler ([c5adac7e](
* **loading:** better entry module loading ([5d232018](
* **locals:** can define locals for client and pass to formatters ([248c1ab2](
* **log:**
  * log is no longer a function ([be857ae2](
  * Expose logging to formatters ([1c238796](
* **logging:** log and serve formatting errors ([21ec301a](
* **shim:** Dropping JSON shim ([bd7ab276](
* **start:** Start Code at end of view ([19442e69](
* **templates:** selectEngine for relative and absolute paths ([3009f493](
* **webpack:** webpack bundler exceptions fixed ([f7ed22a9](

#### Compatibility

* **log:** log is no longer a function ([be857ae2](
* The browserify.js require implementation no longer looks for 'node_modules' paths. This feature makes little sense in
the browser, and goes against a principle of simplicity. The require lookup is now small and simple. 1) File 2) Directory 3) System

<a name="0.3.12"></a>
### 0.3.12 (2015-04-05)

#### Bug Fixes

* **cookie:** cookie configuration in http strategy #454 ([8f6c20f0](
* **debugging:** Log stack trace for internal server errors ([ec0f7337](
* **docs:**
  * Fixed formatting in the docs ([ebd60804](
  * Updated docs ([bc0ec325](
  * Updated main page and fixed broken links ([f81cddb3](
* **integrations:** Fixed config for gitter notify ([28543c51](
* **static:**
  * Static files from static and assets dirs ([f93652e4](
  * Views and static paths can coexist without name clashes #470

#### Features

* **modules and libs:**
  * Can be overridden #456
  * Shims are loaded before libs and can be added with the send call. ([d0d0715165](
* **http:**
  * Alternate strategies for http middleware ([a25c3d86](
  * static strategy ([d2037735](
* **static:** Support no use of ss.http.middleware ([f2fd0ca0](

### Compatibility

* **Node 0.6** is no longer supported
* Upgraded to latest **Connect** version #504
* Upgraded to latest **** version #435

<a name="0.3.11"></a>
### 0.3.11 (2014-10-15)

#### Bug Fixes

* Adding travis support back in ([d7d15fbe](
* **Gruntfile:** names changed for tasks `isGhPagesBranch`, `isClean` ([b5f95803](
* **TravisCI:** Not testing 0.8 as dependencies no longer support it ([443e4ffa](
* **docs:**
  * Added updated docs ([d498c676](
  * Added tweaks and styling ([c3ebc02d](
  * Corrected spelling and updated docs ([8c9a6bc6](
* **generator:** updated jade templates - fixes #447 ([d58d2457](
* **http:**
  * Fixes and updates ([58898c5c](
  * Allow setting your own cookie parser secret ([8432e347](
* **test:** Updated should and made changes to testing setup ([c4e2eb61](
* **tests:**
  * Istanbul was injecting listeners that failed a test ([32ab2283](
  * Added coveralls to check the code coverage stats ([db166c1e](
  * Better test running ([033f1787](
* **travis:** Dropping support for 0.8 ([1f6e3901](
* **workflow:** Replacing grunt tasks with node modules ([fedf8ac3](

#### Features

* **Gruntfile:**
  * Add helper task `grunt isGhPagesBranch` ([4afd173e](
  * Add task `grunt release:push` ([5fa909f6](
  * Add task `grunt isClean:branchName` ([1cfaf107](
  * Add task `grunt changelog` ([fa3ebef8](
* **lib:** Users can now pass the NODE_ENV to set the environment ([09bb6c0d](
* **utils:** Add `ss.api.log` unified logging API ([5fcd9527](