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# SocketStream
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### Introduction

SocketStream is a framework for Realtime Web Apps

_Latest release: 0.4.5 ([view changelog](

[Live demo]( | [Documentation](

### Installation

Please note that the 0.4 release has many modifications. It is expected to be robust and changes are well covered by tests. It should be ready for production.

    npm install -g socketstream

### Usage

    socketstream new <your_app_name>
    cd <your_app_name>
    npm install
    npm start

Then open a web browser at localhost:3000:

    open http://localhost:3000

### Why SocketStream?

Building a simple chat app that uses websockets is easy, but rich, non-trivial, responsive realtime UI without ending up with a mess of code is hard SocketStream eases the pain by:

* Integrating best-of-breed modules to increase productivity
* Providing a sensible place to put everything
* Accelerating development with Live Reload and (optional) support for Stylus, Jade, and other transpilers.
* Accelerating deployment with integrated asset packing and CDN support
* Organizing spaghetti client-side code into modules you can `require()` with Browserify
* Working well with all major client-side frameworks (e.g. Backbone, Ember, Angular)

### Applications using SocketStream

- [Dashku]( Realtime dashboards and widgets using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Also hosted at [](
- [SketchDeck]( An app for designing great slide decks from sketches, also a Y Combinator tech startup.
- [Hollow]( An interactive, emmy-nominated documentary.
- [Bitjoy]( Realtime Bitcoin prices and news.
- [Teeleader]( A booking engine for Golf courses.

### Presentations

- SocketStream (November 2013): On [Slideshare]( and [SpeakerDeck](

### Videos

(most recent at end)

* [, Portland, November 2011](
* [, London, May 2012](
* [LXJS, Lisbon, September 2012](
* [RealtimeConf, Portland, October 2012](
* [QCon, San Francisco, November 2012](
* [RealtimeConf EU, Lyon, April 2013](

### Documentation

Checkout the [documentation here](

### Next Major Release 0.5

[![Build Status](](
[![Coverage Status](](

#### Notes

This upcoming is expected in late 2015. The current state can be found on the `next` branch.

### Team

*Creator:* Owen Barnes

*Core Contributors:*

- Paul Jensen
- Roman Minkin
- Robert Hall
- Joshua Cullick
- Henrik Vendelbo

### Contact

- Twitter: [@socketstream](!/socketstream)  
- Chat: [Gitter](
- Forum: [Google Group](

### License

SocketStream is released under the MIT license.