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<div><div class="features-page"><h2 id="features">Features</h2>
<h5 id="features_client-side">Client Side</h5>
<li>Use <code>require()</code> and <code>exports</code> in your client-side code as you would on the server</li>
<li>Define multiple single-page clients by choosing the CSS, JS and client-side templates you wish to serve</li>
<li>Integrated asset manager - packages and <a href="">minifies</a> all client-side assets. Includes CDN support</li>
<li>Live Reload - automatically reloads the browser when a HTML, CSS or JS client file changes</li>
<li>Comprehensive support for client-side templates - use Hogan/Mustache/CoffeeKup/jQuery or write your own wrapper</li>
<li>Use optional code formatters (e.g. CoffeeScript, Jade, Stylus, Less, etc) by easily installing wrapper modules</li>
<li>Multiple clients work seamlessly with HTML Push State &#39;mock routing&#39; so you can use <a href="">Backbone Router</a>, <a href="">Davis JS</a> and more</li>
<li>Works great with <a href="">Ember.js</a> for &#39;reactive templates&#39; which automatically update when data changes</li>
<li>Bundled with jQuery - though not dependent on it. Will work great with Zepto and other libraries</li>
<li>Easily use additional client libraries such as <a href="">Underscore.js</a></li>
<h5 id="features_server-side">Server Side</h5>
<li>True bi-directional communication using websockets (or websocket fallbacks). No more slow, messy AJAX!</li>
<li>Modular Websocket Transports - switch between <a href="">Engine.IO</a> (bundled by default) or <a href="">SockJS</a> without changing your app code</li>
<li>Easily share code between the client and server. Ideal for business logic and model validation (see FAQs below)</li>
<li>Request Middleware - enabling session access, authentication, logging, distributed requests and more</li>
<li>Effortless, scalable, pub/sub baked right in - including Private Channels</li>
<li>Easy authentication - use a backend database or authenticate against Facebook Connect, Twitter, etc using <a href="">Everyauth</a></li>
<li>Uses <a href="">Connect</a> - Hook-in your own HTTP middleware, share sessions between HTTP/Connect/Express/SocketStream</li>
<li>Optionally use <a href="">Redis</a> for fast session retrieval, pub/sub, list of users online, and any other data your app needs instantly</li>
<h5 id="features_optional-modules">Optional Modules (officially maintained and supported)</h5>
<li><strong><a href="">ss-sockjs</a></strong> Use <a href="">SockJS</a> as the websocket transport instead of Engine.IO</li>
<li><strong><a href="">ss-console</a></strong> Connect to a live server and call RPC actions or publish events over the REPL / terminal</li>
<li>Code Formatters: <strong><a href="">ss-coffee</a></strong> (CoffeeScript), <strong><a href="">ss-jade</a></strong> Jade (for HTML), <strong><a href="">ss-stylus</a></strong> Stylus (for CSS), <strong><a href="">ss-less</a></strong> Less (for CSS)</li>
<li>Client-side Template Engines: <strong><a href="">ss-hogan</a></strong> Hogan/Mustache, <strong><a href="">ss-coffeekup</a></strong> CoffeeKup</li>