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<div><div class="how-to-write-view-html-page"><h2 id="how-to-write-view-html">How to write view HTML ?</h2>
<p>Views can be written as plain HTML, Jade or any other supported by HTML formatters.</p>
<p>You only have one requirement. In HTML insert <code>&lt;SocketStream&gt;</code> where you want link and script tags to be inserted.
This will ensure that you get the CSS and JavaScript files loaded in the page.
You should consider the size of what you are loading. Normally CSS is not that huge, so let&#39;s consider JS.</p>
<p>If you have a lot of JavaScript and you put the SocketStream tag within the head tag, the user will not see the contents
of the page until the scripts have been loaded which on a slow connection could take seconds when the page might be  plain
<p>If on the other hand you have a page heavy on content and light on JavaScript, and you put it within the head tag,
the user will see the top of the page styled before the full page is loaded.</p>
<p>The recommended place for bundles of CSS and JS to be loaded is just before the closing <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code> tag. This is where
you should put the SocketStream tag.</p>
<p>If you are doing XHTML rather than HTML use <code>&lt;SocketStream/&gt;</code>.</p>
<p>If you are doing Jade use <code>!= SocketStream</code> such as</p>
<pre><code>  body
        block content
          p Content block to be filled in
      != SocketStream
</code></pre><p>Note than the SocketStream include notation and up to the page formatter, so ultimately you are in control by configuring
the formatters.</p>
<h4 id="how-to-write-view-html_page-start-code">Page Start code</h4>
<p>By default the start code will be executed at the end of the view regardless of where you put the SocketStream tag.
In a typical installation the end of your HTML for the view served to the browser will look like,</p>
<pre><code>&lt;script&gt;require(&#39;synced-model&#39;)(1, {}, require(&#39;socketstream&#39;).send(1));
require(&#39;echo-responder&#39;)(2, {}, require(&#39;socketstream&#39;).send(2));
require(&#39;events-responder&#39;)(0, {}, require(&#39;socketstream&#39;).send(0));
require(&#39;socketstream-rpc&#39;)(3, {}, require(&#39;socketstream&#39;).send(3));
</code></pre><p>If you want the previous behaviour of appending the startCode to the JS bundle rather than the view HTML set the client
option &quot;startInBundle&quot;.</p>
<pre><code>ss.client.set({ startInBundle: true });