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@name Testing your app

# Testing your app

Note: This feature is brand new and still in the 'experimental' stage. Please help us by reporting any problems so we can perfect server-side testing in future releases.

SocketStream allows you to test your app using Node's `assert` module, or any test framework of your choice. We recommend using [Grunt](, [Mocha]( with [should.js]( This is the combination used in the example below.

### Getting Started

First install `grunt-cli` globally:

    [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli

Create a directory for your tests:

    mkdir test

For this example we're going to test the `ss.rpc('app.square')` function shown below:

// in/server/rpc/app.js
exports.actions = function(req, res, ss) {
  return {
    square: function(number) {
      res(number * number);

Create a new test file in the `/test` directory:

// in /test/app.test.js
var ss = require('socketstream').start();

describe('app.square', function() {

  it('should square a number', function(done) {
    ss.rpc('app.square', 4, function(params) {


Run all your tests in `/test` with:

    grunt test

And you'll see the following output:

    ✔ 1 test complete (1ms)

A few things to note about RPC tests:

* All `ss.rpc()` commands return an array of params (e.g. `[16]` in the example above). As two `array`s cannot be directly compared in Javascript, it is necessary to convert the response to a `string` before calling `should.equal()`
* Create as many test files as you like. Subsequent calls to `var ss = require('socketstream').start();` will return the same server instance from memory

* Tip: Rather than typing `grunt` each time, add the following lines to `package.json` so you can run your tests with `npm test`:
    "scripts": {
      "test": "node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt"

### Sessions

A new Session (with a unique ID) is automatically created for you the first time you `start()` SocketStream. This allows you to test `ss.rpc()` commands which use `req.session.userId`.

### What can I test?

Right now you can only test `ss.rpc()` commands. A major goal of SocketStream 0.4 is to allow any Request Responders to be tested in a similar way.

We are also considering implementing a mock Publish Transport, to allow you to test `ss.publish()` commands.