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# delicious tagroll shortcode #
**Contributors:** PerS  
**Donate link:**  
**Tags:** delicious, tagroll, shortcode, wpmu  
**Requires at least:** 3.5  
**Tested up to:** 4.5  
**Stable tag:** 2.1.5  

The delicious tagroll for WordPress plugin adds a new shortcode to WordPress, the [delicious_tagroll] shortcode.

## Description ##

The delicious tagroll for WordPress plugin adds a new shortcode to WordPress, the `[delicious_tagroll]` shortcode.  The shortcode creates a [tag cloud]( from your public [delicious]( [tags](

Live demo: [](

For more information, please see the [plugin home page](

## Installation ##

### Requirement ###
* PHP: 5.2.x or newer

### Manual Installation ###
* Upload the files to wp-content/plugins/delicious-tagroll-shortcode/
* Activate the plugin

### Automatic Installation ###
* On your WordPress blog, open the Dashboard
* Go to Plugins->Install New
* Search for "delicious tagroll"
* Click on install to install the delicious tagroll shortcode

### WPMU Installation ###
* If you want to change the shortcode defaults, edit the `ps_delicious_tagroll.php` file
* Upload the file to wp-content/mu-plugins/

### Usage ###
* Add the `[delicious_tagroll username="delicious username"]` shortcode to a post or page, see [screenshot]( and the [plugin home page](

### Parameters ###
* username="delicious username" (the only **mandatory** parameter, if you forget this parameter, my tagroll will be displayed)
* title="tagroll title" (default ="My Delicious Tags", use " " if you don’t want a tagroll title)
* count="number of tags" (default="100″)
* sort="alpha or freq" (default = “alpha")
* showcounts="true or false" (default = “false", show tag counts)
* mincount (default mincount="10"), eg. show only tags with 10 or more links
* minfont="12″
* maxfont="35″

## Screenshots ##

### 1. Demo ###

### 2. Adding the `[delicious_tagroll]` shortcode to a page ###
![Adding the `[delicious_tagroll]` shortcode to a page](

## Frequently Asked Questions ##

### What are shortcodes? ###

Shortcode, a "shortcut to code", makes it easy to add funtionality to a page or post. When a page with a shortcode is saved, WordPress execute the linked code and embedds the output in the page.

### Writing your own shortcode plugin ###

* [Smashing Magazine]( has a nice (as allways) article about [Mastering WordPress shortcodes]( The article has several examples you can use as a starting point for writing your own.
* At codplex, you'll find the [Shortcode API documented](
* Also, feel free to use this plugin as a template for you own shortcode plugin

## Changelog ##
### 2.2.0 ###
* Add scripts to shortcode only when the shortcode is used.
* Update plugin for [WordPress Coding Standards](
* Tested & found compatible with WP 4.5.

### 2.1.4 ###
* Tested in WordPress 4.3

### 2.1.3 ###
* Tested in WordPress 3.9, bumped version number
* The plugin no longer supports PHP 4.x

### 2.1.2 ###
* Bugfix, You need this version if you are using PHP prior to version 5.3

### 2.1.1 ###
* Replaced LastRSS with WordPress built in methods and set/get transient for caching. See function ps_delicious_tagroll_get_tags() in ps_delicious_tagroll.php
* Added a new optional attribute:
     * tags (default empty), used to filter which tags you'd like to display eg. tags="javascript,jquery,nodejs"

### 2.0 ###
* Delicious removed their javascript feed so I had to do a [total rewrite](
     * Creates the tag cloud server-side (good for SEO) and lets you change the look and feel using the included style sheet.
     * Uses the [Delicious RSS feed API](
     * Caches the feed for one hour. Delicious might block you if you access their feed API too often.
* Some attributes are removed from the shortcode (you can change these using the ps_delicious_tagroll.css style sheet in the plugin directory):
     * mincolor
     * maxcolor
     * flow
* Also removed the attributes
     * showname
     * showadd
     * icon
* Added a new attribute:
     * mincount (default mincount="10"), eg. show only tags with 10 or more links

### 1.1 ###
* changed parameter name="true" to showname="true"
* added missing parameter showcounts="false"

### 1.0 ###
* initial release