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declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Soliant\SimpleFM\Client\Exception;

use RuntimeException;

final class FileMakerException extends RuntimeException implements ExceptionInterface
     * @var array
    private static $errorReasons = [
        -1 => 'Unknown error',
        0 => 'No error',
        1 => 'User canceled action',
        2 => 'Memory error',
        3 => 'Command is unavailable (for example, wrong operating system, wrong mode, etc.)',
        4 => 'Command is unknown',
        5 => 'Command is invalid (for example, a Set Field script step does not have a calculation specified)',
        6 => 'File is read-only',
        7 => 'Running out of memory',
        8 => 'Empty result',
        9 => 'Insufficient privileges to modify/access data',
        10 => 'Requested data is missing',
        11 => 'Name is not valid',
        12 => 'Name already exists',
        13 => 'File or object is in use',
        14 => 'Out of range',
        15 => 'Can\'t divide by zero',
        16 => 'Operation failed, request retry (for example, a user query)',
        17 => 'Attempt to convert foreign character set to UTF-16 failed',
        18 => 'Client must provide account information to proceed',
        19 => 'String contains characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (ASCII)',
        20 => 'Command/operation cancelled by triggered script',
        21 => 'Map Win 32 error of "ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED". Microsoft documentation is "the request is not supported"',
        26 => 'The file path specified is not a valid file path',
        100 => 'File is missing',
        101 => 'Record is missing',
        102 => 'Field is missing',
        103 => 'Relationship is missing',
        104 => 'Script is missing',
        105 => 'Layout is missing',
        106 => 'Table is missing',
        107 => 'Index is missing',
        108 => 'Value list is missing',
        109 => 'Privilege set is missing',
        110 => 'Related tables are missing',
        111 => 'Field repetition is invalid',
        112 => 'Window is missing',
        113 => 'Function is missing',
        114 => 'File reference is missing',
        115 => 'Specified menu set is not present',
        116 => 'Specified layout object is not present',
        117 => 'Specified data source is not present',
        130 => 'Files are damaged or missing and must be reinstalled',
        131 => 'Language pack files are missing (such as template files)',
        200 => 'Record access is denied',
        201 => 'Field cannot be modified',
        202 => 'Field access is denied',
        203 => 'No records in file to print, or password doesn\'t allow print access',
        204 => 'No access to field(s) in sort order',
        205 => 'User does not have access privileges to create new records; import will overwrite existing data',
        206 => 'User does not have password change privileges, or file is not modifiable',
        207 => 'User does not have sufficient privileges to change database schema, or file is not modifiable',
        208 => 'Password does not contain enough characters',
        209 => 'New password must be different from existing one',
        210 => 'User account is inactiveUser account is inactive',
        211 => 'Password has expired',
        212 => 'Invalid user account and/or password. Please try again',
        213 => 'User account and/or password does not exist',
        214 => 'Too many login attempts',
        215 => 'Administrator privileges cannot be duplicated',
        216 => 'Guest account cannot be duplicated',
        217 => (
            'User does not have sufficient privileges to modify administrator accountUser does not have sufficient'
            . 'privileges to modify administrator account'
        218 => 'Password and verify password do not match (iPhone)',
        300 => 'File is locked or in use',
        301 => 'Record is in use by another user',
        302 => 'Table is in use by another user',
        303 => 'Database schema is in use by another user',
        304 => 'Layout is in use by another user',
        306 => 'Record modification ID does not match',
        307 => 'Lost connection to the host and the transaction could not relock',
        400 => 'Find criteria are empty',
        401 => 'No records match the request',
        402 => 'Selected field is not a match field for a lookup',
        403 => 'Exceeding maximum record limit for trial version of FileMaker Pro',
        404 => 'Sort order is invalid',
        405 => 'Number of records specified exceeds number of records that can be omitted',
        406 => 'Replace/Reserialize criteria are invalid',
        407 => 'One or both match fields are missing (invalid relationship)',
        408 => 'Specified field has inappropriate data type for this operation',
        409 => 'Import order is invalid',
        410 => 'Export order is invalid',
        412 => 'Wrong version of FileMaker Pro used to recover file',
        413 => 'Specified field has inappropriate field type',
        414 => 'Layout cannot display the result',
        415 => 'One or more required related records are not available',
        416 => 'Primary key required from data source table',
        417 => 'Database is not supported for ODBC operations',
        418 => 'The base directory specified in the CREATE TABLE ... field blob EXTERNAL \'path\' not found',
        500 => 'Date value does not meet validation entry options',
        501 => 'Time value does not meet validation entry options',
        502 => 'Number value does not meet validation entry options',
        503 => 'Value in field is not within the range specified in validation entry options',
        504 => 'Value in field is not unique as required in validation entry options',
        505 => 'Value in field is not an existing value in the database file as required in validation entry options',
        506 => 'Value in field is not listed on the value list specified in validation entry option',
        507 => 'Value in field failed calculation test of validation entry option',
        508 => 'Invalid value entered in Find mode',
        509 => 'Field requires a valid value',
        510 => 'Related value is empty or unavailable',
        511 => 'Value in field exceeds maximum field size',
        512 => 'Record was already modified by another user',
        513 => 'Record must have a value in some field to be created',
        600 => 'Print error has occurred',
        601 => 'Combined header and footer exceed one page',
        602 => 'Body doesn\'t fit on a page for current column setup',
        603 => 'Print connection lost',
        700 => 'File is of the wrong file type for import',
        706 => 'EPSF file has no preview image',
        707 => 'Graphic translator cannot be found',
        708 => 'Can\'t import the file or need color monitor support to import file',
        709 => 'QuickTime movie import failed',
        710 => 'Unable to update QuickTime reference because the database file is read-only',
        711 => 'Import translator cannot be found',
        714 => 'Password privileges do not allow the operation',
        715 => 'Specified Excel worksheet or named range is missing',
        716 => 'A SQL query using DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE is not allowed for ODBC import',
        717 => 'There is not enough XML/XSL information to proceed with the import or export',
        718 => 'Error in parsing XML file (from Xerces)',
        719 => 'Error in transforming XML using XSL (from Xalan)',
        720 => 'Error when exporting; intended format does not support repeating fields',
        721 => 'Unknown error occurred in the parser or the transformer',
        722 => 'Cannot import data into a file that has no fields',
        723 => 'You do not have permission to add records to or modify records in the target table',
        724 => 'You do not have permission to add records to the target table',
        725 => 'You do not have permission to modify records in the target table',
        726 => 'There are more records in the import file than in the target table. Not all records were imported',
        727 => 'There are more records in the target table than in the import file. Not all records were updated',
        729 => 'Errors occurred during import. Records could not be imported',
        730 => (
            'Unsupported Excel version. (Convert file to Excel 7.0 (Excel 95), Excel 97, 2000, or XP format and try'
            . ' again)'
        731 => 'The file you are importing from contains no data',
        732 => 'This file cannot be inserted because it contains other files',
        733 => 'A table cannot be imported into itself',
        734 => 'This file type cannot be displayed as a picture',
        735 => 'This file type cannot be displayed as a picture. It will be inserted and displayed as a file',
        736 => 'Too much data to export to this format. It will be truncated',
        737 => 'Bento table is reported as missed when trying to import it',
        738 => (
            'A theme named \1770 already exists in \1771. Do you want to replace it with the theme that you are'
            . ' importing?'
        800 => 'Unable to create file on disk',
        801 => 'Unable to create temporary file on System disk',
        802 => 'Unable to open file',
        803 => 'File is single user or host cannot be found',
        804 => 'File cannot be opened as read-only in its current state',
        805 => 'File is damaged; use Recover command',
        806 => 'File cannot be opened with this version of FileMaker Pro',
        807 => 'File is not a FileMaker Pro file or is severely damaged',
        808 => 'Cannot open file because access privileges are damaged',
        809 => 'Disk/volume is full',
        810 => 'Disk/volume is locked',
        811 => 'Temporary file cannot be opened as FileMaker Pro file',
        813 => 'Record Synchronization error on network',
        814 => 'File(s) cannot be opened because maximum number is open',
        815 => 'Couldn\'t open lookup file',
        816 => 'Unable to convert file',
        817 => 'Unable to open file because it does not belong to this solution',
        819 => 'Cannot save a local copy of a remote file',
        820 => 'File is in the process of being closed',
        821 => 'Host forced a disconnect',
        822 => 'FMI files not found; reinstall missing files',
        823 => 'Cannot set file to single-user, guests are connected',
        824 => 'File is damaged or not a FileMaker file',
        825 => 'File is not authorized to reference the protected file',
        827 => 'File was not created because the source contained no data or is a reference.',
        850 => 'This path is not valid (for the platform it represents)',
        851 => (
            'The external file can not be deleted from disk. Do you want to delete the reference to the file anyway?'
        852 => 'Can not write file to the external storage.',
        853 => 'One or more containers failed to transfer',
        900 => 'General spelling engine error',
        901 => 'Main spelling dictionary not installed',
        902 => 'Could not launch the Help system',
        903 => 'Command cannot be used in a shared file',
        905 => 'No active field selected; command can only be used if there is an active field',
        906 => 'Current file must be shared in order to use this command',
        920 => 'Can\'t initialize the spelling engine',
        921 => 'User dictionary cannot be loaded for editing',
        922 => 'User dictionary cannot be found',
        923 => 'User dictionary is read-only',
        951 => 'An unexpected error occurred (*)',
        954 => 'Unsupported XML grammar (*)',
        955 => 'No database name (*)',
        956 => 'Maximum number of database sessions exceeded (*)',
        957 => 'Conflicting commands (*)',
        958 => 'Parameter missing (*)',
        1200 => 'Generic calculation error',
        1201 => 'Too few parameters in the function',
        1202 => 'Too many parameters in the function',
        1203 => 'Unexpected end of calculation',
        1204 => 'Number, text constant, field name or "(" expected',
        1205 => 'Comment is not terminated with "*/"',
        1206 => 'Text constant must end with a quotation mark',
        1207 => 'Unbalanced parenthesis',
        1208 => 'Operator missing, function not found or "(" not expected',
        1209 => 'Name (such as field name or layout name) is missing',
        1210 => 'Plug-in function has already been registered',
        1211 => 'List usage is not allowed in this function',
        1212 => 'An operator (for example, +, -, *) is expected here',
        1213 => 'This variable has already been defined in the Let function',
        1214 => (
            'AVERAGE, COUNT, EXTEND, GETREPETITION, MAX, MIN, NPV, STDEV, SUM and GETSUMMARY: expression found where a'
            . ' field alone is needed'
        1215 => 'This parameter is an invalid Get function parameter',
        1216 => 'Only Summary fields allowed as first argument in GETSUMMARY',
        1217 => 'Break field is invalid',
        1218 => 'Cannot evaluate the number',
        1219 => 'A field cannot be used in its own formula',
        1220 => 'Field type must be normal or calculated',
        1221 => 'Data type must be number, date, time, or timestamp',
        1222 => 'Calculation cannot be stored',
        1223 => 'The function is not implemented',
        1224 => 'The function is not defined',
        1225 => 'The function is not supported in this context',
        1300 => 'The specified name can\'t be used',
        1400 => 'ODBC driver initialization failed; make sure the ODBC drivers are properly installed',
        1401 => 'Failed to allocate environment (ODBC)',
        1402 => 'Failed to free environment (ODBC)',
        1403 => 'Failed to disconnect (ODBC)',
        1404 => 'Failed to allocate connection (ODBC)',
        1405 => 'Failed to free connection (ODBC)',
        1406 => 'Failed check for SQL API (ODBC)',
        1407 => 'Failed to allocate statement (ODBC)',
        1408 => 'Extended error (ODBC)',
        1409 => 'Error (ODBC)',
        1413 => 'Failed communication link (ODBC)',
        1414 => 'ODBC/SQL Statement Too Long',
        1450 => 'Action requires PHP privilege extension (*)',
        1451 => 'Action requires that current file be remote',
        1501 => 'The authentication Failed.',
        1502 => 'The connection was refused by the SMTP server.',
        1503 => 'There was an error with SSL.',
        1504 => 'The server required the connection to be encrypted.',
        1505 => 'The specified authentication is not supported by the SMTP server.',
        1506 => 'Email(s) could not be sent successfully.',
        1507 => 'Unable to login into the SMTP Server.',
        1550 => 'The file isn\'t a plugin, or can\'t load for some reason',
        1551 => 'Can\'t delete existing plugin, can\'t write to the folder, can\'t put on disk for some reason',
        1626 => 'The protocol is not supported',
        1627 => 'The authentication Failed.',
        1628 => 'There was an error with SSL.',
        1629 => 'The connection timed out',
        1630 => 'The url format is incorrect',
        1631 => 'The connection failed',
        1632 => 'The certificate has expired. (previously, The Certificate cannot be authenticated by a supported CA)',
        1633 => (
            'The certificate is self-signed. (previously, The Certificate is valid, but still wrong. e.g. hostname'
            . ' doesn\'t match, or expired)'
        1634 => 'A certificate verification error occurred.',
        2021 => 'plug-ins configuration disallowed',
        2046 => 'This command or action cannot be performed because that functionality is no longer supported',
        2047 => 'Bento 2 (or later) is not presented on the system',
        2048 => 'The selected work book is not excel 2007/2008 format',
        2056 => 'This script step cannot be performed because this window is in a modal state.',
        3000 => 'Action never occurred because script was triggered',
        3001 => (
            'Set when a step returns but is not really finished (probably due to having to switch threads and keep'
            . ' engine thread running)'
        3002 => (
            'The external file can not be deleted from disk. Do you want to delete the reference to the file anyway?'
        3003 => 'Can not write file to the external storage.',
        3004 => 'Directory Cant Edit',
        3005 => 'Directory Cant Delete',
        3100 => 'Theme is in use',
        3219 => 'Convert Global To Remote Warning',
        3220 => 'Directory Not Accessible Warning',
        3316 => 'Wrning before clearing out existing find requests',
        3317 => 'Wrning before attempting to restore files from hibernation',
        3319 => 'Warning: SSL certificate is invalid. Do you want to continue?',
        3320 => 'Warning: SSL certificate could not be verified. Do you want to continue?',
        3427 => 'Button cannot contain a tab control',
        3428 => 'When a panel is deleted, all the objects on that panel will be deleted',
        3429 => (
            'One or more of the panels you\'ve selected contain locked objects. Do you you want to delete those'
            . ' panel(s) even though they contain locked object(s)?'
        3956 => 'The total size of all base directory paths cannot exceed ^1 bytes.',
        3958 => 'Please select at least one bar code type',
        3957 => 'At least one filter must remain.',
        3959 => 'At least one window orientation must be enabled.',
        4049 => 'To view FileMaker Pro Help, you must be connected to the Internet.',
        4103 => 'File path is invalid or cannot be resolved during file transfer',
        4104 => 'File i/o issue during file transfer',
        4106 => 'The target base directory \1770 is not valid.',
        4107 => 'The target base directory \1770 could not be created.',
        4603 => 'Spell Export Complete',
        4687 => 'To view FileMaker Pro update information, you must be connected to the Internet.',
        4688 => 'Internet connection failed. Cannot check for update information.',
        4689 => 'No update available right now.',
        4709 => 'Unsupported svg, can not be imported.',
        7100 => 'Data Deferred',
        8404 => 'An installed OnTimer script could not be found or could not be run with current access privileges',
        8213 => 'Too many temporary objects created, can\'t create any more.',
        8310 => 'There is an error in the syntax of the query.',
        8498 => 'Stale Import Order To Be Updated',
        8499 => 'Import Match May Be Invalid',
        20413 => 'Too Many Files',
        20605 => 'No network connection is available',
        20606 => 'Fail to resolve network address',
        20650 => 'Page doesn\'t have enough footer size for encryption',

    public static function fromErrorCode(int $errorCode) : self
        if (array_key_exists($errorCode, self::$errorReasons)) {
            $reason = self::$errorReasons[$errorCode];
        } else {
            $reason = self::$errorReasons[-1];

        return new self($reason, $errorCode);