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  <h1 align="center"><a aria-label="soluble/cache-interop" href="">cache-interop</a></h1>
  <p align="center">Interoperable cache adapters for node and browsers.</p>
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# About | [Documentation](

> **Warning** Before v1 is released expect breaking changes in API

## Features

- [x] Simple but powerful [API](./packages/cache-interop/src/cache.interface.ts).
- [x] Native promises /`async`/`await`.
- [x] Don't throw errors.
- [x] Typescript friendly.
- [x] High quality & covergae, see [e2e](packages/cache-e2e-tests/test/suites) tests.
- [x] Multiple adapters: node-redis, ioredis.

## Roadmap

- [ ] Finalize v1 API
  - [ ] injectable LoggerInterface
  - [ ] SerializerInterface (json, msgpack, gzip, marshaller, superjson)
    - [ ] Chainable serializer (json -> gzip...)
  - [ ] Cache manager
    - [ ] Chainable cache adapter (allows lru as L1, redis as L2)
- [ ] Adapters
  - [ ] lru-cache
- [ ] Documentation

## Contracts

| package                                            | targets          | description                             | Info                                                                         |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [@soluble/cache-interop](./packages/cache-interop) | `node`,`browser` | Interoperability interfaces & contracts | ![npm]( |

## Adapters

| package                                            | targets | description                                                              | Info                                                                         |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [@soluble/cache-ioredis](./packages/cache-ioredis) | `node`  | Adapter for [ioredis]( driver            | ![npm]( |
| [@soluble/cache-redis](./packages/cache-redis)     | `node`  | Adapter for [node-redis]( driver | ![npm](   |

## Utils

| package                                      | targets          | description                 | Info                                                                      |
| -------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [@soluble/dsn-parser](./packages/dsn-parser) | `node`,`browser` | Tiny and relaxed DSN parser | ![npm]( |

### At a glance

import { IoRedisCacheAdapter } from "@soluble/cache-ioredis";

const cache = new IoRedisCacheAdapter({
  connection: "redis://localhost:6375",

const getSomething = async () => JSON.stringify({ success: true });

const { data, error } = await cache.getOrSet(
  // Cache key
  // Async function
  // GetOrSetOptions
  { ttl: 3600 }

if (error instanceof Error) {
  throw error;

let parsed;
try {
  parsed = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
  throw new SerializerException(e.message);

## Diagram

    CacheInterface <|-- AbstractCacheAdapter
    CacheInterface: +getOrSet(key, valueOrFn, options) CacheItemInterface
    CacheInterface: +get(key, options) CacheItemInterface
    CacheInterface: +set(key, valueOrFn, options) boolean|CacheException
    CacheInterface: +has(key, options) boolean|undefined
    CacheInterface: +delete(key, options) boolean|CacheException
    CacheInterface: +getMultiple(keys, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +setMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +deleteMultiple(keys, options) Map
    CacheInterface: +clear() true|CacheException
    class AbstractCacheAdapter {
      +string adapterName
      +getOrSet() CacheItemInterface
      +getMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
      +setMultiple(keyVals, options) Map
      +deleteMultiple(keys, options) Map
    ConnectedCacheInterface <|-- RedisCacheAdapter
    ConnectedCacheInterface <|-- IoRedisCacheAdapter
    class ConnectedCacheInterface {
      +getConnection() ConnectionInterface
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- IoRedisCacheAdapter
    class IoRedisCacheAdapter {
        +IoRedisConnection conn
        +string adapterName
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- MapCacheAdapter
    class MapCacheAdapter {
        +string adapterName
    AbstractCacheAdapter <|-- RedisCacheAdapter
    class RedisCacheAdapter {
        +RedisConnection conn
        +string adapterName
    class ConnectionInterface {
    ConnectionInterface <|-- IoRedisConnection
    class IoRedisConnection {
    ConnectionInterface <|-- RedisConnection
    class RedisConnection {

## Options

| GetOrSetOptions | target                                      | default | description                                                   |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ttl`           | `number`                                    | 0       | Time-To-Live in seconds since Epoch time. If zero, no expiry. |
| `disableCache`  | `boolean`/`{read: boolean, write: boolean}` | false   | Disable cache                                                 |

## Structure

This monorepo holds the various adapters, the contracts for interoperability and the e2e tests.

 ├── dsn-parser
 │   └── # @soluble/dsn-parser: utility for parsing connection dsn #
 ├── cache-interop
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-interop: cache interoperability contracts #
 ├── cache-ioredis
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-ioredis: ioredis adapter implementation #
 ├── cache-redis
 │   └── # @soluble/cache-redis: node redis adapter implementation #
 └── cache-e2e-tests
     └── # e2e test suite for all adapters #

### Inspiration

- [PSR-6]( - PHP Cache interface standard recommendation.
- [PSR-16]( - PHP SimpleCache interface standard recommendation.
- [Symfony cache]( - Symfony cache component.
- [Node-cache-manager]( - Flexible NodeJS cache module.
- [C# getOrSet]( - C# Memory::getOrSet() method.
- [SWR]( - React Hooks library for data fetching

### Acknowledgements

- [microbundle]( - Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
- [node-testcontainers]( - Ephemeral docker instances to facilitate e2e on various services (redis...)
- [atlassian/changesets]( - To ease pain with monorepo versioning.

### Special thanks to

      <a href="" target="_blank">
         <img width="65" src="" alt="Jetbrains logo" />
      <a href="" target="_blank">
        <img width="65" src="" alt="Jetbrains logo" />    
      <a href="" target="_blank">JetBrains</a>
      <a href="" target="_blank"></a>