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# tensorflow.rb
(NOTE: this doesn't work anymore)

## Description
This repository contains a Ruby API for utilizing [TensorFlow](

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## Documentation
Everything is at [RubyDoc](
You can also generate docs by
```bundle exec rake doc```.

## Blog Posts
1. [Introductory blog post](
2. [Developers blog post](
3. [Image Recognition Tutorial](

## Installation

### Install Script
I have made a make shift install script in tools directory. You are free to use it, but it still needs some work and there is a chance that you might face some issues with it and if you do face some issues, you can use the instructions below. You are welcome to make improvements to the script.

### Docker

It's easiest to get started using the prebuilt Docker container.


docker run --rm -it nethsix/ruby-tensorflow-ubuntu:0.0.1 /bin/bash


cd /repos/tensorflow.rb/
bundle exec rspec

Image Classification Tutorial:

cd /repos/tensorflow.rb/image/

For more details about all the fun machine-learning stuff already pre-installed, see:

### Outside of Docker

Alternatively, you can install outside of a Docker container by following
the following steps.

#### Explicit dependencies

- Ruby >= 2.2.0
- [Bazel](
- [TensorFlow](
- [Swig](

#### Implicit dependencies (No Action Required)

- [Google-Protoc gem]( ( for installation do  ```gem install google-protoc --pre ```)
- [Protobuf](

#### Installation

All the dependencies mentioned above must be installed in your system before you proceed further.

#### Clone and Install TensorFlow

This package depends on the TensorFlow shared libraries, in order to compile
these libraries do the following:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd tensorflow
This command clones the repository and a few sub modules. After this you should do:
bazel build -c opt //
This command takes in the order of 10-15 minutes to run and creates a shared library. When finished, copy the newly generated shared library:
# Linux
sudo cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/lib/
sudo cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/lib   

sudo cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/local/lib
sudo cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/lib
export LIBRARY_PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib (may be required)

#### Install `tensorflow.rb`

Clone and install this Ruby API:
git clone
cd tensorflow.rb/ext/sciruby/tensorflow_c
ruby extconf.rb
make install # Creates ../lib/ruby/site_ruby/X.X.X/<arch>/sciruby/Tensorflow.{bundle, so}
cd ./../../..
bundle install
bundle exec rake install
The last command is for installing the gem.

#### Run tests and verify install
bundle exec rake spec
This command is to run the tests.

## Tensorboard
You can run tensorboard on tensorflow.rb too.    Just take a look at file.

## License

Copyright (c) 2016, Arafat Dad Khan.

All rights reserved.

## Acknowledgements

* The [Ruby Science Foundation]( and [somatic]( for mentoring and sponsoring the project