.. currentmodule:: auxilium
under construction..
* make clear _venv_ is just for testing and aux workflow ops and not for dev
* workflow to add requirement in existing project
1. requirements.txt
2. __dependencies__
3. pip install
4. import pkg
* migrate project to other location (zip and unzip)
* ui frontend via `auxilium app`
* add CONTRIBUTE.rst for auxilium
auxilium cli
* general workflow (create [code] update test [write] doc build [--deploy])
* general cli
* use of .aux/config
auxilium create
* auxilium create --update (usage in ci/existing projects)
* use of venv activate/deactivate resp. :code:`auxilium python`
* default location .aux/venv
auxilium update
* version numbers in (docmaintain/header)
* use if .aux/last.json
* commit (use of git)
* tag -> push
auxilium test
* lint/security check
* use of unittest
* use of regtest
* coverage
auxilium doc
* general rst intro
* use of __theme__
* use of sphinx_math_dollar
* use of sphinx_pytype_substitution
* doctest
* coverage
* html/epub/latex (readthedocs)
* Avoid :code:`.. doctest::` *rst*-directive and :code:`|something|`
links in README.rst. This would fail with `setuptools` to serve
as `long_description` for ` <>`_.
auxilium build
* docmaintain
* build (dist)
* push (branch) + draw release
* deploy (creates or updates