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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# shortrate
# ---------
# risk factor model library python style.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.3, copyright Wednesday, 18 September 2019
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

from math import sqrt, exp

from scipy import integrate

from businessdate import BusinessDate
from dcf import InterestRateCurve, ZeroRateCurve, compounding
from timewave import TimeDependentParameter

from .risk_factor_model import RiskFactorModel

class HullWhiteCurveFactorModel(ZeroRateCurve, RiskFactorModel):
        build HullWhiteCurve i.e. Hull White model in terminal measure from
        ZeroRateCurve, mean reversion speed, volatility and terminal measure date.

    def __init__(self, inner_factor, mean_reversion=0.0, volatility=0.0, terminal_date=None):
        :param list(float) domain:
        :param list(float) data:
        :param list(interpolation) interpolation:
        :param BusinessDate origin:
        :param DayCount day_count:
        :param BusinessPeriod forward_tenor: standard forward
        :param mean_reversion: mean reversion speed of short rate process
        :type  mean_reversion: float or function
        :param volatility: short rate volatility
        :type  volatility: float or function
        :param BusinessDate terminal_date: date of terminal measure
        :param RateCurve inner_factor:

        initializes Hull White drift

        if not isinstance(inner_factor, InterestRateCurve):
            names = self.__class__.__name__, InterestRateCurve.__name__, inner_factor.__class__.__name__
            raise TypeError('%s requires inner_factor of type %s. %s given.' % names)

        RiskFactorModel.__init__(self, inner_factor, 0.0)

        data = list(ZeroRateCurve.get_storage_type(inner_factor, x) for x in inner_factor.domain)
        super(HullWhiteCurveFactorModel, self).__init__(inner_factor.domain,

        if not isinstance(mean_reversion, float):
            raise NotImplementedError('Mean reversion function or term structure not yet supported.')

        # init volatility
        self.volatility = TimeDependentParameter(volatility)

        # init mean reversion
        self.mean_reversion = float(mean_reversion)

        # init terminal_date
        self.terminal_date = self.domain[-1] if terminal_date is None and self.domain else terminal_date

        # init integration caches
        self._pre_calc_diffusion = dict()
        self._pre_calc_drift = dict()
        self._integral_vol_squared_I1 = dict()

        # init factor state variables
        self._factor_date = self.origin
        self._factor_yf = 0.0
        self._factor_value = 0.0
        self._integral = 0.0

        # init diffusion driver
        if isinstance(self.inner_factor, RiskFactorModel):
            self._diffusion_driver = self.inner_factor,
            self._diffusion_driver = self,

    # integration helpers for Hull White model  # todo: make integration helpers @staticmethod ?

    def calc_integral_I1(self, t1, t2):
        :param float t1: start time as year fraction / float
        :param float t2: end time as year fraction / float
        :return: float

        returns the value of the helper function I1

        .. math::   I_1(t_1, t_2) = \exp
                    \left( -\int_{t_1}^{t_2} a(\tau) \,\mathrm{d}\tau \right) = \mathrm{e}^{-a(t_2 - t_1)}

        return exp(-self.mean_reversion * (t2 - t1))

    def calc_integral_I1_squared(self, t1, t2):
        :param float t1: start time as year fraction / float
        :param float t2: end time as year fraction / float
        :return float:

        returns the value of the helper function I1^2

        .. math::   I_1(t_1, t_2)^2 = \exp
                    \left( -2\int_{t_1}^{t_2} a(\tau) \,\mathrm{d}\tau \right) = \mathrm{e}^{-2a(t_2 - t_1)}

        return exp(-2.0 * self.mean_reversion * (t2 - t1))

    def calc_integral_B(self, t1, t2, mr=None):
        returns the value of the helper function B

        .. math::   B(t_1, t_2) = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} I_1(t_1, \tau)  \,
                    \mathrm{d}\tau = \frac{1}{a}\Big(1 - \mathrm{e}^{-a(t_2 - t_1)}\Big)

        :param float t1: start time as year fraction / float
        :param float t2: end time as year fraction / float
        :return float:
        mr = self.mean_reversion if mr is None else mr
        return (1 - exp(- mr * (t2 - t1))) / mr

    def calc_integral_volatility_squared_with_I1(self, t1, t2):
        :param t1:
        :param t2:
        :return float:

        Calculates integral of integrand :math:`f` with :math:`I_1`
        between two time points :math:`t_1` and :math:`t_2` with
        :math:`t_1 \le t_2` is as:

        .. math::   \textrm{Var}_r(t_1,t_2) =  \int_{t_1}^{t_2} vol(u)^2 I_1(u,t_2) \,\mathrm{d} u


        func = (lambda x: self.volatility(x) ** 2 * self.calc_integral_I1(x, t2))
        result, err = integrate.quad(func, t1, t2)
        return result

    def calc_integral_volatility_squared_with_I1_squared(self, t1, t2):
        :param t1:
        :param t2:
        :return float:

        calculates drift integral :math:`I_2`
        func = (lambda x: self.volatility(x) ** 2 * self.calc_integral_I1_squared(x, t2))
        result, err = integrate.quad(func, t1, t2)
        return result

    def calc_integral_I2(self, s, t):
        :param float s: start time as year fraction / float
        :param float t: end time as year fraction / float
        :return float:

        returns the value of the helper function Integrals

        One of the deterministic terms of a step in the MC simulation is calculated here
        with last observation date for T-Bond numeraire T

        .. math::   \int_s^t \sigma^2(u) I_1(u,t) (B(u,t)-B(u,T)) \,\mathrm{d} u +
                    B(s,t)I_1(s,t)\int_0^s \sigma^2(u) I_1^2(u,s)\,\mathrm{d}u

        terminal_date_yf = self.day_count(self.origin, self.terminal_date)

        func1 = (lambda u:
                 self.volatility(u) ** 2 * self.calc_integral_I1(u, t) *
                 (self.calc_integral_B(u, t) -
                  self.calc_integral_B(u, terminal_date_yf)))
        part1and3, err1 = integrate.quad(func1, s, t)

        part2 = self.calc_integral_B(s, t) * \
                self.calc_integral_I1(s, t) * \
                self.calc_integral_volatility_squared_with_I1_squared(0., s)
        return part1and3 + part2

    # integrate drift integrals of drift part

    def _calc_integrals(self, e):
        :param BusinessDate e: end date
        :return float:

        method to pre calculate :math:` \int_0^t \sigma(u)^2 I_1(u, t) du` along a grid

        end = self.day_count(self.origin, e)
        return self.calc_integral_volatility_squared_with_I1(0.0, end)

    # integrate drift and diffusion integrals of stochastic process part

    def _calc_drift_integrals(self, s, e):
        :param s:
        :param e:

        method to pre calculate drift integrals along `s` to `e` on a grid

        start = self.day_count(self.origin, s)
        end = self.day_count(self.origin, e)

        i1 = self.calc_integral_I1(start, end)
        i2 = self.calc_integral_I2(start, end)
        return i1, i2

    def _calc_diffusion_integrals(self, s, e):
        :param s:
        :param e:

        method to pre calculate diffusion integrals along `s` to `e` on a grid

        start = self.day_count(self.origin, s)
        end = self.day_count(self.origin, e)

        var = self.calc_integral_volatility_squared_with_I1_squared(start, end)
        return sqrt(var)

    # RiskFactorModel methods

    def pre_calculate(self, s, e):
        :param BusinessDate s: start date
        :param BusinessDate e: end date

        pre calculate values based only on grid points

        self._integral_vol_squared_I1[e] = self._calc_integrals(e)
        self._pre_calc_drift[s, e] = self._calc_drift_integrals(s, e)
        self._pre_calc_diffusion[s, e] = self._calc_diffusion_integrals(s, e)

    def evolve(self, x, s, e, q):
        evolve Hull White process of shortrate diviation math:: y = r - y
        i1, i2 = self._calc_drift_integrals(s, e) if (s, e) not in self._pre_calc_drift else self._pre_calc_drift[s, e]
        v = self._calc_diffusion_integrals(s, e) \
            if (s, e) not in self._pre_calc_diffusion else self._pre_calc_diffusion[s, e]
        return x * i1 + i2 + v * q

    def set_risk_factor(self, factor_date=None, factor_value=0.0):
        :param BusinessDate factor_date: date of t
        :param float factor_value: value of risk factor y

        set :math:`y=r(t)-F(0,t)` risk factor and prepare discount factor integral
        .. :math:   ` \int_0^t \sigma(u)^2 I_1(u, t) du`

        self._factor_date = self._initial_factor_date if factor_date is None else factor_date

        self._factor_yf = self.day_count(self.origin, factor_date)
        self._factor_value = factor_value

        if factor_date in self._integral_vol_squared_I1:
            self._integral = self._integral_vol_squared_I1[factor_date]
            self._integral = self._calc_integrals(factor_date)
        return self

    # ZeroRateCurve methods

    def get_discount_factor(self, start, stop=None):

        :param BusinessDate start: start date
        :param BusinessDate stop: end date
        :return float:

        calculate the discount rate for the given start date and end date

        ..  math::

            P_{u,y}: \textrm{BusinessDate} {\times} \textrm{BusinessDate} \to \mathbb{R}


        ..  math::

            (s,t) \mapsto P_{\text{init}}(s,t) \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}(B^2(u,t)-B^2(u,s))
            \int_0^u \sigma^2(\tau)I_1(\tau,t), \mathrm{d}\tau\right)\mathrm{e}^{-(B(t,T)-B(t,S))y}

        with :math:`P_{\text{init}}(s,t) = \verb|Curve.get_discount_curve(s,t)|`

        Here the variables with subscript :math:`\textrm{pld}` are dates (BusinessDate instances) and
        the variables without subscripts are year fractions between the correspondent
        :math:`\textrm{pld}` variables and :math:`\verb|validity_date|` in the default DCC (Act/365.25).

        if stop is None:
            return self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, start)

        df = self.inner_factor.get_discount_factor(start, stop)

        loc_diff_in_years = self.day_count  # for speed opt use pointer

        factor_yf = self._factor_yf
        start_yf = loc_diff_in_years(self.origin, start)
        end_yf = loc_diff_in_years(self.origin, stop)

        loc_calc_b = self.calc_integral_B  # for speed opt use pointer

        start_arg = loc_calc_b(factor_yf, start_yf)
        end_arg = loc_calc_b(factor_yf, end_yf)

        arg = (start_arg - end_arg) * (0.5 * (start_arg + end_arg) * self._integral + self._factor_value)

        return df * exp(arg)

    def get_zero_rate(self, start, stop=None):
        if stop is None:
            return self.get_zero_rate(self.origin, start)
        if start == stop:
            stop += self.__class__._time_shift
        df = self.get_discount_factor(start, stop)
        yf = self.day_count(start, stop)
        return compounding.continuous_rate(df, yf)

class HullWhiteCurve(HullWhiteCurveFactorModel):
    def __init__(self, domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None,
                 origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None,
                 mean_reversion=0.0, volatility=0.0, terminal_date=None):
        inner_factor = ZeroRateCurve(domain, data, interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor)
        super(HullWhiteCurve, self).__init__(inner_factor, mean_reversion, volatility, terminal_date)