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Test Coverage
{{template "_base.html" .}}

{{- block "_content" .}}
<div class="imgo-container">
  <div class="rows">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="content">
        <h2>Welcome to Imaginative Go!</h2>
        <p>A beautiful open source website that created with Go. It contains many Go working samples code that useful for web and non-web application. It mainly demonstrate what Go can achieve. You can contribute!</p>
        <p>In this imaginative (but real) project, we implement our knowledge during learning Go and we want to share it with the community.</p>
        <p>We don't use any Go framework and forgive us if the code still not efficient or optimal, since we are still learning too in Go language. Any suggestions are welcomed.</p>
        <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="120px" height="30px"></iframe>
        <iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="120px" height="30px"></iframe>
        {{- block "_list_of_sample_home" .}}
        <div class="rows imgo-sample-start">
          {{- range .Content}}
          <div class="row">
            <div class="content">
              <p class="imgo-title"><a href="/content/{{.Slug}}"><strong>{{.Title}}</strong></a></p>
              {{- /*<div class="buttons">
                <a class="button is-small is-link" href="hello-world">See Result</a>
                <a class="button is-small is-link" href="see-code/hello-world">See Code</a>
              <div class="tags">
                {{- range .Tags}}
                <span class="tag">{{.Tag}}</span>
                {{- end}}
          {{- end}}
        {{- end}}
          This web code at file <code>imaginative-go.go</code>.<br>
          All web data and assets are on <code>web</code> directory.<br>
          Fork this website and run <code>docker-compose up -d</code> then go to your browser at <code>http://localhost:9899</code>.
{{- end}}