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Test Coverage
# Profile as of dafc032

Total: 145.487024
Sort by: self_time

 %self      total      self      wait     child     calls  name
 45.73    107.438    66.532     0.000    40.906 14675390   Hash#each
 14.30    128.248    20.812     0.000   107.437 14675388   Enumerable#all?
 12.15     30.163    17.675     0.000    12.488  8346096   Array#include?
 11.59    145.109    16.861     0.000   128.248    27482   Array#count
  8.58     12.488    12.488     0.000     0.000 21735448   String#==
  6.53      9.502     9.502     0.000     0.000 15295038   Kernel#kind_of?
  0.85      1.241     1.241     0.000     0.000   619650   String#sub
  0.14    143.935     0.202     0.000   143.733      836   Array#each
  0.03    145.158     0.049     0.000   145.109    27482   Crosscounter::Compute#compute
  0.03      0.036     0.036     0.000     0.000    54975   Array#last
  0.02      0.036     0.036     0.000     0.000    55054   Array#first
  0.01      0.037     0.020     0.000     0.017      615   Array#hash
  0.01      0.017     0.017     0.000     0.000    28187   String#hash
  0.00    145.487     0.004     0.000   145.483       13  *Array#map
  0.00      0.003     0.003     0.000     0.000     4806   Hash#delete
  0.00      0.003     0.003     0.000     0.000     5198   String#to_s
  0.00      0.040     0.002     0.000     0.037      304   Hash#hash
  0.00      0.043     0.002     0.000     0.041      303   Crosscounter::Util#tuplize
  0.00      0.017     0.001     0.000     0.015      534   Crosscounter::Util#stringify_keys
  0.00    143.921     0.001     0.000   143.920      302   Enumerable#inject
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Hash#keys
  0.00    145.487     0.000     0.000   145.487        1   Global#[No method]
  0.00    145.487     0.000     0.000   145.487        1   Crosscounter::Compute#compute_all
  0.00      0.001     0.000     0.000     0.001        2   Enumerable#flat_map
  0.00      0.017     0.000     0.000     0.017        1   Crosscounter::Util#stringify_all

# Profile as of 86b6735f

Total: 95.443315
Sort by: self_time

 %self      total      self      wait     child     calls  name
 24.92     34.030    23.780     0.000    10.250 15295038   Set#include?
 18.47     78.989    17.624     0.000    61.365 14675388   Enumerable#all?
 17.04     95.254    16.265     0.000    78.989    27482   Array#count
 10.74     10.250    10.250     0.000     0.000 15295038   Hash#include?
  0.37     94.999     0.351     0.000    94.648 14676224  *Array#each
  0.05     95.299     0.045     0.000    95.254    27482   Crosscounter::Compute#compute
  0.02      0.054     0.017     0.000     0.037      837   Hash#each
  0.01      0.014     0.014     0.000     0.000     6884   Set#add
  0.00      0.004     0.004     0.000     0.000     5419   Kernel#kind_of?
  0.00      0.034     0.003     0.000     0.031      534   Set#initialize
  0.00      0.029     0.002     0.000     0.027      534   Set#merge
  0.00     95.443     0.002     0.000    95.441     2751  *Array#map
  0.00      0.056     0.002     0.000     0.055      837   Crosscounter::Util#stringify
  0.00      0.026     0.002     0.000     0.025      534   Set#do_with_enum
  0.00      0.055     0.001     0.000     0.054      837   Enumerable#flat_map
  0.00      0.061     0.001     0.000     0.060      534   Crosscounter::Util#setify
  0.00      0.035     0.001     0.000     0.034     1068  *Class#new
  0.00      0.024     0.001     0.000     0.023      534   Enumerable#each_entry
  0.00     94.319     0.001     0.000    94.318      302   Enumerable#inject
  0.00      0.001     0.001     0.000     0.000      534   Hash#initialize
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#respond_to?
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#nil?
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#instance_of?
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#class
  0.00     95.443     0.000     0.000    95.443        1   Global#[No method]
  0.00     95.443     0.000     0.000    95.443        1   Crosscounter::Compute#compute_all

# Profile as of 746633d

Total: 50.415018
Sort by: self_time

 %self      total      self      wait     child     calls  name
 47.33     33.178    23.862     0.000     9.317 15295038   Set#include?
 33.90     50.270    17.091     0.000    33.178    27482   Array#count
 18.48      9.317     9.317     0.000     0.000 15295038   Hash#include?
  0.10     49.839     0.050     0.000    49.789      836   Array#each
  0.09     50.315     0.045     0.000    50.270    27482   Crosscounter::Compute#compute
  0.03      0.013     0.013     0.000     0.000     6884   Set#add
  0.03      0.022     0.013     0.000     0.009      536   Hash#each
  0.01      0.003     0.003     0.000     0.000     4817   Kernel#kind_of?
  0.00      0.031     0.002     0.000     0.029      534   Set#initialize
  0.00      0.027     0.002     0.000     0.025      534   Set#merge
  0.00     50.415     0.002     0.000    50.413     2149  *Array#map
  0.00      0.024     0.001     0.000     0.023      534   Set#do_with_enum
  0.00      0.056     0.001     0.000     0.055      534   Crosscounter::Util#setify
  0.00      0.024     0.001     0.000     0.023      536   Crosscounter::Util#stringify
  0.00      0.032     0.001     0.000     0.031     1068  *Class#new
  0.00      0.023     0.001     0.000     0.022      536   Enumerable#flat_map
  0.00     49.818     0.001     0.000    49.817      302   Enumerable#inject
  0.00      0.022     0.001     0.000     0.022      534   Enumerable#each_entry
  0.00      0.001     0.001     0.000     0.000      534   Hash#initialize
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#respond_to?
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#instance_of?
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#class
  0.00      0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000      534   Kernel#nil?
  0.00     50.415     0.000     0.000    50.415        1   Global#[No method]
  0.00     50.415     0.000     0.000    50.415        1   Crosscounter::Compute#compute_all

Total: 26.442810
Sort by: self_time

 %self      total      self      wait     child     calls  name
 64.06     26.310    16.939     0.000     9.371    27482   Array#count
 35.44      9.371     9.371     0.000     0.000 15295038   Hash#member?
  0.22     26.123     0.058     0.000    26.064      836   Array#each
  0.17     26.356     0.046     0.000    26.310    27482   Crosscounter::Compute#compute
  0.05      0.022     0.013     0.000     0.009      536   Hash#each
  0.01      0.003     0.003     0.000     0.000     4817   Kernel#kind_of?
  0.01     26.443     0.002     0.000    26.441     2149  *Array#map
  0.01     26.124     0.002     0.000    26.123      836   Enumerable#inject
  0.00      0.037     0.001     0.000     0.036      534   Crosscounter::Util#hashify
  0.00      0.024     0.001     0.000     0.023      536   Crosscounter::Util#stringify
  0.00      0.023     0.001     0.000     0.022      536   Enumerable#flat_map
  0.00     26.443     0.000     0.000    26.443        1   Global#[No method]
  0.00     26.443     0.000     0.000    26.443        1   Crosscounter::Compute#compute_all