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Test Coverage
def build_dict(results, chunk):
    """Create dictionary assigning publication information to authors we
    are looking for.
    from math import inf
    from collections import defaultdict
    chunk = [int(au) for au in chunk]
    d = defaultdict(
        lambda: {"first_year": inf, "pubs": set(), "coauth": set(),
                 "n_coauth": inf, "n_pubs": inf})
    for pub in results:
        if not pub.author_ids:
        authors = set([int(au) for au in pub.author_ids.split(";")])
        for focal in authors.intersection(chunk):
            d[focal]["n_pubs"] = len(d[focal]["pubs"])
            d[focal]["n_coauth"] = len(d[focal]["coauth"])
            if not pub.coverDate:
            first_year = min(d[focal]["first_year"], int(pub.coverDate[:4]))
            d[focal]["first_year"] = first_year
    return d

def compute_overlap(left, right):
    """Compute overlap of two sets in a robust way."""
    if not left and not right:
        return None
    return len(left.intersection(right))

def expand_affiliation(df):
    """Auxiliary function to expand the information about the affiliation
    in publications from ScopusSearch.
    from pandas import Series
    temp = df.set_index(["source_id", "author_ids"])[["afid"]]
    temp = (temp["afid"].str.split(";", expand=True)
                .drop("level_2", axis=1)
                .rename(columns={0: "afid"}))
    temp['afid'] = temp['afid'].astype(float)
    return temp

def flat_set_from_df(df, col, condition=None):
    """Flatten Series from DataFrame which contains lists and
    return as set, optionally after filtering the DataFrame.
    if condition is not None:
        df = df[condition]
    lists = df[col].tolist()
    return set([item for sublist in lists for item in sublist])

def robust_join(s, sep=','):
    """Join an iterable converting each element to str first."""
    return sep.join([str(e) for e in s])

def margin_range(base, val):
    """Create a range of margins around a base value.

    base : int
        The value around which a margin should be created.

    val : int or float
        The margin size.  If float, val will be interpreted as percentage.

    r : range
        A range object representing the margin range.
    from math import ceil
    if isinstance(val, float):
        margin = ceil(val * base)
        r = range(base - margin, base + margin + 1)
    elif isinstance(val, int):
        r = range(base - val, base + val + 1)
        raise Exception("Value must be either float or int.")
    return r