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# {{{}}}

[![npm package]({{{}}}.svg)][npm]
[![License: {{{pkg.license}}}]({{#encURL}} {{{pkg.license}}} {{/encURL}}&color=green)][github-license]
![Supported Node version: {{{pkg.engines.node}}}]({{#encURL}} {{{pkg.engines.node}}} {{/encURL}}&color=brightgreen)
![Type Definitions: TypeScript]({{{}}}.svg)
[![bundle size]({{{}}}@{{{pkg.version}}})]({{{}}}@{{{pkg.version}}})
[![Dependencies Status]({{{}}}/status.svg)]({{{}}})
[![Build Status]({{{}}}.svg?branch=master)]({{{}}})
[![Maintainability Status](]({{{}}}/maintainability)


Defines default metadata for files in a directory.

## Features

*   can define directory metadata

    This plugin defines the metadata that all files in the directory have in common.  
    Directory metadata is defined using a definition file in JSON or YAML format.

## Install

npm install {{{}}}

## CLI Usage

Install via npm and then add the `{{{}}}` key to your `metalsmith.json` plugin, like so:

  "plugins": {
    "{{{}}}": true

If you need to specify an options, set the options to the value of the `{{{}}}` key.

  "plugins": {
    "{{{}}}": {
      "pattern": "**/.metadata"

See [Metalsmith CLI] for more details.

[Metalsmith CLI]:

## Javascript Usage

The simplest use is to omit the option. By [default](#options), the following files are used to define metadata: `metadata.yaml`, `metadata.yml`, `metadata.json`, and `metadata`.

const directoryMetadata = require('{{{}}}');


If you need to specify an options, set the options value.

const directoryMetadata = require('{{{}}}');

    pattern: '**/.metadata',

If you want to use the `files` variable or the default options value, you can specify the callback function that generates the options.

const directoryMetadata = require('{{{}}}');

    (files, metalsmith, defaultOptions) => {
      return {
        pattern: [...defaultOptions.pattern, '**/.metadata'],

## TypeScript Usage

For compatibility with the [Metalsmith CLI], this package exports single function in CommonJS style.  
When using with TypeScript, it is better to use the [`import = require()` statement](

import directoryMetadata = require('{{{}}}');


## Options

The default value for options are [defined]({{{}}}/blob/v{{{pkg.version}}}/src/options.ts#L16-L18) like this:

  pattern: ['**/metadata.{json,yaml,yml}', '**/metadata'],

### `pattern`

Specifies the Glob pattern that matches the file that defines the directory metadata.  
Specify a glob expression string or an array of strings as the pattern.  
Pattern are verified using [multimatch v{{{pkgLock.dependencies.multimatch.version}}}][npm-multimatch-used].


Default value ([source]({{{}}}/blob/v{{{pkg.version}}}/src/options.ts#L17)):

['**/metadata.{json,yaml,yml}', '**/metadata']

Type definition ([source]({{{}}}/blob/v{{{pkg.version}}}/src/options.ts#L5)):

string | string[]

## Debug mode

This plugin supports debugging output.  
To enable, use the following command when running your build script:

DEBUG={{{}}},{{{}}}:* node my-website-build.js

For more details, please check the description of [debug v{{{pkgLock.dependencies.debug.version}}}][npm-debug-used].


## Tests

To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run `npm test`:

npm install
npm test

## Contributing

see []({{{}}}/blob/master/