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Test Coverage
local LS = {}

local this = LS
local status = false

--Local Stuff
local Display_temperature = CreateClientConVar( "LS_Display_Temperature", "K", true, false ) 
local Display_hud = CreateClientConVar( "LS_Display_HUD", "1", true, false ) 

--local ls_sb_mode = false
surface.CreateFont( "LS3HudHeader", {font = "Verdana", size = 18, weight = 500} ) 
surface.CreateFont( "LS3HudSubtitle", {font = "Verdana", size = 15, weight = 500} ) 
surface.CreateFont( "LS3HudSubSubtitle", {font = "Verdana", size = 12, weight = 500} ) 
local Temp_Min = 0
local FairTemp_Min = 283
local FairTemp_Max = 308
local Temp_Max = 546

--Hook Values

local ls_environment = {}
ls_environment.o2 = 0
ls_environment.temperature = 0

local ls_suit = {}
ls_suit.o2 = 0;
ls_suit.coolant = 0; = 0;

local ScH    = ScrH()
local MidW    = ScrW() / 2

local huds     = {}
--Hud 1
local hud1         = {}
hud1.ScH         = ScH;
hud1.MidW         = MidW;
hud1.Left         = hud1.MidW - 80 --70
hud1.Left2        = hud1.MidW - 90 --80
hud1.Right        = hud1.MidW + 80 --70
hud1.H1            = hud1.ScH / 8
hud1.H2            = hud1.ScH - hud1.H1
hud1.H3            = hud1.H1 - 5
hud1.TH            = { hud1.H2 + 5, hud1.H2 + 20, hud1.H2 + 35, hud1.H2 + 50 }
hud1.Font        = "LS3HudHeader" 
huds[1]         = hud1
hud1             = nil
local hud2         = {}
hud2.ScH         = ScH;
hud2.MidW         = MidW;
hud2.Width         = 224
hud2.Height     = 128
hud2.Bottom     = hud2.ScH - 32
hud2.Top         = hud2.Bottom - hud2.Height
hud2.HalfWidth     = math.Round(hud2.Width/2)
hud2.Left         = hud2.MidW - hud2.HalfWidth
hud2.Rounding     = 8
hud2.Top2        = hud2.ScH + 8
hud2.Font        = "LS3HudHeader"
hud2.Font2         = "LS3HudSubtitle"
hud2.Font3         = "LS3HudSubSubtitle"
huds[2]         = hud2
hud2             = nil

local colors     = {}
colors.White    = Color(225,225,225,255)
colors.Black    = Color(0,0,0,100)
colors.Cold        = Color(0,225,255,255)
colors.Hot        = Color(225,0,0,255)
colors.Warn        = Color(255,165,0,255)
colors.Grey      = Color(150, 150, 150, 255)
colors.Green     = Color(0, 225, 0, 255);

local MaxAmounts = 4000
local MaxAmountsDivide = MaxAmounts/100

local function lifesupport_HUDPaint()
    if GetConVarString('cl_hudversion') == "" then
        local ls_sb_mode = false;
        if CAF.GetAddon("Spacebuild") and CAF.GetAddon("Spacebuild").GetStatus() then
            ls_sb_mode = true;
        local ply = LocalPlayer()
        if not ply or not ply:Alive() then return end
        local hud_to_use = Display_hud:GetInt()
        if hud_to_use ~= 0 then
            if not ls_sb_mode then
                if ply:WaterLevel() > 2 then
                    local Air = ls_suit.o2 / MaxAmountsDivide
                    local valcol = colors.White
                    if Air < 4 then valcol = colors.Warn end
                    local hud = huds[1]
                    local air_time_left = math.floor(ls_suit.o2 / 5)
                    draw.RoundedBox( 8, hud.Left2 , hud.H2, 180, 20, colors.Black)
                    draw.DrawText(     CAF.GetLangVar("Air")..":",    hud.Font, hud.Left, hud.H2 + 5, colors.White,    0 )
                    draw.DrawText( tostring(Air).."% ("..tostring(air_time_left).."s)",        hud.Font, hud.Right,hud.H2 + 5, valcol,    2 )
                if ply:WaterLevel() > 2 or ls_environment.o2 < 5 or (ls_environment.temperature > 0 and not (ls_environment.temperature >= FairTemp_Min and ls_environment.temperature <= FairTemp_Max)) or (ply.LSHudOn and ply.LSHudOn == true) then
                    if hud_to_use == 2 then
                        local hud = huds[2]
                            Draw Left Side
                        draw.RoundedBox( hud.Rounding, hud.Left , hud.Top, hud.HalfWidth, hud.Height, colors.Black)
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font )
                        local width, height = surface.GetTextSize(CAF.GetLangVar("Suit"))
                        if width == nil or height == nil then return end
                        local top = hud.Top
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Suit"),    hud.Font, hud.Left + 64 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Air"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16 --18
                        local Air = ls_suit.o2 / MaxAmountsDivide
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 16 , top , 8, 10, colors.Hot) -- 0 -> 10
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 24 , top , 12, 10, colors.Warn) -- 10 -> 25
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 36 , top , 60, 10, colors.Green) -- 25 -> 100
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        local air_text = tostring(Air).."%"
                        width, height = surface.GetTextSize(air_text)
                        draw.DrawText( air_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 ) -- top +6
                        --                                                    =((8 + 12 + 60)/2)
                        if Air > 100 then
                            Air = 100
                        local air_pos = hud.Left + 16 + math.Round(Air * 0.8) --1.6
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, air_pos , top -2, 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, air_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, air_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Energy"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        local Energy = / MaxAmountsDivide
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 16 , top , 8, 10, colors.Hot) -- 0 -> 10
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 24 , top , 12, 10, colors.Warn) -- 10 -> 25
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 36 , top , 60, 10, colors.Green) -- 25 -> 100
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        local energy_text = tostring(Energy).."%"
                        width, height = surface.GetTextSize(energy_text)
                        draw.DrawText( energy_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 )
                        if Energy > 100 then
                            Energy = 100
                        local energy_pos = hud.Left + 16 + math.Round(Energy * 0.8)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, energy_pos , top , 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, energy_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, energy_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Coolant"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        local Coolant = ls_suit.coolant / MaxAmountsDivide
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 16 , top , 33, 10, colors.Hot) -- 0 -> 10
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 24 , top , 12, 10, colors.Warn) -- 10 -> 25
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 36 , top , 60, 10, colors.Green) -- 25 -> 100
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        local coolant_text = tostring(Coolant).."%"
                        width, height = surface.GetTextSize(coolant_text)
                        draw.DrawText( coolant_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 )
                        if Coolant > 100 then
                            Coolant = 100
                        local coolant_pos = hud.Left + 16 + math.Round(Coolant * 0.8)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, coolant_pos , top , 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, coolant_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, coolant_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                            Draw Right Side
                        top = hud.Top
                        draw.RoundedBox( hud.Rounding, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth , hud.Top, hud.HalfWidth, hud.Height, colors.Black)
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font )
                        width, height = surface.GetTextSize(CAF.GetLangVar("Environment"))
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Environment"),    hud.Font, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 64 - math.floor(width/2), top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Temperature"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16 --18
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 , top , 32, 10, colors.Cold) -- 0 -> 273
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 32 , top , 3, 10, colors.Warn) -- 273 -> 283
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 32 + 3 , top , 6, 10, colors.Green) -- 283 -> 308
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 32 + 3 + 6 , top , 3, 10, colors.Warn) -- 308 ->318
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 32 + 3 + 6 + 3 , top , 20, 10, colors.Hot) -- 318 ->546
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        --local air_text = tostring(Air).."%"
                        --width, height = surface.GetTextSize(air_text)
                        --draw.DrawText( air_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 ) -- top +6
                        --                                                    =((8 + 12 + 60)/2)
                        local temp = ls_environment.temperature
                        temp = temp - 136.5
                        if temp > 444.6 then
                            temp = 444.6
                        elseif temp < 0 then
                            temp = 0
                        local temp2 = (temp / 273) * 100
                        local temp_pos = hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + math.Round(temp2 * 0.8) --1.6
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, temp_pos , top -2, 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, temp_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, temp_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Pressure"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        local Energy = / MaxAmountsDivide
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 16 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 8, 10, colors.Hot) -- 0 -> 10
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 24 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 12, 10, colors.Warn) -- 10 -> 25
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 36 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 60, 10, colors.Green) -- 25 -> 100
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        local energy_text = tostring(Energy).."%"
                        width, height = surface.GetTextSize(energy_text)
                        draw.DrawText( energy_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 )
                        if Energy > 100 then
                            Energy = 100
                        local energy_pos = hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + math.Round(Energy * 0.8)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, energy_pos , top , 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, energy_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, energy_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                        --top = top + 2
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Habitable"), hud.Font2, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16, top , colors.White,    0 )
                        top = top + 16
                        local o2 = ls_environment.o2
                        top = top + 4
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 16 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 4, 10, colors.Hot) -- 0 -> 5
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 20 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 8, 10, colors.Warn) -- 5 -> 15
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hud.Left + 28 + hud.HalfWidth , top , 68, 10, colors.Green) -- 15 -> 100
                        surface.SetFont( hud.Font3 )
                        --local coolant_text = tostring(Coolant).."%"
                        --width, height = surface.GetTextSize(coolant_text)
                        --draw.DrawText( coolant_text, hud.Font3, hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + 40 - math.floor(width/2) , top , colors.White,    0 )
                        if  o2 > 100 then
                             o2 = 100
                        local hab_pos = hud.Left + hud.HalfWidth + 16 + math.Round( o2 * 0.8)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 0, hab_pos , top , 1, 10, colors.Grey)
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, hab_pos - 3 , top - 4, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 8
                        draw.RoundedBox( 2, hab_pos - 3 , top, 6, 6, colors.Grey)
                        top = top + 4
                        local hud = huds[1]
                        local Temp = ls_environment.temperature
                        local Air = ls_suit.o2 / MaxAmountsDivide
                        local Coolant = ls_suit.coolant / MaxAmountsDivide
                        local Energy = / MaxAmountsDivide
                        local ValCol = { colors.White, colors.White, colors.White, colors.White }
                        if        Temp < FairTemp_Min then ValCol[1] = colors.Cold
                        elseif    Temp > FairTemp_Max then ValCol[1] = colors.Hot
                        if Air        < 4 then ValCol[2] = colors.Warn end
                        if Coolant    < 4 then ValCol[3] = colors.Warn end
                        if Energy    < 4 then ValCol[4] = colors.Warn end
                        draw.RoundedBox( 8, hud.Left2 , hud.H2, 180, hud.H3, colors.Black)
                        local d_temp = Temp;
                        local d_temp_type = "K";
                        if string.upper(Display_temperature:GetString()) == "C" then
                            d_temp = Temp - 273
                            d_temp_type = "C"
                        elseif string.upper(Display_temperature:GetString()) == "F" then
                            d_temp = (Temp * (9/5)) - 459.67
                            d_temp_type = "F"
                        local air_time_left = math.floor(ls_suit.o2 / 5)
                        local energy_time_left = math.floor( / 5)
                        local coolant_time_left = math.floor(ls_suit.coolant / 5)
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Temperature")..":",    hud.Font, hud.Left,    hud.TH[1], colors.White,0 )
                        draw.DrawText( tostring(d_temp).." "..d_temp_type,    hud.Font, hud.Right,hud.TH[1], ValCol[1],    2 )
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Air")..":",            hud.Font, hud.Left,    hud.TH[2], colors.White,0 )
                        draw.DrawText( tostring(Air).."% ("..tostring(air_time_left).."s)",                    hud.Font, hud.Right,hud.TH[2], ValCol[2],    2 )
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Coolant")..":",        hud.Font, hud.Left,    hud.TH[3], colors.White,0 )
                        draw.DrawText( tostring(Coolant).."% ("..tostring(coolant_time_left).."s)",                hud.Font, hud.Right,hud.TH[3], ValCol[3],    2 )
                        draw.DrawText( CAF.GetLangVar("Energy")..":",        hud.Font, hud.Left,    hud.TH[4], colors.White,0 )
                        draw.DrawText( tostring(Energy).."% ("..tostring(energy_time_left).."s)",                hud.Font, hud.Right,hud.TH[4], ValCol[4],    2 )

local function LS_umsg_hook1( um )
    ls_environment.o2 = um:ReadFloat()
    ls_suit.o2 = um:ReadShort()
    ls_environment.temperature = um:ReadShort()
    ls_suit.coolant = um:ReadShort() = um:ReadShort()
usermessage.Hook("LS_umsg1", LS_umsg_hook1) 

local function LS_umsg_hook2( um )
    ls_suit.o2 = um:ReadShort()
usermessage.Hook("LS_umsg2", LS_umsg_hook2) 

--The Class
    The Constructor for this Custom Addon Class
function LS.__Construct()
    hook.Add("HUDPaint", "LS_Core_HUDPaint", lifesupport_HUDPaint)
    status = true
    CAF.AddHook("think3", lifesupport_think)
    local RD = CAF.GetAddon("Resource Distribution")
    RD.AddProperResourceName("energy", CAF.GetLangVar("Energy"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("water", CAF.GetLangVar("Water"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("nitrogen", CAF.GetLangVar("Nitrogen"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("hydrogen", CAF.GetLangVar("Hydrogen"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("oxygen", CAF.GetLangVar("Oxygen"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("carbon dioxide", CAF.GetLangVar("Carbon Dioxide"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("steam", CAF.GetLangVar("Steam"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("heavy water", CAF.GetLangVar("Heavy Water"))
    RD.AddProperResourceName("liquid nitrogen", CAF.GetLangVar("Liquid Nitrogen"))
    return true
    --return false , CAF.GetLangVar("No Implementation yet")

    The Destructor for this Custom Addon Class
function LS.__Destruct()
    hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "LS_Core_HUDPaint")
    CAF.RemoveHook("think3", lifesupport_think)
    status = false
    return true
    --return false , CAF.GetLangVar("No Implementation yet")

    Get the required Addons for this Addon Class
function LS.GetRequiredAddons()
    return {"Resource Distribution"}

    Get the Boolean Status from this Addon Class
function LS.GetStatus()
    return status

    Get the Version of this Custom Addon Class
function LS.GetVersion()
    return 3.1, CAF.GetLangVar("Beta")

local isuptodatecheck;
    Update check
function LS.IsUpToDate(callBackfn)
    if not CAF.HasInternet then
    if isuptodatecheck ~= nil then
            local version = tonumber(html);
            if(version) then
                local latest = version;
                if(latest > LS.GetVersion()) then
                    isuptodatecheck = false;
                    isuptodatecheck = true;

    Get any custom options this Custom Addon Class might have
function LS.GetExtraOptions()
    return {}

    Gets a menu from this Custom Addon Class
function LS.GetMenu(menutype, menuname) --Name is nil for main menu, String for others
    local data = {}
    if not menutype then
        --Create Info Menu
        data["Info"] = {}
        local tmp = data["Info"];
        tmp["Wiki Home"] = {}
        tmp["Wiki Home"].localurl = "test/test.html";
        tmp["Wiki Home"].interneturl = "";
        --Create Help Menu
        data["Help"] = {}
        tmp = data["Help"];
        tmp["Wiki Home"] = {}
        tmp["Wiki Home"].localurl = "test/test.html";
        tmp["Wiki Home"].interneturl = "";
    return data

    Get the Custom String Status from this Addon Class
function LS.GetCustomStatus()
    return ; --CAF.GetLangVar("Not Implemented Yet")

function LS.AddResourcesToSend()

    Returns a table containing the Description of this addon
function LS.GetDescription()
    return {
                "Life Support 3",
CAF.RegisterAddon("Life Support", LS, "2")