package nokogiri;
import static nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers.getNokogiriClass;
import static nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers.rubyStringToString;
import nokogiri.internals.NokogiriHelpers;
import nokogiri.internals.SaveContextVisitor;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Class for Nokogiri::XML::Attr
* @author sergio
* @author Yoko Harada <yokolet@gmail.com>
@JRubyClass(name = "Nokogiri::XML::Attr", parent = "Nokogiri::XML::Node")
public class XmlAttr extends XmlNode
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final String[] HTML_BOOLEAN_ATTRS = {
"checked", "compact", "declare", "defer", "disabled", "ismap",
"multiple", "nohref", "noresize", "noshade", "nowrap", "readonly",
XmlAttr(Ruby ruby, Node attr)
super(ruby, getNokogiriClass(ruby, "Nokogiri::XML::Attr"), attr);
XmlAttr(Ruby ruby, RubyClass rubyClass)
super(ruby, rubyClass);
XmlAttr(Ruby ruby, RubyClass rubyClass, Node attr)
super(ruby, rubyClass, attr);
protected void
init(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args)
if (args.length < 2) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, 2);
IRubyObject doc = args[0];
IRubyObject content = args[1];
if (!(doc instanceof XmlDocument)) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("document must be an instance of Nokogiri::XML::Document");
XmlDocument xmlDoc = (XmlDocument)doc;
String str = rubyStringToString(content);
Node attr = xmlDoc.getDocument().createAttribute(str);
setNode(context.runtime, attr);
// this method is called from XmlNode.setNode()
// if the node is attribute, and its name has prefix "xml"
// the default namespace should be registered for this attribute
setNamespaceIfNecessary(Ruby runtime)
if ("xml".equals(node.getPrefix())) {
XmlNamespace.createDefaultNamespace(runtime, node);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"content", "value", "to_s"})
public IRubyObject
content(ThreadContext context)
if (content != null && !content.isNil()) { return content; }
if (node == null) { return context.getRuntime().getNil(); }
String attrValue = ((Attr)node).getValue();
if (attrValue == null) { return context.getRuntime().getNil(); }
return RubyString.newString(context.getRuntime(), attrValue);
@JRubyMethod(name = {"value=", "content="})
public IRubyObject
value_set(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject content)
Attr attr = (Attr) node;
if (content != null && !content.isNil()) {
attr.setValue(rubyStringToString(XmlNode.encode_special_chars(context, content)));
return content;
protected IRubyObject
getNodeName(ThreadContext context)
if (name != null) { return name; }
String attrName = ((Attr) node).getName();
if (attrName == null) { return context.nil; }
if (node.getNamespaceURI() != null && !(document(context.runtime) instanceof Html4Document)) {
attrName = NokogiriHelpers.getLocalPart(attrName);
if (attrName == null) { return context.nil; }
return name = RubyString.newString(context.runtime, attrName);
public void
accept(ThreadContext context, SaveContextVisitor visitor)
private boolean
isHtml(ThreadContext context)
return document(context).getMetaClass().isKindOfModule(getNokogiriClass(context.getRuntime(),
public IRubyObject
unlink(ThreadContext context)
Attr attr = (Attr) node;
Element parent = attr.getOwnerElement();
return this;