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## Set up Twilio sub-account

Login to Twilio

* Go to Dashboard - _Settings_ - _Subaccounts_ (

* Click the `+` button to add a new subaccount

* Choose a contextual/relevant 'friendly name' for the subaccount (e.g `example`)

* Click _Create_

* Click on the subaccount you just created to 'enter' it

* Note the 'Account SID'

* Go to _Settings_ - _API Keys_ - _Create new API Key_

* Enter a 'friendly name' for the API key

* Set 'Key Type' to 'Standard'

* Click _Create API Key_

* Note the 'SID' (API Key)

* Note the 'Secret' (API Secret)

* Select 'Got it! I have saved my API Key Sid and Secret in a safe place to use in my application.'

* Click _Done_

* Save the 'Account SID', 'SID', and 'Secret' somewhere safe.

This part of the setup is done!

Please go back to the Step 7 at [Firebase Project Setup](