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import { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
import { relative, resolve } from "path";

import formatDate from "date-fns/format/index.js";
import admin from "firebase-admin";

export interface CredentialFile {
  type?: string;
  project_id?: string;
  private_key_id?: string;
  private_key?: string;
  client_email?: string;
  client_id?: string;
  auth_uri?: string;
  token_uri?: string;
  auth_provider_x509_cert_url?: string;
  client_x509_cert_url?: string;

 * Re-export static helpers from Firestore to simplify usage.
export const { FieldValue } = admin.firestore;

 * Initialise a new Firebase Admin App
 * @param projectId Firebase project ID
 * @param appName An arbitrary name to reference this app by within the script (mostly
 *   useful when connecting to 2 projects in the same script, eg. to copy data between them)
 * @param credentialPath Path to the Firebase credential file to be used
 * @example Basic Usage
 *   initFirebaseAdminApp(projectId);
 * @example Resolving/using a specific credential file (if defined)
 *   initFirebaseAdminApp(projectId, {
 *     credentialPath: credentialPath
 *       ? resolve(__dirname, credentialPath)
 *       : undefined,
 *   });
 * @example Initialising two projects at once (eg. to copy data between them)
 *   const sourceApp = initFirebaseAdminApp(SOURCE_PROJECT_ID, {
 *     appName: "sourceApp",
 *     credentialPath: resolve(__dirname, SOURCE_CREDENTIAL_FILE),
 *   });
 *   const destApp = initFirebaseAdminApp(DEST_PROJECT_ID, {
 *     appName: "destApp",
 *     credentialPath: resolve(__dirname, DEST_CREDENTIAL_FILE),
 *   });
export const initFirebaseAdminApp = (
  projectId: string,
    credentialPath: _credentialPath,
  }: { appName?: string; credentialPath?: string } = {}
): => {
  const credentialPath = _credentialPath ?? resolveDefaultCredentialPath();

  ensureProjectIdMatchesCredentialProjectId(projectId, credentialPath);

  return admin.initializeApp(
      credential: admin.credential.cert(credentialPath),
      storageBucket: `${projectId}`,

 * Resolve the absolute path to <repo>/scripts/prodAccountKey.json
export const resolveDefaultCredentialPath = () =>
  resolve(__dirname, "../prodAccountKey.json");

 * Check if the supplied file path exists.
 * @param path
export const checkFileExists = (path: string) => existsSync(path);

 * Read/parse the supplied Firebase credential file into an object.
 * @param credentialPath path to the credential file to be parsed
export const parseCredentialFile = (
  credentialPath: string = resolveDefaultCredentialPath()
): CredentialFile => JSON.parse(readFileSync(credentialPath, "utf8"));

 * Ensure the supplied projectId matches the projectId in the credential file,
 * or exit with an error if not.
 * @param projectId the firebase project ID to be checked
 * @param credentialPath the firebase credential file to check against
export const ensureProjectIdMatchesCredentialProjectId = (
  projectId: string,
  credentialPath: string
) => {
  const credentialData = parseCredentialFile(credentialPath);

  if (projectId !== credentialData.project_id) {
      "Error: projectId doesn't match credentialData.project_id, did you choose the right file?"
    console.error("  projectId                 :", projectId);
    console.error("  credentialData.project_id :", credentialData.project_id);

 * Helper to remove the boilerplate of making the usage() function (aka: help text) that we use in our scripts.
 * @param description the text used for the main overview description of the script
 * @param usageParams shows the positioning of each script parameter and what it's general name is
 * @param exampleParams shows an example of supplying values for each script parameter
 * @example
 *   const usage = makeScriptUsage({
 *     description:   "Describe my script in a really useful way.",
 *     usageParams:   "PROJECT_ID VENUE_IDS [CREDENTIAL_PATH]", // Note: CREDENTIAL_PATH is optional here
 *     exampleParams: "my-project-id venueId,venueId2,venueIdN [theMatchingAccountServiceKey.json]",
 *   });
export const makeScriptUsage = ({
}: {
  description: string;
  usageParams: string;
  exampleParams: string;
}) => () => {
  const scriptName = relative(process.cwd(), process.argv[1]);
  const helpText = `

Usage: ${scriptName} ${usageParams}

Example: ${scriptName} ${exampleParams}


 * Creates a saveToBackupFile function that uses the supplied filenamePrefix.
 * @param filenamePrefix
 * @example
 *   const saveToDestBackupFile = makeSaveToBackupFile(DEST_PROJECT_ID);
 *   // ..snip..
 *   saveToDestBackupFile(destVenueEvents, `${}-events`);
export const makeSaveToBackupFile = (filenamePrefix: string) => (
  data: string | {} | [],
  type: string = "general",
  ext: string = "backup.json"
) => {
  const backupDate = formatDate(new Date(), "yyyyMMdd-HHmmss");
  const backupFilename = `${backupDate}-${filenamePrefix}-${type}.${ext}`;

  const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);

  writeFileSync(backupFilename, jsonData, "utf8");

  console.log(`Saved backup (type='${type}') to ${backupFilename}`);

 * Look up a user in Firebase Auth by their email address.
 * @param app Initialised Firebase Admin App instance
export const findUserByEmail = (app: => (
  email: string
): Promise<admin.auth.UserRecord | undefined> =>
    .catch(() => undefined);

export const wrapIntoSlashes = (str: string): string => {
  return `/${str}/`;