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## Migration instructions:

Before the code merge, please, ensure you have the following [environment variables in CircleCI]( (replacing `REACT_APP_` with the prefix of the environment - the prefixes can be found in the [config.yml](../../.circleci/config.yml)):

- `REACT_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN` - _enables SSO_ - the value of the variable can be found in the in the Firebase project -> `Authentication` item of the left-side menu -> `Sign-in method` tab -> Authorised domain (for example, ``)
- `REACT_APP_MIXPANEL_PROJECT_TOKEN` - _enables tracking events for statistics_ - you should have access to the mixpanel Sparkle account -> choose the project (for example, `Sparkle - Staging`) -> Gear Icon ⚙️ in the navbar menu -> `Project Settings` -> `Project Token`
- `REACT_APP_ALGOLIA_API_SEARCH_KEY=<search api key>` - _enables search engine_ - use Search API Key from [here](
- `REACT_APP_ALGOLIA_APP_ID` - _enables search engine_ - use Application ID from [here](

Actions to take:

- Make user location updates work
  - Go to scheduled functions
  - Choose proper org and project
  - View logs of firebase-schedule-scheduled-updateUsersLocations
  - Find the last failed execution of the above function
  - The error will contain a link to create an index
  - Click it and create an index
- Create the backup of the database
  - Go to
  - Choose the proper organization/project
  - Click `Export`
  - Click `Export entire database`
  - Choose `sparkle_data_backups` bucket
- Setup Algolia full-text search:
  - Add [Algolia search]( firebase extension to your firebase project.
  - In the Firebase console point it to `users` collection and set indexable fields to `partyName,pictureUrl,anonMode,enteredVenueIds`.
  - Create a separate org and index create a new index in aloglia. Go through the required steps as they suggest
  - in Algolia set the attributes for faceting to `enteredVenueIds` and set its state to filter-only
  - Perform first-time import of the documents from `users` collection to Algolia index as described in the extension [docs](
- Run all pending migrations:
  - Run `npm run migrate -- --projectId=<project ID>`