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import { Ticker, UPDATE_PRIORITY } from "pixi.js";

import { AverageProvider } from "./AverageProvider";

 * @interface
 * @public
export interface ObjectPoolOptions {
  capacityRatio?: number;
  decayRatio?: number;
  reserve?: number;

 * `ObjectPool` provides the framework necessary for pooling minus the object instantiation
 * method. You can use `ObjectPoolFactory` for objects that can be created using a default
 * constructor.
 * @template T
 * @class
 * @public
export abstract class ObjectPool<T> {
  protected _freeList: Array<T | null | undefined> = [];
  protected _freeCount: number = 0;
  protected _reserveCount: number = 0;

  protected _borrowRate: number = 0;
  protected _returnRate: number = 0;
  protected _flowRate: number = 0;
  protected _borrowRateAverage: number = 0;
  protected _marginAverage: number = 0;

  private _capacityRatio: number = 0;
  private _decayRatio: number = 0;
  private _borrowRateAverageProvider: AverageProvider;
  private _marginAverageProvider: AverageProvider;

   * @param {ObjectPoolOptions} options
  constructor(options: ObjectPoolOptions = {}) {
     * Supply pool of objects that can be used to immediately lend.
     * @member {Array<T>}
     * @protected
    this._freeList = [];

     * Number of objects in the pool. This is less than or equal to `_pool.length`.
     * @member {number}
     * @protected
    this._freeCount = 0;

    this._borrowRate = 0;
    this._returnRate = 0;
    this._flowRate = 0;
    this._borrowRateAverage = 0;

    this._reserveCount = options.reserve || 0;
    this._capacityRatio = options.capacityRatio || 1.2;
    this._decayRatio = options.decayRatio || 0.67;
    this._marginAverage = 0;
    this._borrowRateAverageProvider = new AverageProvider(
    this._marginAverageProvider = new AverageProvider(128, this._decayRatio);

   * Instantiates a new object of type `T`.
   * @abstract
   * @returns {T}
  abstract create(): T;

  // TODO: Support object destruction. It might not be so good for perf tho.
  // /**
  // * Destroys the object before discarding it.
  // *
  // * @param {T} object
  //  */
  // abstract destroyObject(object: T): void;

   * The number of objects that can be stored in the pool without allocating more space.
   * @member {number}
  protected get capacity(): number {
    return this._freeList.length;

  protected set capacity(cp: number) {
    this._freeList.length = Math.ceil(cp);

   * Obtains an instance from this pool.
   * @returns {T}
  allocate(): T | null | undefined {


    if (this._freeCount > 0) {
      return this._freeList[--this._freeCount];

    return this.create();

   * Obtains an array of instances from this pool. This is faster than allocating multiple objects
   * separately from this pool.
   * @param {number | T[]} lengthOrArray - no. of objects to allocate OR the array itself into which
   *      objects are inserted. The amount to allocate is inferred from the array's length.
   * @returns {T[]} array of allocated objects
  allocateArray(lengthOrArray: number | T[]): Array<T | null | undefined> {
    let array: Array<T | null | undefined>;
    let length: number;

    if (Array.isArray(lengthOrArray)) {
      array = lengthOrArray;
      length = lengthOrArray.length;
    } else {
      length = lengthOrArray;
      array = new Array(length);

    this._borrowRate += length;
    this._flowRate += length;

    let filled = 0;

    // Allocate as many objects from the existing pool
    if (this._freeCount > 0) {
      const pool = this._freeList;
      const poolFilled = Math.min(this._freeCount, length);
      let poolSize = this._freeCount;

      for (let i = 0; i < poolFilled; i++) {
        array[filled] = pool[poolSize - 1];

      this._freeCount = poolSize;

    // Construct the rest of the allocation
    while (filled < length) {
      array[filled] = this.create();

    return array;

   * Returns the object to the pool.
   * @param {T} object
  release(object: T) {

    if (this._freeCount === this.capacity) {
      this.capacity *= this._capacityRatio;

    this._freeList[this._freeCount] = object;

   * Releases all of the objects in the passed array. These need not be allocated using `allocateArray`, however.
   * @param {T[]} array
  releaseArray(array: T[]) {
    this._returnRate += array.length;
    this._flowRate -= array.length;

    if (this._freeCount + array.length > this.capacity) {
      // Ensure we have enough capacity to insert the release objects
      this.capacity = Math.max(
        this.capacity * this._capacityRatio,
        this._freeCount + array.length

    // Place objects into pool list
    for (let i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) {
      this._freeList[this._freeCount] = array[i];

   * Preallocates objects so that the pool size is at least `count`.
   * @param {number} count
  reserve(count: number) {
    this._reserveCount = count;

    if (this._freeCount < count) {
      const diff = this._freeCount - count;

      for (let i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
        this._freeList[this._freeCount] = this.create();

   * Dereferences objects for the GC to collect and brings the pool size down to `count`.
   * @param {number} count
  limit(count: number) {
    if (this._freeCount > count) {
      const oldCapacity = this.capacity;

      if (oldCapacity > count * this._capacityRatio) {
        this.capacity = count * this._capacityRatio;

      const excessBound = Math.min(this._freeCount, this.capacity);

      for (let i = count; i < excessBound; i++) {
        this._freeList[i] = null;

  get freeCount(): number {
    return this._freeCount;

  get reserveCount(): number {
    return this._reserveCount;

   * Install the GC on the shared ticker.
   * @param {Ticker}[ticker=Ticker.shared]
  startGC(ticker: Ticker = Ticker.shared) {
    ticker.add(this._gcTick, null, UPDATE_PRIORITY.UTILITY);

   * Stops running the GC on the pool.
   * @param {Ticker}[ticker=Ticker.shared]
  stopGC(ticker: Ticker = Ticker.shared) {

  private _gcTick = () => {
    this._borrowRateAverage =
      this._borrowRateAverageProvider?.next(this._borrowRate) ?? 0;
    this._marginAverage =
      this._marginAverageProvider?.next(this._freeCount - this._borrowRate) ??

    const absDev = this._borrowRateAverageProvider?.absDev() ?? 0;

    this._flowRate = 0;
    this._borrowRate = 0;
    this._returnRate = 0;

    const poolSize = this._freeCount;
    const poolCapacity = this._freeList.length;

    // If the pool is small enough, it shouldn't really matter
    if (poolSize < 128 && this._borrowRateAverage < 128 && poolCapacity < 128) {

    // If pool is say, 2x, larger than borrowing rate on average (adjusted for variance/abs-dev), then downsize.
    const threshold = Math.max(
      this._borrowRateAverage * (this._capacityRatio - 1),

    if (this._freeCount > threshold + absDev) {
      const newCap = threshold + absDev;

      this.capacity = Math.min(this._freeList.length, Math.ceil(newCap));
      this._freeCount = this._freeList.length;