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import {
  isEmpty as _isEmpty,
  isLoaded as _isLoaded,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
  useFirestoreConnect as _useFirestoreConnect,
} from "react-redux-firebase";

import {
} from "types/Firestore";
import { Defined } from "types/utility";

 * Query to access a root firestore collection
export type SparkleRFCollectionQuery = ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting & {
  collection: ValidFirestoreRootCollections;
  doc?: never;
  where?: never;
  subcollections?: never;
  storeAs?: never;

 * Query to access a root firestore collection with a where filter
export type SparkleRFCollectionWhereQuery = ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting & {
  collection: ValidFirestoreRootCollections;
  doc?: never;
  where: WhereOptions | WhereOptions[];
  subcollections?: never;
  storeAs: ValidStoreAsKeys;

 * Query to access a single document from a firestore collection
export type SparkleRFSingleDocumentQuery = ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting & {
  collection: ValidFirestoreRootCollections;
  doc: string;
  where?: never;
  subcollections?: never;
  storeAs: ValidStoreAsKeys;

 * Query to access a subcollection within a single document within a firestore collection
export type SparkleRFSubcollectionQuery = ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting & {
  collection: ValidFirestoreRootCollections;
  doc: string;
  where?: WhereOptions | WhereOptions[];
  subcollections: ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting[];
  storeAs: ValidStoreAsKeys;

 * All valid Sparkle useFirestoreConnect query types
 * @see useFirestoreConnect
 * @see SparkleRFCollectionQuery
 * @see SparkleRFCollectionWhereQuery
 * @see SparkleRFSingleDocumentQuery
 * @see SparkleRFSubcollectionQuery
export type AnySparkleRFQuery =
  | SparkleRFCollectionQuery
  | SparkleRFCollectionWhereQuery
  | SparkleRFSingleDocumentQuery
  | SparkleRFSubcollectionQuery
  | ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting;

export type UseFirestoreConnectParameter =
  | AnySparkleRFQuery
  | AnySparkleRFQuery[]
  | (() => AnySparkleRFQuery)
  | (() => AnySparkleRFQuery[])
  | ValidFirestoreRootCollections;

 * A wrapper for react-redux-firestore's useFirestoreConnect() that ensures the
 * config we pass it conforms to our set of allowed query types.
 * Note: the config does NOT need to be memo'd before being passed
 * to this function as useFirestoreConnect() determines equality
 * through a deep comparison using lodash's isEqual() function.
 * @param config the config to be passed to useFirestoreConnect()
 * @see AnySparkleRFQuery
 * @see ReduxFirestoreQuerySetting
 * @see ValidFirestoreRootCollections
export const useFirestoreConnect = (config?: UseFirestoreConnectParameter) =>

 * Use react-redux-firestore's isEmpty helper with
 * user-defined type guards to properly narrow types
 * when using this helper.
 * @param item item fetched by react-redux-firestore
export const hasData = <T>(item: T): item is Defined<T> =>
  !_isEmpty(item) && item !== undefined;

 * Re-export react-redux-firestore's isLoaded helper for convenience.
export const isLoaded = <T>(item: T): boolean => _isLoaded(item);

 * Re-export react-redux-firestore's isEmpty helper for convenience.
export const isEmpty = <T>(item: T): boolean => _isEmpty(item);