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Test Coverage
// import { AppEvents, DefaultTimeZone, EventBusSrv, getDefaultTimeRange, LoadingState, PanelProps } from '@grafana/data';
// import { getBackendSrv, getDataSourceSrv, SystemJS } from '@grafana/runtime';
// import { Button, HorizontalGroup, VerticalGroup } from '@grafana/ui';
// import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
// import { ButtonOptions, Options } from 'types';
// import { ButtonPanel } from './buttonPanel';
// jest.mock('@grafana/runtime');

test('fixme', () => {
  // FIXME: there seems to be a problem with the package @grafana/data:
  // as soon as you try to import anything from the package, the following error is thrown:
  // LanguageProvider cannot reassign to a class (same with DataSourceApi)

// describe('button panel', () => {
//   const status = 200;
//   const statusError = 500;
//   const statusText = 'OKI';
//   let defaultProps: PanelProps<Options>;

//   beforeEach(() => {
//     defaultProps = {
//       title: 'title',
//       eventBus: new EventBusSrv(),
//       id: 1,
//       data: {
//         timeRange: getDefaultTimeRange(),
//         state: LoadingState.Done,
//         series: [],
//       },
//       fieldConfig: { defaults: {}, overrides: [] },
//       height: 1,
//       transparent: false,
//       width: 2,
//       onChangeTimeRange: () => {},
//       onFieldConfigChange: () => {},
//       onOptionsChange: () => {},
//       renderCounter: 1,
//       replaceVariables: () => '{}',
//       timeRange: getDefaultTimeRange(),
//       timeZone: DefaultTimeZone,
//       options: {
//         buttons: [],
//         orientation: 'horizontal',
//       } as Options,
//     };
//   });

//   test('orientation', () => {
//     let wrapper = shallow(<ButtonPanel {...defaultProps} />);
//     expect(wrapper.find(HorizontalGroup)).toHaveLength(1);
//     expect(wrapper.find(VerticalGroup)).toHaveLength(0);
//     wrapper.setProps({ options: { buttons: [], orientation: 'vertical' } });
//     expect(wrapper.find(HorizontalGroup)).toHaveLength(0);
//     expect(wrapper.find(VerticalGroup)).toHaveLength(1);
//   });

//   test('buttons', () => {
//     const wrapper = shallow(<ButtonPanel {...defaultProps} />);
//     expect(wrapper.find(Button)).toHaveLength(0);

//     const buttons: ButtonOptions[] = [
//       { text: 'a', variant: 'destructive', datasource: 'a' },
//       { text: 'b', variant: 'primary', datasource: 'b' },
//     ];
//     wrapper.setProps({ options: { buttons: buttons } });
//     const mockGet = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ id: 1 });
//     (getDataSourceSrv as jest.Mock<any>).mockImplementation(() => ({
//       get: mockGet,
//     }));
//     const mockDataSourceRequest = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
//       status: status,
//       statusText: statusText,
//     });
//     (getBackendSrv as jest.Mock<any>).mockImplementation(() => ({
//       datasourceRequest: mockDataSourceRequest,
//     }));
//     const mockEmit = jest.fn();
//     SystemJS.load.mockImplementation(async () => ({
//       emit: mockEmit,
//     }));

//     const buttonWidgets = wrapper.find(Button);
//     expect(buttonWidgets).toHaveLength(buttons.length);
//     buttonWidgets.forEach((b: any, i: number) => {
//       expect(b.key()).toBe(i.toString());
//       expect(b.prop('variant')).toBe(buttons[i].variant);
//       expect(b.text()).toBe(buttons[i].text);
//       b.simulate('click');
//       setImmediate(() => {
//         expect(mockGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(buttons[i].datasource);
//         expect(mockDataSourceRequest).toHaveBeenCalled();
//         expect(mockEmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(AppEvents.alertSuccess, [
//           buttons[i].text + ': ' + status + ' (' + statusText + ')',
//         ]);
//       });
//     });
//   });

//   test('button error', () => {
//     const wrapper = shallow(<ButtonPanel {...defaultProps} />);
//     const buttons: ButtonOptions[] = [{ variant: 'destructive', datasource: 'a' }];
//     wrapper.setProps({ options: { buttons: buttons } });

//     const mockGet = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ id: 1 });
//     (getDataSourceSrv as jest.Mock<any>).mockImplementation(() => ({
//       get: mockGet,
//     }));
//     const msg = 'msg';
//     const mockDataSourceRequest = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue({
//       status: statusError,
//       statusText: statusText,
//       data: { message: msg },
//     });
//     (getBackendSrv as jest.Mock<any>).mockImplementation(() => ({
//       datasourceRequest: mockDataSourceRequest,
//     }));
//     const mockEmit = jest.fn();
//     SystemJS.load.mockImplementation(async () => ({
//       emit: mockEmit,
//     }));

//     const widget = wrapper.find(Button);
//     expect(widget.text()).toBe('Button');
//     widget.simulate('click');
//     setImmediate(() => {
//       expect(mockEmit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(AppEvents.alertError, [
//         widget.text() + ': ' + statusError + ' (' + statusText + ')',
//         msg,
//       ]);
//     });
//   });
// });