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## What is SpectroChemPy?

SpectroChemPy (SCPy) is a framework for processing, analyzing and modeling
Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python. It is a cross-platform software,
running on Linux, Windows or OS X.

## Features

Among its major features:

* A NDDataset object embedding array of data with labeled axes and metadata.
* A Project manager to work on multiple NDDataset simultaneously.
* Physical Units for NDDataset.
* Mathematical operations over NDDataset such addition, multiplication and many more ...
* Import functions to read data from experiments or modeling programs ...
* Display functions such as plot for 1D or nD datasets ...
* Export functions to csv, xls formats ...
* Preprocessing functions such as baseline correction, automatic subtraction and many more ...
* Fitting capabilities for single or multiple datasets ...
* Exploratory analysis such as SVD, PCA, MCR_ALS, EFA ...


     SpectroChemPy is still experimental and under active development.
     Its current design is subject to major changes, reorganizations, bugs and crashes!!!.
     Please report any issues to the Issue Tracker.

## Documentation

The online Html documentation is available here:  [HTML documentation](https://www.spectrochempy.fr)

### Examples, tutorials

A zip archive of all the notebooks corresponding to the documentation  can be found [here](https://www.spectrochempy.fr/downloads/stable-spectrochempy-notebooks.zip)

## Installation

Follow the instructions here: [Installation guide](https://www.spectrochempy.fr/stable/gettingstarted/install/index.html)

## Issue Tracker

You find a problem, want to suggest enhancements or want to look at the current issues and milestones, you can go there:  [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/spectrochempy/spectrochempy/issues)

## Citing SpectroChemPy

When using SpectroChemPy for your own work, you are kindly requested to cite using the recommandation [here](https://www.spectrochempy.fr/stable/credits/citing.html).

## Source repository

The sources are versioned using the git system and hosted on the GitHub platform:

## License

[CeCILL-B FREE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT](https://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html)