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Test Coverage
# ======================================================================================
#       This file is automatically generated to be up-to-date in the master
#       repository.
#       !!! DO NOT MODIFY !!!
#       if you need to modify a dependency you need to follow these steps:
#       - Any change in dependencies must be first reflected in
#         file .ci/templates/dependencies.tmpl
#       - Then execute :
#          *  pre-commit run --all-files
# ======================================================================================
    - conda-forge
    - spectrocat
    - defaults

    # specific dependencies
    - brukeropusreader
    - quaternion

    # dependencies for the core package
    - cffconvert>=2.0.0
    - colorama
    - dill
    - docrep
    - ipython
    - jinja2
    - matplotlib>=3.8
    - numba
    - numpy
    - numpydoc>=1.2
    - osqp
    - packaging
    - pint>=0.20
    - requests
    - scipy
    - tqdm
    - traitlets=5.14.1
    - tzlocal
    - scikit-learn
    - xlrd
    - pyyaml

    # dependencies needed mainly for install and a bit more ...
    - setuptools
    - setuptools_scm
    - git

    # Jupyter lab
    - ipywidgets=8.0.4
    - ipympl
    - jupyterlab
    - jupyterlab_widgets
    - jupyter_events=0.6.3
    - jupyter_server
    - pyzmq=25.1.2
    - nodejs
    - widgetsnbextension=4.0.5

    # voila
    - voila
    - voila-material

    # TEST dependencies
    # ----------------
    - coverage
    - pytest
    - pytest-doctestplus
    - pytest-flake8
    - pytest-mock
    - pyfakefs
    - pep8-naming
    - xarray

    # DEV dependencies
    # ----------------
    # From here, the dependencies are essentially for development.
    # They should not be necessary for the user of  spectrochempy.
    - anaconda-client
    - black
    - boa
    - conda-build
    - conda-verify
    - isort
    - json5
    - jupytext
    - jupyter_sphinx
    - mamba
    - nbconvert=7.16.1
    - nbsphinx
    - numpydoc>=1.2
    - pandoc=2.19
    - pypandoc
    - pre-commit
    - scikit-image
    - sphinx=5.3
    - sphinx-copybutton
    - sphinx-gallery=0.13
    - sphinx_rtd_theme=1.2
    - sphinxcontrib-bibtex