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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ======================================================================================
# Copyright (©) 2015-2023 LCS - Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, Caen, France.
# See full LICENSE agreement in the root directory.
# ======================================================================================
This module holds the definitions all the various models.
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

from spectrochempy.core.dataset.coord import Coord
from spectrochempy.core.dataset.nddataset import NDDataset
from spectrochempy.core.units import Quantity

__all__ = [

def make_units_compatibility(func):
    Decorator to take into account the input features (units, type...)

    def _convert_to_units(arg, x_units):
        if isinstance(arg, Quantity):
            arg.ito(x_units)  # eventually convert units and rescale
        # set units to those of x
            if x_units is not None:
                arg = arg * x_units
                # do not take into account unit of arg
                return arg
        return arg.magnitude

    def wrapper(cls, xinput, *args, **kwargs):
        returntype = "ndarray"
        x = xinput.copy()

        x_units = None
        if hasattr(xinput, "units"):
            x_units = xinput.units
            if isinstance(xinput, Coord):
                x = xinput.data
                returntype = "NDDataset"
                x = xinput.m

        # get args or their equivalent in kwargs and eventually convert units.
        newargs = []

        for index, param in enumerate(cls.args):
            newargs.append(kwargs.get(param, args[index] if len(args) > index else 0))

        for index, arg in enumerate(newargs):
            # adapt units
            if cls.args[index] in ["width", "pos"]:
                # implicit units: those of x else rescale
                newargs[index] = _convert_to_units(arg, x_units)

        ampl_units = None
        if hasattr(newargs[0], "units"):
            ampl_units = newargs[0].units
            newargs[0] = newargs[0].m

        _data = func(cls, x, *newargs)

        if returntype == "NDDataset":
            res = NDDataset(_data, units=ampl_units)
            res.x = Coord(xinput)
            res.name = cls.__class__.__name__.split("model")[0]
            res.title = "intensity"

            res = _data
            if ampl_units:
                res = res * ampl_units

        return res

    return wrapper

#          #
#    1D    #
#          #

# ======================================================================================
# PolynomialBaseline
# ======================================================================================
class polynomialbaseline(object):
    Arbitrary-degree polynomial (degree limited to 10, however).

    As a linear baseline is automatically calculated, this polynom is always of
    greater or equal to order 2 (parabolic function).

    .. math::
        f(x) = ampl * \sum_{i=2}^{max} c_i*x^i

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl"]
    args.extend(["c_%d" % i for i in range(2, 11)])

    script = """
    MODEL: baseline%(id)d\nshape: polynomialbaseline
    # This polynom starts at the order 2
    # as a linear baseline is additionally fitted automatically
    # parameters must be in the form c_i where i is an integer as shown below
    $ ampl: %(scale).3g, 0.0, None
    $ c_2: 1.0, None, None
    * c_3: 0.0, None, None
    * c_4: 0.0, None, None
    # etc...

    def f(self, x, ampl, *c_, **kwargs):
        c = [0.0, 0.0]
        return ampl * np.polyval(np.array(tuple(c))[::-1], x - x[int(x.size / 2)])

# #===============================================================================
# # Gaussian2DModel
# #===============================================================================
# class gaussian2dmodel(object):
#    r"""
#    Two dimensional Gaussian model (*not* normalized - peak value is 1).
#    .. math::
#        A e^{\frac{-(x-\iso_x)^2}{2 \gb_x^2}} e^{\frac{-(y-\iso_y)^2}{2 \gb_y^2}}
#    """
#    args = ['amp','gbx','gby','posx','posy']
#    def f(self, xy, amp, gbx, gby, posx, posy, **kargs):
#        gbx = float(gbx)
#        gby = float(gby)
#        x,y = xy
#        xo = x-posx
#        xdenom = 2*gbx*gbx
#        yo = y-posy
#        ydenom = 2*gby*gby
#        return amp*np.exp(-xo*xo/xdenom-yo*yo/ydenom)
# ======================================================================================
# ======================================================================================
# GaussianModel
# ======================================================================================
class gaussianmodel(object):
    Normalized 1D gaussian function.

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{ampl}{\\sqrt{2 \\pi \\sigma^2} } \\exp({\\frac{-(x-pos)^2}{2 \\sigma^2}})

    where :math:`\\sigma = \\frac{width}{2.3548}` .

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl", "pos", "width"]

    script = """
    MODEL: line%(id)d\nshape: gaussianmodel
    $ ampl: %(ampl).3f, 0.0, None
    $ width: %(width).3f, 0.0, None
    $ pos: %(pos).3f, %(poslb).3f, %(poshb).3f

    def f(self, x, ampl, pos, width, **kwargs):
        gb = width / 2.3548
        tsq = (x - pos) * 2**-0.5 / gb
        w = np.exp(-tsq * tsq) * (2 * np.pi) ** -0.5 / gb
        w = w * abs(x[1] - x[0])
        return ampl * w

# ======================================================================================
# LorentzianModel
# ======================================================================================
class lorentzianmodel(object):
    A standard Lorentzian function (also known as the Cauchy distribution).

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{ampl * \\lambda}{\\pi [(x-pos)^2+ \\lambda^2]}

    where :math:`\\lambda = \\frac{width}{2}` .

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl", "pos", "width"]

    script = """
    MODEL: line%(id)d\nshape: lorentzianmodel
    $ ampl: %(ampl).3f, 0.0, None
    $ width: %(width).3f, 0.0, None
    $ pos: %(pos).3f, %(poslb).3f, %(poshb).3f

    def f(self, x, ampl, pos, width, **kargs):
        lb = width / 2.0
        w = lb / np.pi / (x * x - 2 * x * pos + pos * pos + lb * lb)
        w = w * abs(x[1] - x[0])
        return ampl * w

# ======================================================================================
# VoigtModel
# ======================================================================================
class voigtmodel(object):
    A Voigt model constructed as the convolution of a :class:`GaussianModel` and
    a :class:`LorentzianModel` .

    Commonly used for spectral line fitting.

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl", "pos", "width", "ratio"]

    script = """
    MODEL: line%(id)d\nshape: voigtmodel
    $ ampl: %(ampl).3f, 0.0, None
    $ width: %(width).3f, 0.0, None
    $ pos: %(pos).3f, %(poslb).3f, %(poshb).3f
    $ ratio: 0.1, 0.0, 1.0

    # @make_units_compatibility
    # def f(self, x, ampl, pos, width, ratio, **kargs):
    #     from scipy.special import wofz
    #     gb = ratio * width / 2.3548
    #     lb = (1.0 - ratio) * width / 2.0
    #     if ratio < 1.0e-16:
    #         return lorentzianmodel().f(x, ampl, pos, lb * 2.0, **kargs)
    #     else:
    #         w = wofz(((x - pos) + 1.0j * lb) * 2 ** -0.5 / gb)
    #         w = w.real * (2.0 * np.pi) ** -0.5 / gb
    #         w = w * abs(x[1] - x[0])
    #         return ampl * w

    def f(x, ampl, pos, width, ratio, **kargs):
        return asymmetricvoigtmodel().f(x, ampl, pos, width, ratio, asym=0.0)

# ======================================================================================
# Asymmetric Voigt Model
# ======================================================================================
class asymmetricvoigtmodel(object):
    An asymmetric Voigt model.

    A. L. Stancik and E. B. Brauns, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2008, 47, 66-69.

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl", "pos", "width", "ratio", "asym"]

    script = """
        MODEL: line%(id)d\nshape: voigtmodel
        $ ampl: %(ampl).3f, 0.0, None
        $ width: %(width).3f, 0.0, None
        $ pos: %(pos).3f, %(poslb).3f, %(poshb).3f
        $ ratio: 0.1, 0.0, 1.0
        $ asym: 0.1, 0.0, 1.0

    def f(self, x, ampl, pos, width, ratio, asym, **kargs):
        from scipy.special import wofz

        g = width
        if asym > 0.0:
            # sigmoid variation of the width
            g = 2.0 * sigmoidmodel().f(x, width, pos, asym)
        gb = ratio * g / 2.3548
        lb = (1.0 - ratio) * g / 2.0
        if ratio < 1.0e-16:
            return lorentzianmodel().f(x, ampl, pos, lb * 2.0, **kargs)
            w = wofz(((x - pos) + 1.0j * lb) * 2**-0.5 / gb)
            w = w.real * (2.0 * np.pi) ** -0.5 / gb
            w = w * abs(x[1] - x[0])
            return ampl * w

# ======================================================================================
# Sigmoid Model
# ======================================================================================

class sigmoidmodel(object):
    A Sigmoid function.

    .. math::
        f(x) = \\frac{1.}{1 + \\exp(\\lambda (x-pos))}

    type = "1D"
    args = ["ampl", "pos", "asym"]

    script = """
    MODEL: line%(id)d\nshape: sigmoidmodel
    $ ampl: %(ampl).3f, 0.0, None
    $ pos: %(pos).3f, %(poslb).3f, %(poshb).3f
    $ asym: %(asym).3f, 0.0, None


    def f(self, x, ampl, pos, asym, **kargs):
        w = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(asym * (x - pos) / ampl))
        return ampl * w

# ======================================================================================
# User defined model
# ======================================================================================
class usermodel(object):
    Base class for user defined models

    type = "1D"
    args = []

    def f():
        raise NotImplementedError("This is a base class for user defined models")