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    import IconBox from 'components/shared/content/IconBox.svelte';
    import TitleWithLine from 'components/shared/content/TitleWithLine.svelte';
    import { BarsArrowUp, BookOpen, Trophy } from 'svelte-heros-v2';

<section id="about" class="py-[100px]">
    <TitleWithLine titleText="About Speedclimbing" lineColor="yellow" />

    <p class=" text-xl pb-10">
        You have never heard of speedclimbing? This is the perfect place to get up to speed and learn
        more about the sport!

    <div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-10">
        <IconBox title="The sport" href={'/about#the-sport'}>
            <Trophy slot="icon" size="40" class="text-yellow" />
            <p slot="text">
                Speedclimbing is one of the three disciplines in modern sports climbing. The biggest
                difference to lead or bouldering is the standardized wall - and ofcourse the speed!
        <IconBox title="The wall" href={'/about#the-wall'}>
            <BarsArrowUp slot="icon" size="40" class="text-yellow" />
            <p slot="text">
                The speedclimbing wall, as it is known today das designed arond 2007 and has not changed
                since. Everything about it is precisely normed - it is exactly the same all around the
        <IconBox title="The rules" href={'/about#the-rules'} text="">
            <BookOpen slot="icon" size="40" class="text-yellow" />
            <p slot="text">
                A speedclimbing competition consists of two parts:
                <b>final</b>. Every athlete starts with training and qualification and eventually proceeds
                to the finals.