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    import AnchorPoint from 'components/shared/AnchorPoint.svelte';
    import TitleWithLine from 'components/shared/content/TitleWithLine.svelte';

<section class="py-6">
    <AnchorPoint id="the-sport" />
    <TitleWithLine titleText="What is speedclimbing?" />

        Speedclimbing is one of the three disciplines in modern sports climbing. The biggest difference
        to lead or bouldering is the standardized wall. The wall is exactly the same in every gym and on
        every competition all around the world.
        <br />
        The ultimate goal of speedclimbing is simple: <b>climb the wall as fast as possible</b>. Because
        of the standardized wall, every single attempt to climb the wall (also called "run") is
        comparable. This makes it also possible for the climbers to optimize their moves (also called
        "beta") until they are absolutely perfect. This is the reason why it is even possible to climb
        that 15 meter wall in five seconds.
        <br />
        This is what makes speedclimbing so exciting!