<script lang="ts">
import SelectFilter, { type Filter } from 'components/shared/inputs/SelectFilter.svelte';
import FastestCompetitionHistory from 'components/stats/LineChart.svelte';
import BoxContainer from 'components/shared/layout/BoxContainer.svelte';
import NationMedalsTable from 'components/stats/NationMedalsTable.svelte';
import TitleWithLine from 'components/shared/content/TitleWithLine.svelte';
import type { AllTimeSummary } from 'types/StatsSummary';
import SmartTable from 'components/stats/SmartTable.svelte';
import AlternativeButton from 'components/shared/buttons/AlternativeButton.svelte';
export let allTimeSummary: AllTimeSummary;
export let params: Record<string, string>;
export let filters: Filter[];
const formatCompetitionName = (name: string) => {
// turn IFSC - Climbing World Cup (L,S) - Villars (SUI) 2021 into Villars 2021 using regex
const regex = /(?:[^(]+) \((?:[^)]+)\) - ([^(]+) \((?:[A-Z]{3})\) (\d{4})/g;
const match = regex.exec(name);
if (match) {
return `${match[1]} ${match[2]}`;
return name;
<section class="bg-grey/10 dark:bg-dark-grey lg:px-[10%] px-[5%] py-[50px] grid grid-cols-10 gap-6">
<BoxContainer className="flex justify-between flex-wrap gap-5">
<TitleWithLine titleText="Time Records" lineColor="yellow" lineClasses="mb-0" />
<div class="mt-auto mb-auto flex gap-5 flex-wrap">
{#each filters.filter((f) => ['continent', 'nation_code_ioc'].includes( as filter}
<SelectFilter bind:value={params[]} {filter} />
<BoxContainer className="flex flex-col gap-5">
<SmartTable data={allTimeSummary.ranking_athlete_time} pageSize={10} />
<BoxContainer className="px-[3vw] xl:col-span-5">
<h2 class="text-2xl mb-5">World-Record history</h2>
.sort((a, b) => b.time - a.time)
.map((c) => {
return { value: c.time, label: formatCompetitionName(c.competition_name) };
name="World records"
<BoxContainer className="px-[3vw] xl:col-span-5">
<h2 class="text-2xl mb-5">Final entry time history</h2>
data={ => {
return { value: c.final_entry_time, label: formatCompetitionName( };
<BoxContainer className="flex justify-between gap-5 flex-wrap">
<TitleWithLine titleText="Fastest Competitions" lineClasses="mb-0" />
<div class="mt-auto mb-auto">
{#each filters.filter((f) => ['league_group'].includes( as filter}
<SelectFilter bind:value={params[]} {filter} />
<BoxContainer className="flex flex-col gap-5">
<SmartTable data={allTimeSummary.ranking_competition_fet} pageSize={10} />
<BoxContainer className="xl:col-span-6">
<NationMedalsTable data={allTimeSummary.ranking_nation_points_and_medals} />
<BoxContainer className="xl:col-span-4">
<h2 class="text-3xl mb-5">Want to know more?</h2>
<p class="pb-4">
If you want more filters and options - <b>check out our detailed stats!</b> If that's still
not enough for you, feel free to <b>reach out to us</b>. We are happy to hear your ideas and
wishes for new and exciting statistics.
<div class="flex gap-2">
class="!bg-red !text-white shrink-0"
text="detailed stats"
class="dark:!text-yellow dark:border-yellow dark:border-2"
text="contact us"