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# MongoDB Extended (mongodb-extended)

Extends the Node.js driver adding a useful API for modeling MongoDB objects and
keeping database structures in sync across environments.

**Use case:**

When using MongoDB _without_ a tool like [Mongoose](https://mongoosejs.com/), it
can be burdensome and problematic to maintain indexes, schemas, etc. across

This module provides a mechanism for configuring your MongoDB collections in
code and keeping things in sync across multiple environments.

**MongoDB driver version:**

* **Version 1.x:** Supports mongodb driver version 3.x
* **Version 2.x:** Supports mongodb driver version 4.x

### Collection Configuration Management

With mongodb-extended, your application can configure each collection as necessary
and mongodb-extended will keep the database in sync with your configuration.

This includes:

* Keeping indexes in sync between the database and configuration.
* Keeping collection options in sync between the database and configuration.
* Dropping legacy indexes as denoted in configuration.
* Pre-populating a collection with documents.

## Installation

*With NPM:*

`npm i mongodb-extended`

*With Yarn:*

`yarn add mongodb-extended`

## API Reference 


## Support

Feel free to report a bug or open a feature request on [Github](https://github.com/speedytwenty/mongodb-extended).

## Testing

`npm i && npm test`

_Developed by [Chris Lee](https://github.com/speedytwenty). Sponsored by [CodeCatalysts](https://github.com/codecatalysts)._

_API reference generated with [jsdoc2md](https://github.com/jsdoc2md/jsdoc-to-markdown)._