File `schema.ts` has 953 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.import { Observable } from 'graphql-typed-client' export interface Query { posts: (Post | null)[] post: Post | null spheres: (Sphere | null)[] sphere: Sphere | null account: Account | null __typename: 'Query'} /** The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID. */export type ID = string /** The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. */export type String = string export enum MEDIA_TYPE { IMAGE = 'IMAGE',} /** The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. */export type Int = number /** The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`. */export type Boolean = boolean export type DateTime = any export enum POST_STATUS { PUBLISHED = 'PUBLISHED', DRAFT = 'DRAFT', ARCHIVED = 'ARCHIVED', SYNCING = 'SYNCING',} export enum AccountStatus { VERIFIED = 'VERIFIED', ACTIVE = 'ACTIVE', INACTIVE = 'INACTIVE',} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export enum PostOrderByInput { id_ASC = 'id_ASC', id_DESC = 'id_DESC', title_ASC = 'title_ASC', title_DESC = 'title_DESC', content_ASC = 'content_ASC', content_DESC = 'content_DESC', slug_ASC = 'slug_ASC', slug_DESC = 'slug_DESC', timeToRead_ASC = 'timeToRead_ASC', timeToRead_DESC = 'timeToRead_DESC', isPublished_ASC = 'isPublished_ASC', isPublished_DESC = 'isPublished_DESC', publishedAt_ASC = 'publishedAt_ASC', publishedAt_DESC = 'publishedAt_DESC', createdAt_ASC = 'createdAt_ASC', createdAt_DESC = 'createdAt_DESC', updatedAt_ASC = 'updatedAt_ASC', updatedAt_DESC = 'updatedAt_DESC', status_ASC = 'status_ASC', status_DESC = 'status_DESC',} export interface Post { id: ID title: String featuredImage: Media | null content: Json images: Media[] | null slug: String timeToRead: Int isPublished: Boolean publishedAt: DateTime | null createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime status: POST_STATUS author: Account metadata: PostMetadata associatedWith: Sphere __typename: 'Post'} export interface Media { id: ID url: String type: MEDIA_TYPE __typename: 'Media'} export type Json = any export enum MediaOrderByInput { id_ASC = 'id_ASC', id_DESC = 'id_DESC', url_ASC = 'url_ASC', url_DESC = 'url_DESC', type_ASC = 'type_ASC', type_DESC = 'type_DESC',} export interface Account { id: ID status: AccountStatus firstName: String lastName: String emailAddress: String createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime spheres: Sphere[] | null posts: Post[] | null __typename: 'Account'} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export enum SphereOrderByInput { id_ASC = 'id_ASC', id_DESC = 'id_DESC', alias_ASC = 'alias_ASC', alias_DESC = 'alias_DESC', aliasSlug_ASC = 'aliasSlug_ASC', aliasSlug_DESC = 'aliasSlug_DESC', slugPrefix_ASC = 'slugPrefix_ASC', slugPrefix_DESC = 'slugPrefix_DESC', createdAt_ASC = 'createdAt_ASC', createdAt_DESC = 'createdAt_DESC', updatedAt_ASC = 'updatedAt_ASC', updatedAt_DESC = 'updatedAt_DESC',} export interface Sphere { id: ID alias: String aliasSlug: String slugPrefix: String associatedWith: Account createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime posts: Post[] | null __typename: 'Sphere'} export interface PostMetadata { id: ID fileHash: String filename: String | null createdAt: DateTime updatedAt: DateTime __typename: 'PostMetadata'} export interface Mutation { mediaUpload: Media | null __typename: 'Mutation'} export type Upload = any export interface QueryRequest {Similar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. posts?: | [ { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, PostRequest, ] | PostRequest post?: [{ where: PostWhereUniqueInput }, PostRequest]Similar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. spheres?: | [ { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, SphereRequest, ] | SphereRequest sphere?: [{ where: SphereWhereUniqueInput }, SphereRequest] account?: [{ where: AccountWhereUniqueInput }, AccountRequest] __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface PostWhereInput { id?: ID | null id_not?: ID | null id_in?: ID[] | null id_not_in?: ID[] | null id_lt?: ID | null id_lte?: ID | null id_gt?: ID | null id_gte?: ID | null id_contains?: ID | null id_not_contains?: ID | null id_starts_with?: ID | null id_not_starts_with?: ID | null id_ends_with?: ID | null id_not_ends_with?: ID | null title?: String | null title_not?: String | null title_in?: String[] | null title_not_in?: String[] | null title_lt?: String | null title_lte?: String | null title_gt?: String | null title_gte?: String | null title_contains?: String | null title_not_contains?: String | null title_starts_with?: String | null title_not_starts_with?: String | null title_ends_with?: String | null title_not_ends_with?: String | null featuredImage?: MediaWhereInput | null images_every?: MediaWhereInput | null images_some?: MediaWhereInput | null images_none?: MediaWhereInput | null slug?: String | null slug_not?: String | null slug_in?: String[] | null slug_not_in?: String[] | null slug_lt?: String | null slug_lte?: String | null slug_gt?: String | null slug_gte?: String | null slug_contains?: String | null slug_not_contains?: String | null slug_starts_with?: String | null slug_not_starts_with?: String | null slug_ends_with?: String | null slug_not_ends_with?: String | null timeToRead?: Int | null timeToRead_not?: Int | null timeToRead_in?: Int[] | null timeToRead_not_in?: Int[] | null timeToRead_lt?: Int | null timeToRead_lte?: Int | null timeToRead_gt?: Int | null timeToRead_gte?: Int | null isPublished?: Boolean | null isPublished_not?: Boolean | null publishedAt?: DateTime | null publishedAt_not?: DateTime | null publishedAt_in?: DateTime[] | null publishedAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null publishedAt_lt?: DateTime | null publishedAt_lte?: DateTime | null publishedAt_gt?: DateTime | null publishedAt_gte?: DateTime | null createdAt?: DateTime | null createdAt_not?: DateTime | null createdAt_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null updatedAt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_not?: DateTime | null updatedAt_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null status?: POST_STATUS | null status_not?: POST_STATUS | null status_in?: POST_STATUS[] | null status_not_in?: POST_STATUS[] | null author?: AccountWhereInput | null metadata?: PostMetadataWhereInput | null associatedWith?: SphereWhereInput | null AND?: PostWhereInput[] | null OR?: PostWhereInput[] | null NOT?: PostWhereInput[] | null} export interface MediaWhereInput { id?: ID | null id_not?: ID | null id_in?: ID[] | null id_not_in?: ID[] | null id_lt?: ID | null id_lte?: ID | null id_gt?: ID | null id_gte?: ID | null id_contains?: ID | null id_not_contains?: ID | null id_starts_with?: ID | null id_not_starts_with?: ID | null id_ends_with?: ID | null id_not_ends_with?: ID | null url?: String | null url_not?: String | null url_in?: String[] | null url_not_in?: String[] | null url_lt?: String | null url_lte?: String | null url_gt?: String | null url_gte?: String | null url_contains?: String | null url_not_contains?: String | null url_starts_with?: String | null url_not_starts_with?: String | null url_ends_with?: String | null url_not_ends_with?: String | null type?: MEDIA_TYPE | null type_not?: MEDIA_TYPE | null type_in?: MEDIA_TYPE[] | null type_not_in?: MEDIA_TYPE[] | null AND?: MediaWhereInput[] | null OR?: MediaWhereInput[] | null NOT?: MediaWhereInput[] | null} export interface AccountWhereInput { id?: ID | null id_not?: ID | null id_in?: ID[] | null id_not_in?: ID[] | null id_lt?: ID | null id_lte?: ID | null id_gt?: ID | null id_gte?: ID | null id_contains?: ID | null id_not_contains?: ID | null id_starts_with?: ID | null id_not_starts_with?: ID | null id_ends_with?: ID | null id_not_ends_with?: ID | null status?: AccountStatus | null status_not?: AccountStatus | null status_in?: AccountStatus[] | null status_not_in?: AccountStatus[] | null firstName?: String | null firstName_not?: String | null firstName_in?: String[] | null firstName_not_in?: String[] | null firstName_lt?: String | null firstName_lte?: String | null firstName_gt?: String | null firstName_gte?: String | null firstName_contains?: String | null firstName_not_contains?: String | null firstName_starts_with?: String | null firstName_not_starts_with?: String | null firstName_ends_with?: String | null firstName_not_ends_with?: String | null lastName?: String | null lastName_not?: String | null lastName_in?: String[] | null lastName_not_in?: String[] | null lastName_lt?: String | null lastName_lte?: String | null lastName_gt?: String | null lastName_gte?: String | null lastName_contains?: String | null lastName_not_contains?: String | null lastName_starts_with?: String | null lastName_not_starts_with?: String | null lastName_ends_with?: String | null lastName_not_ends_with?: String | null emailAddress?: String | null emailAddress_not?: String | null emailAddress_in?: String[] | null emailAddress_not_in?: String[] | null emailAddress_lt?: String | null emailAddress_lte?: String | null emailAddress_gt?: String | null emailAddress_gte?: String | null emailAddress_contains?: String | null emailAddress_not_contains?: String | null emailAddress_starts_with?: String | null emailAddress_not_starts_with?: String | null emailAddress_ends_with?: String | null emailAddress_not_ends_with?: String | null createdAt?: DateTime | null createdAt_not?: DateTime | null createdAt_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null updatedAt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_not?: DateTime | null updatedAt_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null spheres_every?: SphereWhereInput | null spheres_some?: SphereWhereInput | null spheres_none?: SphereWhereInput | null posts_every?: PostWhereInput | null posts_some?: PostWhereInput | null posts_none?: PostWhereInput | null AND?: AccountWhereInput[] | null OR?: AccountWhereInput[] | null NOT?: AccountWhereInput[] | null} export interface SphereWhereInput { id?: ID | null id_not?: ID | null id_in?: ID[] | null id_not_in?: ID[] | null id_lt?: ID | null id_lte?: ID | null id_gt?: ID | null id_gte?: ID | null id_contains?: ID | null id_not_contains?: ID | null id_starts_with?: ID | null id_not_starts_with?: ID | null id_ends_with?: ID | null id_not_ends_with?: ID | null alias?: String | null alias_not?: String | null alias_in?: String[] | null alias_not_in?: String[] | null alias_lt?: String | null alias_lte?: String | null alias_gt?: String | null alias_gte?: String | null alias_contains?: String | null alias_not_contains?: String | null alias_starts_with?: String | null alias_not_starts_with?: String | null alias_ends_with?: String | null alias_not_ends_with?: String | null aliasSlug?: String | null aliasSlug_not?: String | null aliasSlug_in?: String[] | null aliasSlug_not_in?: String[] | null aliasSlug_lt?: String | null aliasSlug_lte?: String | null aliasSlug_gt?: String | null aliasSlug_gte?: String | null aliasSlug_contains?: String | null aliasSlug_not_contains?: String | null aliasSlug_starts_with?: String | null aliasSlug_not_starts_with?: String | null aliasSlug_ends_with?: String | null aliasSlug_not_ends_with?: String | null slugPrefix?: String | null slugPrefix_not?: String | null slugPrefix_in?: String[] | null slugPrefix_not_in?: String[] | null slugPrefix_lt?: String | null slugPrefix_lte?: String | null slugPrefix_gt?: String | null slugPrefix_gte?: String | null slugPrefix_contains?: String | null slugPrefix_not_contains?: String | null slugPrefix_starts_with?: String | null slugPrefix_not_starts_with?: String | null slugPrefix_ends_with?: String | null slugPrefix_not_ends_with?: String | null associatedWith?: AccountWhereInput | null createdAt?: DateTime | null createdAt_not?: DateTime | null createdAt_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null updatedAt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_not?: DateTime | null updatedAt_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null posts_every?: PostWhereInput | null posts_some?: PostWhereInput | null posts_none?: PostWhereInput | null AND?: SphereWhereInput[] | null OR?: SphereWhereInput[] | null NOT?: SphereWhereInput[] | null} export interface PostMetadataWhereInput { id?: ID | null id_not?: ID | null id_in?: ID[] | null id_not_in?: ID[] | null id_lt?: ID | null id_lte?: ID | null id_gt?: ID | null id_gte?: ID | null id_contains?: ID | null id_not_contains?: ID | null id_starts_with?: ID | null id_not_starts_with?: ID | null id_ends_with?: ID | null id_not_ends_with?: ID | null fileHash?: String | null fileHash_not?: String | null fileHash_in?: String[] | null fileHash_not_in?: String[] | null fileHash_lt?: String | null fileHash_lte?: String | null fileHash_gt?: String | null fileHash_gte?: String | null fileHash_contains?: String | null fileHash_not_contains?: String | null fileHash_starts_with?: String | null fileHash_not_starts_with?: String | null fileHash_ends_with?: String | null fileHash_not_ends_with?: String | null filename?: String | null filename_not?: String | null filename_in?: String[] | null filename_not_in?: String[] | null filename_lt?: String | null filename_lte?: String | null filename_gt?: String | null filename_gte?: String | null filename_contains?: String | null filename_not_contains?: String | null filename_starts_with?: String | null filename_not_starts_with?: String | null filename_ends_with?: String | null filename_not_ends_with?: String | null createdAt?: DateTime | null createdAt_not?: DateTime | null createdAt_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null createdAt_lt?: DateTime | null createdAt_lte?: DateTime | null createdAt_gt?: DateTime | null createdAt_gte?: DateTime | null updatedAt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_not?: DateTime | null updatedAt_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_not_in?: DateTime[] | null updatedAt_lt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_lte?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gt?: DateTime | null updatedAt_gte?: DateTime | null AND?: PostMetadataWhereInput[] | null OR?: PostMetadataWhereInput[] | null NOT?: PostMetadataWhereInput[] | null} export interface PostRequest { id?: boolean | number title?: boolean | number featuredImage?: MediaRequest content?: boolean | numberSimilar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. images?: | [ { where?: MediaWhereInput | null orderBy?: MediaOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, MediaRequest, ] | MediaRequest slug?: boolean | number timeToRead?: boolean | number isPublished?: boolean | number publishedAt?: boolean | number createdAt?: boolean | number updatedAt?: boolean | number status?: boolean | number author?: AccountRequest metadata?: PostMetadataRequest associatedWith?: SphereRequest __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface MediaRequest { id?: boolean | number url?: boolean | number type?: boolean | number __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface AccountRequest { id?: boolean | number status?: boolean | number firstName?: boolean | number lastName?: boolean | number emailAddress?: boolean | number createdAt?: boolean | number updatedAt?: boolean | numberSimilar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. spheres?: | [ { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, SphereRequest, ] | SphereRequestSimilar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. posts?: | [ { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, PostRequest, ] | PostRequest __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface SphereRequest { id?: boolean | number alias?: boolean | number aliasSlug?: boolean | number slugPrefix?: boolean | number associatedWith?: AccountRequest createdAt?: boolean | number updatedAt?: boolean | numberSimilar blocks of code found in 6 locations. Consider refactoring. posts?: | [ { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }, PostRequest, ] | PostRequest __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface PostMetadataRequest { id?: boolean | number fileHash?: boolean | number filename?: boolean | number createdAt?: boolean | number updatedAt?: boolean | number __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} export interface PostWhereUniqueInput { id?: ID | null slug?: String | null} export interface SphereWhereUniqueInput { id?: ID | null alias?: String | null aliasSlug?: String | null} export interface AccountWhereUniqueInput { id?: ID | null emailAddress?: String | null} export interface MutationRequest { mediaUpload?: [{ file: Upload }, MediaRequest] __typename?: boolean | number __scalar?: boolean | number} const Query_possibleTypes = ['Query']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isQuery = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Query => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Query_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const Post_possibleTypes = ['Post']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isPost = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Post => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Post_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const Media_possibleTypes = ['Media']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isMedia = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Media => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Media_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const Account_possibleTypes = ['Account']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isAccount = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Account => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Account_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const Sphere_possibleTypes = ['Sphere']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isSphere = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Sphere => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Sphere_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const PostMetadata_possibleTypes = ['PostMetadata']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isPostMetadata = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is PostMetadata => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return PostMetadata_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} const Mutation_possibleTypes = ['Mutation']Similar blocks of code found in 7 locations. Consider refactoring.export const isMutation = (obj: { __typename: String }): obj is Mutation => { if (!obj.__typename) throw new Error('__typename is missing') return Mutation_possibleTypes.includes(obj.__typename)} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface QueryPromiseChain { posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: (Post | null)[]) => Promise<(Post | null)[]> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: (Post | null)[]) => Promise<(Post | null)[]> }) post: (args: { where: PostWhereUniqueInput }) => PostPromiseChain & { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post | null) => Promise<Post | null> } spheres: ((args?: { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: (Sphere | null)[]) => Promise<(Sphere | null)[]> }) & ({ execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: (Sphere | null)[]) => Promise<(Sphere | null)[]> }) sphere: (args: { where: SphereWhereUniqueInput }) => SpherePromiseChain & { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere | null) => Promise<Sphere | null> } account: (args: { where: AccountWhereUniqueInput }) => AccountPromiseChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account | null) => Promise<Account | null> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface QueryObservableChain { posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: (Post | null)[]) => Observable<(Post | null)[]> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: (Post | null)[]) => Observable<(Post | null)[]> }) post: (args: { where: PostWhereUniqueInput }) => PostObservableChain & { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post | null) => Observable<Post | null> } spheres: ((args?: { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: (Sphere | null)[]) => Observable<(Sphere | null)[]> }) & ({ execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: (Sphere | null)[]) => Observable<(Sphere | null)[]> }) sphere: (args: { where: SphereWhereUniqueInput }) => SphereObservableChain & { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere | null) => Observable<Sphere | null> } account: (args: { where: AccountWhereUniqueInput }) => AccountObservableChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account | null) => Observable<Account | null> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface PostPromiseChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Promise<ID> } title: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } featuredImage: MediaPromiseChain & { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media | null) => Promise<Media | null> } content: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Json) => Promise<Json> } images: ((args?: { where?: MediaWhereInput | null orderBy?: MediaOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media[] | null) => Promise<Media[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media[] | null) => Promise<Media[] | null> }) slug: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } timeToRead: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Int) => Promise<Int> } isPublished: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Boolean) => Promise<Boolean> } publishedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime | null) => Promise<DateTime | null> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } status: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: POST_STATUS) => Promise<POST_STATUS> } author: AccountPromiseChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account) => Promise<Account> } metadata: PostMetadataPromiseChain & { execute: (request: PostMetadataRequest, defaultValue?: PostMetadata) => Promise<PostMetadata> } associatedWith: SpherePromiseChain & { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere) => Promise<Sphere> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface PostObservableChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Observable<ID> } title: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } featuredImage: MediaObservableChain & { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media | null) => Observable<Media | null> } content: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Json) => Observable<Json> } images: ((args?: { where?: MediaWhereInput | null orderBy?: MediaOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media[] | null) => Observable<Media[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media[] | null) => Observable<Media[] | null> }) slug: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } timeToRead: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Int) => Observable<Int> } isPublished: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: Boolean) => Observable<Boolean> } publishedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime | null) => Observable<DateTime | null> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } status: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: POST_STATUS) => Observable<POST_STATUS> } author: AccountObservableChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account) => Observable<Account> } metadata: PostMetadataObservableChain & { execute: (request: PostMetadataRequest, defaultValue?: PostMetadata) => Observable<PostMetadata> } associatedWith: SphereObservableChain & { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere) => Observable<Sphere> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface MediaPromiseChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Promise<ID> } url: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } type: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: MEDIA_TYPE) => Promise<MEDIA_TYPE> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface MediaObservableChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Observable<ID> } url: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } type: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: MEDIA_TYPE) => Observable<MEDIA_TYPE> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface AccountPromiseChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Promise<ID> } status: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: AccountStatus) => Promise<AccountStatus> } firstName: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } lastName: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } emailAddress: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } spheres: ((args?: { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere[] | null) => Promise<Sphere[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere[] | null) => Promise<Sphere[] | null> }) posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Promise<Post[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Promise<Post[] | null> })} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface AccountObservableChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Observable<ID> } status: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: AccountStatus) => Observable<AccountStatus> } firstName: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } lastName: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } emailAddress: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } spheres: ((args?: { where?: SphereWhereInput | null orderBy?: SphereOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere[] | null) => Observable<Sphere[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: SphereRequest, defaultValue?: Sphere[] | null) => Observable<Sphere[] | null> }) posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Observable<Post[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Observable<Post[] | null> })} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface SpherePromiseChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Promise<ID> } alias: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } aliasSlug: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } slugPrefix: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } associatedWith: AccountPromiseChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account) => Promise<Account> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Promise<Post[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Promise<Post[] | null> })} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface SphereObservableChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Observable<ID> } alias: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } aliasSlug: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } slugPrefix: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } associatedWith: AccountObservableChain & { execute: (request: AccountRequest, defaultValue?: Account) => Observable<Account> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } posts: ((args?: { where?: PostWhereInput | null orderBy?: PostOrderByInput | null skip?: Int | null after?: String | null before?: String | null first?: Int | null last?: Int | null }) => { execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Observable<Post[] | null> }) & ({ execute: (request: PostRequest, defaultValue?: Post[] | null) => Observable<Post[] | null> })} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface PostMetadataPromiseChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Promise<ID> } fileHash: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Promise<String> } filename: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String | null) => Promise<String | null> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Promise<DateTime> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface PostMetadataObservableChain { id: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: ID) => Observable<ID> } fileHash: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String) => Observable<String> } filename: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: String | null) => Observable<String | null> } createdAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> } updatedAt: { execute: (request?: boolean | number, defaultValue?: DateTime) => Observable<DateTime> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface MutationPromiseChain { mediaUpload: (args: { file: Upload }) => MediaPromiseChain & { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media | null) => Promise<Media | null> }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export interface MutationObservableChain { mediaUpload: (args: { file: Upload }) => MediaObservableChain & { execute: (request: MediaRequest, defaultValue?: Media | null) => Observable<Media | null> }}