import fetch from 'node-fetch' import * as urlSlug from 'url-slug'import * as https from 'https' import { APIGatewayEvent, Handler } from 'aws-lambda'import { logger } from '@spherehq/helpers' import { SphereVerificationStatus, POST_STATUS, prisma,} from '../generated/prisma-client' Function `verifySphere` has 123 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.export const verifySphere: Handler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent) => { const verificationRule = () => { const rules = { verification: [ ({ htmlDom: $ }) => { return $('meta[name="sphere-source-verification"]').attr('content') }, ], } return rules } const metascraper = require('metascraper')([ require('metascraper-author')(), require('metascraper-date')(), require('metascraper-description')(), require('metascraper-image')(), require('metascraper-logo')(), require('metascraper-clearbit')(), require('metascraper-publisher')(), require('metascraper-title')(), require('metascraper-url')(), verificationRule(), ]) const data = JSON.parse(event.body || '').data as { sphereVerification: { node: { id: string url: string status: SphereVerificationStatus code: { value: string associatedWith: { id: string } } } } } const status = await prisma .sphereVerification({ id: }) .status() if (status !== 'AWAITING_VERIFICATION') { console.warn( `Sphere verification request with id ${} and status ${status} cannot be used for verification`, ) logger.warn( `Sphere verification request with id ${} and status ${status} cannot be used for verification`, ) return { statusCode: 400 } } const res = await fetch(data.sphereVerification.node.url, { agent: new https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false }), }) const html = await res.text() const metadata = (await metascraper({ html, url: data.sphereVerification.node.url, })) as { title: string description: string author: string publisher: string url: string logo: string image: string date: string verification: string } if (metadata.verification !== data.sphereVerification.node.code.value) { console.warn( `Sphere verification code ${data.sphereVerification.node.code.value} was not found for url: ${data.sphereVerification.node.url}`, ) return { statusCode: 200 } } const account = await prisma.account({ id:, }) const parseDomain = require('parse-domain') const { domain, tld } = parseDomain(data.sphereVerification.node.url) const slug = urlSlug(`${domain}.${tld}`) try { const post = () => { return { title: metadata.title, slug: `${slug}/${urlSlug(metadata.title)}`, featuredImage: metadata.image, author:, status: 'PUBLISHED' as POST_STATUS, url: data.sphereVerification.node.url, } } if (account) { const sphereId = await prisma .upsertSphere({ where: { alias: slug }, create: { alias: slug, aliasSlug: slug, associatedWith: { connect: { id: } }, verifiedBy: { connect: { id: }, }, posts: { create: post(), }, }, update: {}, }) .id() await prisma.upsertPost({ where: { url: data.sphereVerification.node.url }, create: {, associatedWith: { connect: { id: sphereId } } }, update: { }, }) } await prisma.updateSphereVerification({ where: { id: }, data: { status: 'VERIFIED' }, }) } catch (e) { console.error(e.message) return { statusCode: 500, message: e.message } } return { metadata, statusCode: 200 }}