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Test Coverage


* bumped version
* added allow_blank choice for validation
* added :allow_nil => true choice to accept nil values for validation
* more tweaks to the README
* added README entry for the constants
* cleaning up validation test descriptions
* added constants for the enumerated keys
* merged add_validation into master
* updated validation tests to use shoulda
* merged master, with jon's additions, into branch
* Merge pull request #1 from jonkarna/master
* switched from not validating by default to validation by default
* cleared TODO
* add activemodel as a dependency (for validations)
* updated readme and included validation information
* Added rake test to make executing tests easier
* Added test for the #{field_name}_values class method. Reformatted existing tests to use shoulda.
* Added turn and shoulda to development dependencies to spice up the testing
* Forgot to pass options as a splat within the instance method
* Added (field_name)_values method to class
* moved ActiveModel from the module to the test since it is a development dependency, not a dependency of the gem
* testing the contra example that unless you specify to validate, it won't
* added TODO
* added capability to validate that the value is in the enumerated list


* bumped version
* added code to handle creating constants from constant-unsafe keys


* bumped gem version
* fixed error about undefined method validates in Apple
* Merge pull request #2 from jonkarna/master
* Added test for validating a string value that has an equivalent value in the enumerated field key list
* Added string equivalent of symbol key to validation and vice versa


* bumped to version 0.1.0
* Updated gem to handle strings and symbols as equivalent keys


* Bumped version number
* added jon and me to the list of authors
* tweaking who gets alerted from travis-ci
* tweaking which rubies to target
* trying again to trigger travis
* adding travis configuration
* triggering travis-ci
* More comprehensive active record scope test
* Made test the default rake task, in prep for integration with Travis CI
* Moved models to test_helper
* Apple fixture file
* Changed Apple to be an ActiveRecord model. Moved models to test_helper. Loading fixtures.
* Added section of code for adding scopes if a decendent from ActiveRecord::Base
* Added activerecord and sqlite3 to dev dependencies
* hard-wrap README
* add activesupport to gem dependencies
* tests pass with ruby 1.9
* fix test load path for ruby 1.9
* changed to use class_eval for the values_array


* Bump version number
* Add changelog
* Test that FIELDNAME_values returns the values in original symbol form
* Return original value from the constants
* Remove JRuby from Travis CI
* Complete the examples in the README
* cleaning up whitespace
* updated README with new scopes