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1 day
Test Coverage
function SpotPosting() {
    this.commentForm = null;
    this.reportForm = null;
    this.uiStart = null;
    this.uiDone = null;

    this.cbHashcashCalculated = function (self, hash) {
        self.commentForm['postcommentform[newmessageid]'].value = hash;
        self.commentForm['postcommentform[submitpost]'].value = 'Post';

        // convert the processed form to post values
        var dataString = $(self.commentForm).serialize();
        // and actually process the call
            type: "POST",  
            url: "?page=postcomment",  
            dataType: "json",
            data: dataString,  
            success: function(data) {
                var result = data.result;
                if(result == 'success') {
                    var user =;
                    var spotterid =;
                    var rating =;
                    var text =;
                    var spotteridurl = 'http://''?search[tree]=&search[type]=SpotterID&search[text]='+spotterid;
                    var commentimage =;

                    var data = "<li> <img class='commentavatar' src='" + commentimage + "'> <strong> <t>Posted by %1</t>".replace("%1", "<span class='user'>"+user+"</span>") + " (<a class='spotterid' target='_parent' href='"+spotteridurl+"' title='<t>Search spots from %1</t>".replace("%1", spotterid) + "'>"+spotterid+"</a>) @ <t>just now</t> </strong> <br>"+text+"</li>";

                        $("#commentslist > li").removeClass("even");
                        $("#commentslist > li:nth-child(even)").addClass('even');
                        $("span.commentcount").html('# '+$("#commentslist").children().not(".addComment").size());
                } else {
                     * At least let the caller know it has failed
            error: function(data) {
                console.log('error: '+data);
    }; // cbHashcashCalculated
    this.rpHashcashCalculated = function (self, hash) {
            self.reportForm['postreportform[newmessageid]'].value = hash;
            self.reportForm['postreportform[submitpost]'].value = 'Post';
            var dataString2 = $(self.reportForm).serialize();
                type: "POST",  
                url: "?page=reportpost",  
                dataType: "json",
                data: dataString2,  
                success: function(data) {
                    var result = data.result;

                    if(result != 'success') {
                        var errors = data.errors.join('\r\n');

                        console.log('error: ' + errors);

                        $(".spamreport-button").attr('title', result + ': ' + errors);
                        alert('<t>Marking as spam was not successful:</t> ' + errors);
                    } // if
                error: function(data) {
                    console.log('error: '+data);
    }; // callback rpHashcashCalculated

    this.spotHashcashCalculated = function (self, hash) {
            // and enter the form's inputfields
            self.newSpotForm['newspotform[newmessageid]'].value = hash;
            self.newSpotForm['newspotform[submitpost]'].value = 'Post';

                type: "POST",  
                url: "?page=postspot",  
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                    var $dialdiv = $("#editdialogdiv");
                    var result = data.result;
                    var $formerrors = $dialdiv.find("ul.formerrors");
                    var $forminfo = $dialdiv.find("ul.forminformation");

                    if (result == 'success') {
                        // did we get any info field? if so, add it to the form
                        $( {
                            $forminfo.append("<li>" + this + "</li>");
                        }); // each
                         * We succesfully posted a new spot, now clear the title field
                         * and body. This makes the other field stay in tact, so if a 
                         * user is posting several of the same type of spots, he doesn't
                         * have to enter everything again 
                    } else {                        
                        // add errors of the JSON
                        $(data.errors).each(function() {
                            $formerrors.append("<li>" + this + "</li>");
                        }); // each
                    } // if post was not succesful
                }, // success()
                error: function(data) {
                    console.log('error: '+data);
    }; // callback spotHashcashCalculated
    this.postComment = function(commentForm, uiStart, uiDone) {
        this.commentForm = commentForm;
        this.uiStart = uiStart;
        this.uiDone = uiDone;
        // update the UI 

        // First retrieve some values from the form we are submitting
        var randomstr = commentForm['postcommentform[randomstr]'].value;
        var rating = commentForm['postcommentform[rating]'].value;

        // inreplyto is the whole messageid, we strip off the @ part to add
        // our own stuff
        var inreplyto = commentForm['postcommentform[inreplyto]'].value;
        inreplyto = inreplyto.substring(0, inreplyto.indexOf('@'));

        /* Nu vragen we om, asynchroon, een hashcash te berekenen. Zie comments van calculateCommentHashCash()
           waarom dit asynhcroon verloopt */
        this.calculateCommentHashCash('<' + inreplyto + '.' + rating + '.' + randomstr + '.', '>', 0, this.cbHashcashCalculated);
    }; // postComment
    this.postReport = function(reportForm, uiStart, uiDone) {
        this.reportForm = reportForm;
        this.uiStart = uiStart;
        this.uiDone = uiDone;
        var randomstr = reportForm['postreportform[randomstr]'].value;
        var inreplyto = reportForm['postreportform[inreplyto]'].value;
        inreplyto = inreplyto.substring(0, inreplyto.indexOf('@'));
        this.calculateCommentHashCash('<' + inreplyto + '.' + randomstr + '.', '>', 0, this.rpHashcashCalculated);
    }; // postReport

    this.postNewSpot = function(newSpotForm, uiStart, uiDone) {
        this.newSpotForm = newSpotForm;
        this.uiStart = uiStart;
        this.uiDone = uiDone;

        /* Clear the errors */
        var $dialdiv = $("#editdialogdiv");
        var randomstr = newSpotForm['newspotform[randomstr]'].value;
        this.calculateCommentHashCash('<' + randomstr, '>', 0, this.spotHashcashCalculated);
    }; // postNewSpot
    // We breken de make expensive hash op in stukken omdat 
    // anders IE8 gaat zeuren over scripts die te lang lopen.
    this.calculateCommentHashCash = function(prefix, suffix, runCount, cbWhenFound) {
        var possibleChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
        var hash = prefix + suffix;
        var validHash = false;

        do {
            uniquePart = '';
            for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
                var irand = Math.round(Math.random() * (possibleChars.length - 1));
                uniquePart += possibleChars.charAt(irand);
            } // for

            hash = $.sha1(prefix + uniquePart + suffix);
            validHash = (hash.substr(0, 4) == '0000');
        } while ((!validHash) && ((runCount % 500) != 0));

        if (validHash) {
            cbWhenFound(this, prefix + uniquePart + suffix);
        } else {
            if (runCount > 400000) {
                alert("<t>Calculation of SHA1 hash was not successfull:</t> " + runCount);
                cbWhenFound(this, '');
            } else {
                var _this = this;
                window.setTimeout(function() { _this.calculateCommentHashCash(prefix, suffix, runCount, cbWhenFound); }, 0);
            } // else
        } // if

    }; // calculateCommentHashCash