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class SpotReq
    private static $_merged = [];
    private static $_xsrfsecret = '';
    private static $_settings = null;
    private static $_userid = 0;

    public function initialize($settings)
        self::$_merged = array_merge_recursive($_POST, $_GET);
        self::$_xsrfsecret = $settings->get('xsrfsecret');
        self::$_settings = $settings;

    public function get($varName, $escapeType = 'none')
        if (is_array($varName)) {
            return self::escape(self::$_merged[$varName[0]][$varName[1]], $escapeType);
        } else {
            return self::escape(self::$_merged[$varName], $escapeType);

    public function getForm($formName)
        if (isset($_POST[$formName])) {
            $form = $_POST[$formName];
        } else {
            return ['action'   => '',
                'http_referer' => $this->getHttpReferer(), ];
        } // else

        /* default to an empty form action (eg: not submitted yet) */
        $form['action'] = '';

        /* and try to see if we have any real form action */
        foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
             * Extract the submit action so we can check
             * wether the form is actually to be submitted
            $formSubmitted = (substr($key, 0, strlen('submit')) == 'submit');
            if ($formSubmitted) {
                if ($form[$key]) {
                    /* pass the chosen action through if the xsrf check passes */
                    if ($this->isXsrfValid($formName)) {
                        $form['action'] = substr($key, strlen('submit'));
                    } // if
                } // if non-empty value for formsubmit
            } // if formSubmitted
        } // foreach

        // Vul altijd een referer in als die nog niet ingevuld is
        if (!isset($form['http_referer'])) {
            $form['http_referer'] = $this->getHttpReferer();
        } // if

        return $form;

    // getForm

    public function getHttpReferer()
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
            return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
        } else {
            return self::$_settings->get('spotweburl');
        } // else

    // getHttpReferer

    public static function getRequestProtocol()
        $protocol = 'http';

        if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) {
            $protocol = 'https';
        } // if

        // nginx reverse proxy, check GH issue 1569
        if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'])) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on')) {
            $protocol = 'https';
        } // if

        return $protocol;

    // getRequestProtocol

    public static function isXsrfValid($form)
        if (!isset($_POST[$form]['xsrfid'])) {
            return false;
        } // if

        // Explode the different values, if we don't agree
        // on the amount of values, exit immediately
        $xsrfVals = explode(':', $_POST[$form]['xsrfid']);

        if (count($xsrfVals) != 4) {
            return false;
        } // if

        // start validating, an XSRF cookie is only valid for 30 minutes
        if ((time() - 1800) > $xsrfVals[0]) {
            return false;
        } // if

        // if the formname ('action' in some sort of way) isn't the action we requested
        if ($xsrfVals[1] != $form) {
            return false;
        } // if

        // if the cookie is for another userid, its not valid either
        if ($xsrfVals[2] != self::$_userid) {
            return false;
        } // if

        // and check the hash so any of the values above couldn't be faked
        if (sha1($xsrfVals[0].':'.$xsrfVals[1].':'.$xsrfVals[2].self::$_xsrfsecret) != $xsrfVals[3]) {
            return false;
        } // if

        return true;

    // isXsrfValid

    public static function generateXsrfCookie($action)
        // XSRF cookie contains 4 fields:
        //   1 - Current timestamp in unixtime
        //    2 - formname (for example, 'loginform' or 'postcommentform')
        //     3 - Userid
        //    4 - sha1 of the preceding 3 strings including ':', but the secret key appended as salt
        $xsrfCookie = time().':'.$action.':'.self::$_userid;
        $xsrfCookie .= ':'.sha1($xsrfCookie.self::$_xsrfsecret);

        return $xsrfCookie;

    // generateXsrfCookie

    public function doesExist($varName)
        if (is_array($varName)) {
            return isset(self::$_merged[$varName[0]][$varName[1]]);
        } else {
            return isset(self::$_merged[$varName]);

    public function getDef($varName, $defValue, $escapeType = 'none')
        if (!isset(self::$_merged[$varName])) {
            return $defValue;
        } else {
            return self::get($varName, $escapeType);

    public function escape($var, $escapeType)
        if (is_array($var)) {
            foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
                $var[$key] = self::escape($value, $escapeType);

            return $var;
        } else {
            // and start escaping
            switch ($escapeType) {
                case 'html': return htmlspecialchars($var);

                case 'none': return $var;

                default: exit('Unknown escape type: '.$escapeType);
            } // switch
        } //else

    public function setUserId($i)
        self::$_userid = $i;

    // #setUserId